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breed choice

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What would be a "bigger dog but a calm, lazy type dog that's good with kids"? And does anyone remember the URL of one of those sites where you can put in what you want and it suggests a breed?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my first thought is a rescued greyhound
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  5. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Newfoundlands are great with kids and easy going....as well as Mountain dogs.
  6. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    St. Bernards !! Of course I'm partial but they are the only breed of dog I have ever had and if you get one from a good breeder they make fabulous dogs. Most are lazy and calm (although my puppy is NOT) and they are definately bigger. And most looove kids (maybe not the best with little kids - just b/c of their size and they are kinda clumsy).
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I already suggested Newfies and Bernese Mountain dogs (this is my sister's sister-in-law who is looking for a dog). I wondered about St. Bernards but I don't know enough about them - I knew Eliza would fill me in!

    Her kids are small and she also has a Pom and a cat. Her husband picked up a puppy without telling her - he came home with some sort of Husky/wolfhound/wolf cross. She is thinking that's not such a good idea and the puppy is going to have to go back. I tend to agree. I think an adult dog would be an excellent choice.
  8. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Are Greyhounds lazy????
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it's my understanding that the rescued greyhounds, although they do require exercise daily, prefer to just lay around and kick back :D I would LOVE to have one but my hubby doesn't like the looks of them.

    My neighbor has a rescued x-racer and I know of a person who has 2 and they adore them....can't let them run loose since they are sight hounds they can get lost easily - but daily walks is good....but they'd be happy just turning into a vegetable.

    But if there is a cat in the house they would want to be sure the dog has been cat tested.
  10. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Yes...I was surprised to learn how laid back greyhounds are..... very non threatening... They just have to be sheltered from the cold, and not let off leash, but walked daily. We talked to some people with ex-racers at a dog event the other day, they had two with them...and both were very gentle and laid back....so much so that Rusty loved them from the get go. Usually he is a bit freak by big dogs at first, especially male dogs....but he went right up to the male greyhound, wagging his tail and giving him kisses. He had to jump UP to give him kisses--- but he really like him from first sight, no fear at all! And the greyhounds weren't at all threatening to Rusty-- in fact, they barely noticed him! If we could have larger dogs where we live, I would like to get a greyhound for Rusty's sister or brother.....he would feel very secure having a big hound on his side!
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    calm sweet and lazy. Coach potatoes they are. What about great danes.
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I don't know about Great Danes but they might want to check their homeowner's insurance first since Great Danes are on some of the stupid idiotic moronic "banned breed" lists
  13. nern

    nern New Member

    I was thinking Great Dane too. :D

    Really??? :shock: A breed known as the "gentle giant"? How dare them!?
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I believe it's due to their size - if they did choose to bite someone it wouldn't be good

    GSD, Rotties, Dobbies, Great Danes, Akitas, Chows, pitbulls, and I think there are 3 more primary breeds but most insurance companies will vary. My GSD is the most mellow laid-back dog (especially now with her age) but my insurance agent (who I work for) has her listed as a mixed breed due to her coloring and we never registered her....

    I had that banned breed list - I know more dogs that aren't on the list that would bite quicker than the banned ones. I think they should take the dog(s) on an individual basis rather than lump them all together.
  15. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    These are not lazy, but they are calm and excellent with kids (and my all time DREAM dog btw) A Tibetian Mastiff.

    The Tibetan Mastiff*
    The Tibetan Mastiff is the largest of the Oriental breeds as well as one of the most beautiful. Although historically thought of as the guard dog of the villagers and nomads, they have also been companions to Kings, Queens, and Presidents, as well as the Dali Lama. Here in the U.S. they have proven themselves as guard dogs, herding dogs, sled dogs, and most importantly, as family companions.
    The Tibetan Mastiff is the forebearer of many of today's AKC breeds, including the Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Great Pyrenees, and English Mastiff.
    They were bred for centuries with little regard for conformation, but solely for their working capabilities, leaving only the most agile and tractable dogs of tested strength, stamina and courage. Unwittingly, the villagers were approximating the choices that mother nature would have made. By this natural selection, the Tibetan Mastiff escaped many of the genetic problems prevalent in man-made and man-molded working breeds of today and is little changed from the Tibetan Mastiff of ancient times.
    Perhaps the best way to help you visualize the Tibetan Mastiff is to compare him with common breeds with which you are undoubtedly familiar. He is similar in temperament to the Akita and Rottweiler in that he is generally reserved with strangers, trustworthy with children and gentle and affectionate with his family. However, unlike the Akita and Rottweiler, the Tibetan Mastiff is generally well dispositioned toward other dogs, although he will not back down if challenged. His coat is like that of the Newfoundland in that t is double with a dense undercoat and water resistant guard coat of medium length. However, it is not that the St. Bernard in that it is large, blocky, has pendant ears, and a broad skull and muzzle. However, his jowls are not so excessive as to be constantly wet with drool. His movements is similar to that of the herding breeds in that it is free and effortless and is not the stilted or ponderous gait we see so often in other Mastiff breeds. His large, but not giant size (26-28 inches at the shoulder, 90-125 lbs. for dogs; 24-26 inches at the shoulder, 75-90 lbs for bitches) is ideal for sentry work where guarding instincts must be combined with agility, speed and endurance; and as a family pet as he is large enough to take abuses from small children, but not so large to injure them unintentionally. His size combines the advantages of the giant breeds, i.e., impressive stature, formidable appearance and great strength, without the disadvantages, i.e., shortened lifespan, clumsiness, general lethargy and a high incidence of hip dysplasia.
    The Tibetan Mastiff is eligible to be shown in breed competition in Rare Breed Shows throughout the U.S. and are often invited to AKC matches and shows for exhibition. They are eligible for Schutzhund competitions and for breed competition in F.C.I. (Federation Cynologique Internationale) member countries, including Mexico, most of Europe, and South America.


  16. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    ooohhhhh I adore big dogs
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What gorgeous dogs!!
  18. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Jamiya- Why were you asking? (May I ask? :wink: )
  19. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    well i would recommend my 2 breeds, the great pyrenees and the anatolian shepherd. they are both wonderful with children and are very calm and laid back in the house. they do have their downsides though so i would recommend really researching and taking what you read seriously before embarking on an adventure with either of these 2 breeds. i will never own another breed again but these 2 because they are just the greatest.
  20. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    Great Pyrenees

    Hello all, I am a new member here. I am "owned" by 3 Great Pyrs, Angel (mom), Beau (dad) and Arwen, (baby girl). I am ALSO "owned" by 10 grandchildren who are in my home more often than not.

    I just wanted to add my 2 cents worth on Pyrs (in general) and how they behave around children. To sum it up, they are considered to be "door mats" in the home. Usually found lying in any available doorway for hours on end.

    They are VERY laid back. They are inclined to great bursts of energy outdoors. Breeding will tell and that's their "job" in the working world. Protect the livestock, lying around until danger approaches, then race like the wind to provide protection.

    Pyrs are perfect with children as long as you keep one thought in mind. They are LARGE and if you have a young/small child, chances are no matter WHAT large breed you end up with, a small child can and will be knocked over in play with a large breed dog, any large breed dog.

    I have quite a few photos of my "furry" kids with my grandchildren on the pups' website, if you'd like to see them.

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