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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: he's HUGE!!!!! my goodnes...max only weighed 25 oz when he was eight weeks old. im looking at his records right now...then at three months old...he weighed only 2 lbs....

    see bellack1...bobo is sooooo healthy
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Wow, Bobo is a big boy! Can't wait to see his new pics! :m33:
  3. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Good news!! I droped off the film today and they will be ready tomorrow after 2pm. Tomorrow is also Bobo's first vet visit!!!!! I'm a little nervous! but not too bad. Bobo loves to play and poop. His two favorite things. I wonder if I should bring a poop sample? I think so. BUt what if he doesn't poop tonight? Theres an old poop in the litterbox but I was going to clean it out. Oh well we'll see if he poops tonight and if not I'll bring the old poop. YUCK! [-X Poop poo.

    You can see by my ramblings how I am lol.

    Well pica will be here soon!!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I can't wait!!! :eek: :eek:

    How exciting....good luck. :wink:
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Bellack, you are starting to sound like Lynnhaz. Very funny posts, both of you. Good luck to Bobo on his first vet visit and I can't wait to see his wonderful new pics! :m7:
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member


    tHE VET VISIT WENT WELL AND EVERYTHING IS OKAY. i DIN'T BRING A STOOL SAMPLE CUZ bOBO WOULDNT GIVE ME A FRESH ONE. The vet said he looked very good and healthy. SHe said he might be a little on the small side but he's perfectly healthy. He got his first distemper and she wormed him just in case. I have to go back in 3-4 weeks for the second worming. He can't get rabies until he's 4 months old. So everything with Bobo is good.

    NOw for the decision. The black and white boy was still there as playful as ever. At first Bobo hissed at him (from far away careful not to put them together) and the kitty was trying to swat and play with him. I held him and he purred the whole time. When I put him back he cried for me so I had to get him again.

    They brought out another girl- about 3 months old. Everyone there loves her. They said shes a Tortty. She's beautiful. Her and Bobo didn't have any mean feelings either. She purred in my arms the whole time.

    I have no idea which one to get. I'm seriously thinking about getting both-just what my dad would love. I know he'd fall in love with them right away too. What shoudl I do???? Boy girl boy girl. they both are wonderful. The boy is crazy and super playful and the girl is very sweet and loving.

    HELP PLEASE!!!!!! :0015:
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Ps. I was talking to the clerk there and she loved Bobo. She couldn't believe I had him since he was 2 days old. She was talking about her kittys. She wouldn't tell me how many she had but she gave me a hint that the legal limit was 18 so I think ashe's approaching 18 or she has over 18. She gets discounts from the vet for them and she works there so its good.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Yeah for Bobo. I'm so happy his first visit went well. I have a feeling you are going to adopt the pair and you are going to have your hands fuller than full. :qm3: It's just like when I wanted a grey kitty and Milo came with his sis Vene and we couldn't turn down the pair. 3 kittens is going to be a lot of work but I'm sure you can handle it. Look how well Bobo turned out! :kiss_heart:
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Bellack, how are you and Bobo doing? Have you decided which one to adopt yet?
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    Bellack: Maybe you should just flip a coin? Or get both if you think you can handle them all and if you can afford to. I'm glad Bobo's vet visit went well. :wink:
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    First of all let me apoligize for not being on lately. I have been at my house with the kittys and I don't have the internet there. I use it at Matt's house.

    Now the update you all have been waiting for::

    I GOT BOTH KITTYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was sucked into it. I went to the vet on Friday to show my brother the kittys and help me decide. Well he fell in love with the Torty (now Bella!!) and I couldn't leave the black and white one (now Patches!!!!) so I decided to take them both!! I had them tested and they called Saturday morning to say they were both negative for feline luk and aids and for permission to start on the vaccinations. So I was able to pick them up at around 11 that morning and take them home. The only bad thing is they both have worms and Patches has a little cold he spread to Bella so all 3 are on 2 medications- Ammoxicyllen and another yellow one- I can't rememebr the name -its like 4 letters Adol or something- anyway they are adjusting fine and my dad is okay with it- in fact he said next time he wants me to get the Gecco from gieco and the duck from Aflack-lols. Then we'll have a zoo. They are both about 8 weeks old or so. Based on tha I made birthdates for them at the vet

    Bella- May 25,2004 (my bro's bday)
    Patches- May 1, 2004
    Bobo- June 18,2004

    Bella is VERY loving and loves to cuddle. She is afraid of sudden movements from strangers and loud noises. I noticed today that she must have been separated from her mom too early b/c I have this large teddy bear and on one side his hair is kinda mated and she sucks on it like a nipple and moves her paws like she was nursing. It's so heartbreaking. I wonder what happened to her. She is beautiful.

    Patches is a little rascal!! He chases Bella around and runs back and forth around my room. Him and Bella play fight and he tries to play fight with Bobo but Bobo cries and hisses cuz he's too little. They are both larger than Bobo but Bella is smaller than Patches. Patches has a great appetite and Bella eats when no one else is. Bobo now sleeps in his own little pet bed next to my bed. Both kittys are potty trained. We've only had about 2 accidents.

    I bought more cameras and have began to take pics of the new family. I truely think I made the right decision in geting both. I only spent about $200 so far. I still have 2 more vet visits- another deworming and rabbies for all 3. Then off to neutering and so on. I'm so happy!!

    Sorry you had to wait so long. I dont know when the next update will be but I love hearing your replies.!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats on your 2 new kitties! They sound beautiful. :eek:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Yeah, Bobo has a new brother and sister! Patches and Bella are such cute names. I can't wait to see their pics! Congrats on the new additions! :0018:
  14. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks guys...they're awesome!! I have to go home soon to give them their meds though. I'll keep leaving updates when I can.
    Any advice about Bella's attachment to my bear??

    Oh and the little cat colds they have -can they be spread to my dog or rabbit??
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    oh and they're pics will come soon. In the meantime I have new pics of Bobo...posting them soon (today)
  16. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Ok I choose 12 out of 27- lol yea the whole roll was of him

    Bobo showing Budda his hedgehog how to use the litterbox too


    sleeping-look at that belly!!


    playing with Budda


    playing with mommy


    playing in litterbox


    walking good


    what all mommys fear- asleep in litterbox!! :shock:


    asleep cute as ever with his little paw


    playing again


    look at those blue eyes!!


    eating out of a dish for the first time!!


    licking his lips after a tasty meal-oh wait lets have some more!!


    Haha!!!!! He's sooo adorable! :qm4: Eat sleep poop and play
  17. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    if they dont work try right clicking on them and clicking show picture
  18. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    going home now- ill update when I come back
  19. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    going home now- ill update when I come back
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    Bobo looks so cute! He reminds me of little human baby punks. :0023: I love all the pics but I especially like the sleeping pic showing his cute toe toes!

    It's better to have Bella attached to your bear than you. She's a needy one, poor little girl. Personally, I would isolate the little ones until their colds get better. Good luck, and don't forget to wash your hands often.

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