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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  4. Live Spirulina

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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by dude412, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    FISH only grow to the size of there surroundings
  2. Popeye

    Popeye New Member

    bull-loney. they grow regardless of the size of their surroundings. they will aquire deformities & poor health if their tank is too small...
  3. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    FINIALLY! I AGREE FULLY, I mean if i were to stick you in a 2by2 steal cage you would grow to the size of your surrounding. I mean your bones would be defored and might even go through on of your vital oragans but that doesnt matter... right?
  4. papastew

    papastew New Member

    Is this guy seroius? Dude you should check out the web to find the kittens they place in a glass jar and then grow to the shape of the jar. An awful, awful site. Its all the same .... cruelty to animals.
  5. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i fully agree [​IMG]
    here are a couple picture of what we are talking about
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Yeah, it's called stunting and it leads to deformities, weakened immune systems, and premature death.

  7. Bl@cky

    Bl@cky New Member

    FISH only grow to the size of there surroundings

    Crap!!!! :x Big fish in a small tank grows slower than it would in a large but when i did get bigger it would be all twisted, retarted if you like. This line

    FISH only grow to the size of there surroundings

    is a poor excuse people like you who dont take experienced peoples advice and do it anyway. They use this line to try and convince themself that they are doing the right thing :(

    Fish in a community tank with many mates will also grow slower because they make them selves grow evenly or at the same speed as there mates, this is why its a good idea to have pairs of fish of the same kind so they grow together and you have a normal tank community. All fishes grow at the right speed and grow normally and not deformed

    Please Please listen to people in here most have years of experence, do it for they saftey of your fish. Remeber an experenced person has made mistakes before thats why they know what not to do listen to them and don't make the mistakes the have done or seen :eek: [/quote]
  8. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    im sorry i had been informed that fish will only grow to the size of there surroudings i appologize for all the stupid things i said :(
  9. Bl@cky

    Bl@cky New Member

    No need to apologize you are learning, but when a number of people say's to you your tank is full listen to them. Don't then turn around and ask if a fresh water octopus or what ever will be ok in there with the fish.

    Its ok to ask questions but try and reseach the fish by yourself first, you learn more this way and then you can ask more indepth qestions about the fish and have a genral knowlege of it first.

    just listen to advice the ones giving it often know more
  10. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    I WOULDN'T AGREE MORE THAN THAT. Please do not keep fishes that you're incapable of providing of, making them suffering..
  11. needlefish1

    needlefish1 New Member

    even though the ish doesnt grow. the fishes organs keep growing so the fish lives a very uncomfortable life

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