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Prong Collars

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Are these things a good idea?

    I have never used one and quite frankly, they look bad to me but after the walk we had the other day, I need something to help control Indy when he starts pulling (he's 100+ lbs btw). With the choker chain, he just chokes himself.

    What else would be a good idea for a dog that pulls? A BIG dog that pulls?
  2. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    I never used choke chain before. But, a few articles that I read online all suggested that an owner try to stay away from using the choke chain.

    What about a harness or a head collar? With a harness, he won't choke himself by pulling. With a head collar, he won't be able to pull as the collar directs his face to you.

    Correct me if I am wrong.
  3. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I've tried a harness. That is actually worse than a regular collar. I haven't used a head collar. I was thinking about trying one of them.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I use a Holt harness on Natalie. It does'nt allow her to drag me because its designed to stop dogs from pullng. I've never tried it on a very large dog but it might be worth giving a try.
    I'm trying to teach Natalie to walk on a loose leash and I also bought a Hatli head collar but I'm still working on (not very consistantly) getting her used to it before attempting to walk her on it.
  5. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Give a try on the head collar. My vet told me that it is a good tool in training dog to walk on the leash.

    I tried harness, but my puppy grew too fast, and it became too tight. :x Wasted me $8...

    I wished I could get a head collar, but my Cavalier's nose is too short, and the collar couldn't even be fit in place. :oops:

    Let us know if the head collar solves your problem.
  6. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    I agree that head collars are definately not for the short-nosed- I tried it with Cam and it would not stay in place either.
  7. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    If a dog has a long nose and overall big head, are the head collars secure? I am always worried about the collar coming off if he pulls the wrong way. That would be a nightmare! Actually happened to me once, that dog made me chase him all down the street.
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Ok if I am thinking of the right collar (prong) my grandparents used this on their 100lb# Rottie and it worked for them. They had a horrible problem with her pulling but its under control now and she walks with a regular colar now. I will have to ask them about it next time I see them.
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    The halti comes with a little attatchment so you can attatch it to the dogs collar. This way if the head collar slips your dog will still be attatched to the leash by his regular collar.
  10. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    If you decide to go for the head collar, take yours to the store with you so that you can find the right fit for him/her. By the way, what's his/her name?
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I remember reading somewhere that normal harnesses are bad for a dog who pulls, it just makes them want to pull more. Because when you think about dogs who pull sleds and stuff they wear harnesses and it makes it easier to pull by shifting the weight (does that makes sense?)
    I have never tried the head ones. My obdience lady said not to use them, but alot of people here really like them. I think pulling is just one of those things you have to train your dog (not an easy thing) not to do, or sometimes they eventually grow out of it.
    With Luther (quite a bit different, he is maybe 1/10 th the size of your dog), he is better the more wals we go on, if I am sick for a few days and only let him out in the yard, the next few days on the leash is always a pulling and tugging battle.
    Something I found useful with my old dog was to just stop whenever I felt like it and wait. She was always really bad walking, until I switched to a normal collar (before she had a harness, because her neck was bigger than her head at first). But good luck.
  12. Angie

    Angie New Member

    My dogs weighs about 70 lbs. and she is very strong. I always hated taking her for walks because she would drag me and it just killed my arm and she almost pulled me over several times. A few people on here suggested to me the prong collar and it did work for me. You don't use it all of the time but as you do use it, it teaches not to pull.


  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A head halter is a good tool to use (for some dogs) to teach them not to pull. The Halti does have a safety line that attaches to the flat collar so if your dog gets it off he's not loose. The Gentle Leader should not be loose enough for your dog to get off, but I guess it happens. (It has never happened to us.)

    A prong collar can also be a useful tool if used correctly. Make sure you fit it correctly and learn to use it. You shouldn't be popping his neck harshly with a prong collar (or any other collar) on.

    There is a method for leash pulling used with TTouch. They have a leash that connects on both ends. You put one end on the flat collar and the other end on a head halter. You use both hands to control the dog, alternating pulling GENTLY on one line and then the other. You release right away. A dog cannot pull if there is nothing to pull against, so you pull back gently and release....pull back gently and release...rinse and repeat. I know, with a huge dog pulling HARD it's easier said than done - but you want to be working very hard to NOT be pulling on the leash constantly. The double line REALLY helps. Stand in one place and alternate the pressure until the dog is standing balanced on a loose lead. Then walk SLOWLY and keep the dog in control, stopping when necessary. It can be VERY slow at first and you may not make it past the end of your driveway, but it eventually pays off.

    Harnesses are for pulling. If you want you dog to pull you like a sled, then go ahead and get a harness. :)
  14. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Thanks for all the advice. I am going to take Indiana (his name!) to Petsmart today or tomorrow and see what I can find. I have never seen the double lead thing but I will look for it.

    He really isn't that bad to walk except when he meets other dogs. Then he gets really excited and starts jumping around. The other day, I made the mistake of taking both! the dogs on the walk. They were doing really well until we came to a interesting point in the road. There were 3 houses that all had distractions. At the far end was a crazy guy yelling to who knows, the middle one had a pregnant lady come out with a bunch of kids, the third had about 5 dogs in the yard barking and going crazy at us. That got both the dogs excited. Tried to just walk forward, they started pulling (2 St Bernards! Yikes!), I almost lost my footing (and them!). Then I just stopped and wandered how I was going to get out of this mess. I was finally able to get them turned around and went back the way I came. Never taking them both again. At least not until the puppy learns better how to walk and calms down a lot. Samantha (the older one) she knows better but she thinks, he's doing so I am too.
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You probably won't find the double lead in the store. They do sell it on the Tellington web site, however.

    There's a book called "Feisty Fido" that talks about dogs barking and lunging at other dogs while on leash. Even though it is written about dogs that do this due to aggression, I think the techniques would be beneficial for a dog that does it out of excitement as well. It's all about training the dog to look to YOU automatically when they see another dog approaching.
  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I had the same problem with Jake who is 100+ #. he would be fine walking but if he saw another dog, he would want to go greet it. I had to let go of his leash in some unsafe sitations. I resorted the the prong collar and wit worked great and I ddint have to use the correction very often. I had a trainer show me how to use it, because they are useless unless used properly, and you dont nedd the big thick collars. the trainer says people do those for looks to make their dog look bad. So Jakes wasonly like 1" thick if that. There is a good thread on this if you go to the old site and put in prong collars. I think maisey posted it, showed how to properly use one. It could have been on the pb site too. it was a godsend for me

  17. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member


    i have helped friends train dogs with the prong collar they do not hurt the dog simpley pinch alittle to make them loosen up i use one on my bully also and she is starting to walk wonderfully
  18. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Ok after seeing a pic of the prong collar that is the one my grandparents used and it worked great on their rottie.
  19. Angie

    Angie New Member

    honeybears, I posted (on the first page) the same website that was posted on the Pit Bull website before. (That I used.)


    3Dogsihave, I am glad the prong collar has worked for you!
    When I first saw a picture of it, I thought it would really hurt the dog but after reading about and trying it, it was great!
  20. Minervasmomma

    Minervasmomma New Member

    I so love my prong collar. At 5 foot 2 and weighing in slightly under 120 lbs, and Minnie weighing about 75-80lbs, this was my last resort, and it has worked wonders. I tried the head harness, the actual harness thingy (which proved to be complicated, prolly just for me, though!) and nothing seemed to work. The prong is my new best friend!

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