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Lynnhaz's Max is panting after 1/2 play with Mikey

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn wrote:
    Has anyone ever heard of Max's condition and can offer some insights? I'm worried too and please put in a good word or prayers for Max and Lynn. Thank you!
  2. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Footsie used to pant. Last summer when it was hot out and he was a super active and playfull. He'd just get really hot while playing, and wouldn't know when to quit. It gradually stopped as the weather got cooler. The vet said that thats what they do when they're too hot, and told me not to worry about it as long as he was drinking.
    I haven't seen it at all this summer, probably becuase he doesn't jump around nearly as much as he used to.
    Lynn? Is it really hot in your house? Is he still having potty problems, if so maybe he needs more water to keep hydrated and cool.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Zeus pants and coughs...I think asthma but the vet has checked his lungs/heart and they sound fine.

    Maybe it's overheating...cats will pant like a dog if they are overheated
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh you guys...i am so glad that vene posted that. i didnt feel like doing it again. i am stressed. max saw the vet today...xrays, ekg, later today a sonogram? or echocardiogram? dont know which...

    i will let you guys know more tonight. please keep us in your thoughts. i hope it is not heart disease or something really serious. hes been through enough. :cry:
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I dont think it is very serious. Smokey pants a lot too after playing fetch. They just need to catch their breath like us. If he's panting for no reason then it may be serious but if its just because he's rilled up from playing then I think he's okay. Just bring him to the water bowl and see how he does. He's just tired and excited and wants to play!
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Let us know how it goes lynn. What did the vet say about the panting? I will be thinking of you and Max.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Here's the latest update on Max's condition:
    Let us all cross our fingers and paws and pray and hope for the best!
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Sending prayers that everything will be okay with Max. [-o<
  9. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member


    Raymond does the exact same thing, several times after strenuous play he has literally sat down with his mouth hanging open and tongue hanging out panting. I have never seen a cat do that and thought it was odd. When I mentioned it to the vet they couldn't really hear his heart because of purring, but because he seems healthy in every other way they didn't really seem to concerned about it. Hmmmmmm. Let me know what your outcome is, I hope everything is okay with your little cutie.
  10. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Re: Lynn

    Too funny. The last time we were at the vet they couldn't hear Footsie's heart becuase he was growling!
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Deb and Footsie, you two are too funny. I still haven't heard any updates from Lynn. Lets just hope that Max played too hard and will be just fine.
  12. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    that's what I'm hoping for!!

    I cyber love that little guy!
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    pepe use to pant quite a bit after playing. he doesnt do it much now. we told the vet about it when we took him for his allergies a long time ago and they didnt seem too concerned.

    hope everythings fine.
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Lynnhaz, I sure hope little Max doesn't have anymore medical problems. Please let us know what the test results are. I sure hope you have good news for us.
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    Great news people. Little Max tested negative for all his tests yesterday. He's mostly fine- the heart and colon are fine although he may be getting asthma or something else. Lynn will have to clarify for us today. I'm so happy for Lynn, and the M+M's! :0008: :qm3: :qm1: everyone for putting in good thoughts and prayers for Lynn's little Maxie!
  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock:
    that cat will take me to an early grave...
    :shock: :shock: :shock:

    well, thank you vene for posting...it is so appreciated. :wink:

    as vene said...max's tests were all negative. :eek: the doctor who did the ultrasound said his heart is very strong...very healthy and he has no congenital defects or disease. which is a very good thing. i am soooo relieved. he said make sure i use clumping, dust free kitty litter. i have a very good air purifier in the house which helps. it could be the beginning of feline asthma. lets just keep our fingers crossed that it isnt.

    personally...i think max plays too hard and gets himself worked up. but...i just wanted to be safe and rule out any serious problem.

    MAX AND MIKEY ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS YOU GUYS!!!! :m41: i am going to post more on that topic under "i might adopt mikey"

    thank you for the support, caring and prayers... :y_the_best: i was pretty much beside myself yesterday.

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