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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jody, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Gina - How are going? Are you recovering well?
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Awwww! Jody thanks for asking! IM doing really well IM sore and bruised but getting along just fine. I have had a great support system not only physically but mentally. Poor little Fancy has ended up with an infection so she has been running fever and not feeling well today so I have been at the Vets office with her twice today. The dog who attacked me was not put down on Wednesday as I had originally been told. The neighbors are actually trying to fight it claiming it was accidental that the dog was trying to get at my dog and that somehow it was all provoked. It's not so much that I want the dog to be put down I just want the neighbors to take responsibility for what has happened and I know the dog is a danger and if it is not PTS this will happen again. It had already bitten a child in the face prior to attacking me and nothing was done. These people don't have a leg to stand on legally because the dog was on my property when it attacked not only Fancy but me as well. They are fighting a losing battle and they know it. They offered to pay my medical and Fancy's vet bills if we did not take them to court. Grrrrrrrr IM so mad that this was allowed to happen in the first place. The city should have taken the dog after the first incident of the dog harming a human. So they are just as at fault as the owners of the dog.
  3. Jody

    Jody New Member

    OMG are you serious. Are these neighbours of yours complete idiots or do they need it spelt out to them.

    You are sueing them though arn't you?

    Keep us informed.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I can't see them winning especially since this was not the first time the dog has done something like this. After the first incident you would think they would be more careful to prevent it from happening again. I'm sorry Gina....how frustrating.
    I hope you and Fancy are feeling better soon.
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Yes we are definitely taking legal action against them and we have been pretty much assured that we would get everything we want out of this. If it had been one of our children I can only imagine how much worse it would have been. I mean god I got 21 stitches all the way up my side and two broken ribs not to mention a broken hand. And IM going to have to have another surgery done because of nerve and tissue damage in my hand.
    This is just all so frustrating! And its right before we are trying to prepare for a much needed vacation. :?
  6. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Glad to know that you're getting better. Best of the wish to your dog as well. Well, I feel horrible to hear that your neighbors are shifting gears and that you'll have to go through the legal process for justice. You have supports from everyone here!!!
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Aww G8ina I'm so sorry that had to happen to you. Get well soon!!
  8. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    Stick to your guns GinaH. Take them them for what ever you can. That dog should of been put down after the first attack on a child. If your neighbor keeps it up ask them how they would feel if it was them that was attacked. I hope you and your baby get better soon. You have my support and my prayers through all of this. :y_the_best: :kiss_heart:
  9. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Good for you Gina & I'm so sorry this has happened to you of all people! Hope you are better soon! Gosh, how many attacks before people realize its the negligence on the part of the people and its the poor dogs (and victims) who suffer. It's really disturbing.

    Get well soon, and take that vacation!!!!

  10. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member


    ok i dont get this this dog has attacked more than once it should be put down this is BS GET THEM FOR ALL YOU CAN GINAH!!!!!!!

    Nakoma .........your in my prayers
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    But Gina....now you know your dogs provoked this right...because the ARE Pit BULLS!!!!!!
    (totally using sarcasm)

    Anyhow. Keep your chin up high (where it belongs anyhow) and don't you dare take no for an answer!
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Of course, it was the PEKE that the dog went after, not a pit bull. The pits would have had a hard time provoking a fight from INSIDE the house.

    And what if one of your dogs DID start it? It was on your property and the dog attacked YOU! And he has bitten a child before!

