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Petsmart Paw Print Party!!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Okay... so, last night we had NO power when we got home. We've had several storms the past week with more to come today.. oh joy! Anyway, I had heard on the radio last night while we were driving home about how Petsmart was throwing their very first Paw Print Party from 6:00-8:00pm. So, since we had no power anyway, I talked hubby into taking the girls with me!

    Let me tell you first, they looked SO frickin cute with their little harnass on and collar w/their tags! At 5 lbs each, they finally fit into them!!

    We couldn't even get into the store w/o being stopped by someone who wanted to pet them! They are not really "walkable" right now, so we held them the majority of the time.

    They were SO nervous when we first got there but they eventually settled down a bit. We were there for an hour.. they had food & drinks for the adults and treats for the dogs & cats. They set up a section in the store where they did the paw prints and they had a photographer there who took pictures if you wanted. They had this double heart frame you could get that was perfect to put their pic on one side & their paw print on the other! They also handed out free paw print making kits to take home for those that didn't have their pets there (I grabbed a couple of those to do at home :mrgreen: ).

    We ended up talking to this woman for about 20 minutes who was there with her.. yep... SHIH-POO! :eek: His name was Joey and he was a cutie.. looked a lot like Emma. He was 2 yrs. old and 13 lbs. We put Molly down and she sniffed him! It was SO funny to see how tiny they were to him! He had a very poodle-like face and she was amazed at how much of a "teddy bear" look that Molly & Emma had.

    It was a great time and I'm glad we took them.. even if my arm was numb from holding Emma for an hour! :lol: Even though they were very nervous intially, I know this was important because now is the time for them to be exposed to this kind of stuff. I plan on going to the next one also and I'm sure it will be easier for them the more we go.

    It really was fun! Has anyone else gone to one of these?
  2. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Ive never been to one Im not sure if they have them at the petsmarts down here but if they do I kno Trixie would luv it because she loves playing and saying hi to other dogs if they have one ill have to try and go.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    That sounded like fun. I am still waiting for meetup.com to have enough poodle owners for a meet up in our area. I've not heard of petco doing that. I would go though. When I do go to pet co I almost alway strike up a convo with a dog owner. Was your electricity back on when you got home?
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Oh, meeting up with other poodle owners in your area would be cool! I'll have to check out that site, I've never heard of it.

    No, we had no power last night when we got home! When we got to Petsmart it wasn't raining yet (it was at home but not 20 minutes away at the Petsmart) but when we left just after 8:00 it was starting to pour! Molly & Emma were trying to figure out what was going on because it was the first time they had been in the car when it's raining. I let Emma lay on the seat and Molly was in the crate with the door open and I reclined the seat back so I could lay down with them :D They slept most of the way home! The power came on about 10:20, which was good b/c we were still awake and we were able to set our alarm clocks!
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    It really sounds like you had a great time, Christina!!! :eek: I think something like that would be great...too bad I've never heard of those here at our PetSmart. :( I know we have Santa, the Easter Bunny, and all that, but not an event such as yours. I'll have to wait and see if something like that pops up at our PetSmart...you know I'll be there! :wink:

    About the power outages, I feel for ya'!!!! We are ALWAYS having power outages, it's crazy. And it's not like the power goes out just for a couple of hrs., no, it goes out for LONG periods of time - usually 8 or more hrs.!!!! :x So, sick and tired of having to deal with the outages, I now have a generator...I don't know how I lived w/out it! :)

    Anyhow, glad you guys had a good time!!! :D
  6. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Keep watch, MyBaby, they may do it in your area too! I asked them last night how often they did this and they said that last night was the first time they were trying it! So... who knows.. if it was a success (and my opinion is that it was!), they may do it on a regular basis :D It really was a terrific way to get all the pets & owners into the store and hang out over some cookies and drinks etc.!

    Yeah, I've had it with the power outages! It happened Monday night as well as last night (but it wasn't off for as long). We don't have a generator yet, but luckily the owner before us had professionals install everything for the hookup.. we just need to get off our butts and buy a generator now!
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    You bet I'll keep an eye out for it, PooGirl...I'm sure it would be a great time!!! :eek:

    How handy that the previous owner have all the generator hookups, that'll definitely save you time and money! Once you get a generator, you'll wonder just how you managed to survive without it during your power outages!!! Ah, gotta' love modern technology! :)

    Have a good one! :D
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    CHRISTINE!!! knock knock! ....... HELLO!?????????? WHERE ARE THE PICTURES? :m7:

    That sounds sooooo cute!! I'm going to have to watch for that here at our local Petsmart! I bet the girls had a total ball...... not to mention the PROUD mommy and daddy.....hehe :love_y_t_much:
  9. Rene

    Rene New Member

    :eek: I can't wait they are opening a new petsmart right down the street from me i hope they have this paw party it sounds like alot of fun and sebastain and jasmine really need to be exposed to more dogs i think it would be good for them. they only get to see the neighbors dogs thru the fence and all of them bark at each other peek thru the cracks and run back and forth it's kinda funny i dont know what they would do if they ever actually got to see each other for once :D

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