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Battle Grownd Chihuahuas

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Ben Synstelien, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. Ben Synstelien

    Ben Synstelien New Member


    I have an very spolied 9 year old Chi. I rencently adopted a a very active 1 year old Chi. I had to put away ALL the stuffed toys because they act like there going to kill each other...No matter which toy the one has the other wants it. Any advise????

  2. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Hmm...a very spoiled one and a new one. Do you think that the old one is getting jealous? Do all the stuffed toys belong to the old one?

    How did you introduce them when you first brought the new one home? And, where did you get him/her?

    The old one probably is not ready to share his/her toys with the new one yet. What about separate them with the exercise pen and do the introduction again slowly?
  3. Ben Synstelien

    Ben Synstelien New Member

    Dear DogLover,

    Yes I did ALL the right things in introducing them..this took weeks. All the toys are new. They do sleep very well with each. The new guy is so board without the toys he drags the other one around in the bed...tips it over and gos crazy with it. :shock:

    Thanks for your reply

  4. Ben Synstelien

    Ben Synstelien New Member


    By the way there names are Eddy (old guy) and Elvis (1 yeard)

  5. Ben Synstelien

    Ben Synstelien New Member


    I introduced them at a small dog park. I adopted Elivs from a shelter. Eddy the 9 year old I have had since birth, from a breeder/

  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Welcome to the board! I don't have any great advice but I wanted you to know I know how you feel. I have a multidog household and toys are always a big argument. All my girls have their own toys which are left in their crates or what they consider their rooms. The toys that are left in the various toy baskets through out the house are what we call community toys but even then there is still the occasional dispute. Hope to see pictures of your furbabies! You can see all mine by clicking on my www tab below my post.
  7. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Seems like everything else is going fine, except for the toy dispute.
    Like Gina suggested, you probably can assign each's toys and put them in each crate. In regards to the "community toys" I had had the same problems with my old dogs, it's the same thing as fighting over territory.
  8. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    #Welcome to the board.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The book "Mine" by Jean Donaldson has some good advice about resource guarding. I think her book "Dogs are From Neptume" also has some info about this.

    "Mine" is very short and not very expensive - I would definitely buy it and use it: http://www.dogwise.com/itemdetails.cfm?ID=DTB740

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