    For pete's sake. Maybe the neighbors should be PTS as well...
  13. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    You know what though Jamiya when the police came out they treated my husband and I like criminals because we own Pit Bulls. They asked me twice where were my Pit Bulls when the "Incident" occured. Yea "Incident" can you believe they would refer to a person getting attacked by a dog as an "incident" anyways so I explained in a calm manner that my APBT's were inside the house the entire time and that the dog came into my yard and attacked my Pekingese. Yes of course she barked at the dog when he first approached us but it was in no way provoked.
    So then the cops say to us well Mr.Willings says his dog has sustained injuries in the past from one of your dogs. Well, that of course was a total lie! I told the policeman that simply was not true. And he says well Mr.Willings knew what breed of dog you own and was even able to give a detailed description of your dog. (He described Pinky my solid white DEAF and very submissive super friendly wouldn't hurt a flea APBT.)
    OK we live in a very small rural community of maybe 800 people so ya know....Who doesn't know what breed of dog I have for god sakes! Most of the people in this rinky dink town are so nosy they can tell you the last time I took a shi* so yeah of course my next door neighbor who we allow to use our pasture for HIS HORSES IS GONNA KNOW WHAT KIND OF DOGS I HAVE!! So of course my husband had reached his boiling point by this time and had started to use foul language here and there which he never does unless he is really really mad! So he says to the policeman would you like to meet my dogs? Because I can bring them all out and show you how very viscious they are! Especially Pinky the one who supposedly injured Mr. Willings dog! He then says you know what that SOB is really lucky it was our Pekingese that stupid Bleeping dog decided to attack and not one of our PIT BULLS because the outcome may not have been so rosy for him and his stupid Bleeping dog.
    Ughhhhh! So with that said I decided I better take over the conversation. I explained again for the 1000th time what happened and how it happened with Mr.Willings dog including a few weeks back when the dog came on our porch and killed our cat Freddie in front of my children.
    I have had it with these people if they would have been civil about this and accepted that they were at fault in the first place all of this would have worked out much better for them. But now there's no letting it go.

    Oh I have wished it several times!
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That is all so insane. One look at your injuries should be all they need. Are they waiting for the dog to KILL a child or something? Your kids are already traumatized by witnessing what happened to Freddie and to you - do the police know that part?

    I am so ANGRY!! :x
  15. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I really don't think they care. My husband is a Prison guard and part time State Policeman on the weekends and he is getting the cold shoulder over this whole deal. I guess because the neighbor (Mr. Willings) is a long time resident here born and raised and we are sort of the outsiders having only lived here three years. So we are being looked at as troublemakers I guess. I don't know and I really don't care what any of the hypocrites here have to say. I have a select few who have stood beside me but the majority either say nothing or pretend to not know what's going on and then talk about my husband and I and how were just out to get Mr. Willings and his family! Grrrrrrrrrr! Stupid small town!
  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wow, GIna, that is horrible!

    "My husband is a Prison guard and part time State Policeman on the weekends and he is getting the cold shoulder over this whole deal. I guess because the neighbor (Mr. Willings) is a long time resident here born and raised and we are sort of the outsiders having only lived here three years."

    is that why they havent done anything to the dog yet? or Mr willings for that manner? Just be careful, You dont want any retaliation if these people are so supportive of Mr willings or what he may do. That is probably why nothing was done with the other attacks Gosh with your husband in law enforcement and you have been in the town for 3 years, that is sad to hear you are getting the cold shoulder.

  17. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Gina, Gina, Gina... I just came over to see if you posted anything to let us know how you're doing. I can NOT believe the ridiculous crap you've had to go through. THIS IS NUTS!! :( What have they said about him killing your family pet a few weeks ago?? And I think you ought to hook up with the family of the child who the dog attacked.....!!! I'm sure there is a lot more to that story too!

    and by the way: LMAO @
  18. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Gina: Just stick to your guns. Don't let anyone draw the attention to the fact that you have Pit Bulls. They have absolutely nothing to do with what happen to you. Small town has a way with intimidating people that are newcomers. Believe me, I have a big mouth and I'm very opinionated (comes with old age) and I would tell you if I thought you had anything to do with this incident. Because of these people a dog was put to sleep, you had a family cat killed, and you were physically and mentally injured. Don't let them intimidate you into thinking you did anything wrong. You own Pit Bulls, so what! That's not even a factor into what happened.
  19. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Gina, I agree with everybody here, stick to your guns and take this or everything he has got....I'll pray for you!

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