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irresponsable owners or just a baby killer??

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Texas Pride, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. Texas Pride

    Texas Pride New Member

    About a week ago, A woman that my stepdad knows was babysitting her granddaughter, 5-6 months old. The grandma and her husband raise pits for hunting, and have one that is a pet. Well, one day, another male dog came up to the ppls house and the pit and the other dog began to fight, the woman, with the baby mind you, ran outside put the baby down to break the dogs up, and the other dog ran past her, and the pit went to get the dog and crushed the babies head. Yes i know that it is always a bad thing and a big deal when a baby or anyone is killed by a dog, or dies period. But now all these ppl around here are saying that it is the untrustworthy dog, the pit, that is the reason why the baby is dead. tell me do you think that it is all the dogs fault? they are talking about BSL here. I think that the whole thing could have been avoided if the grandmother had not taken the baby outside, where 2 male dogs are fighting over territory, just no very good common since if yoiu ask me. I know I had to get rid of my male pit because my wifes lab kept jumping on him till one of them got hurt, and after 8 times finally the lab did get hurt.
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    what do you mean by crushed? did it run over the baby? i agree, pretty silly where she put the baby. if it were me id be more worried about me stepping on the baby than a dog [if thats what happened] im a clutz.
  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I agree that it is irresponsible owners. A lot of people just don't understand that ANY dog can injure a human (intentionally or not) when they are "in the heat of battle". It's horrible that a child lost it's life because of a careless grandmother. To be honest, I would have gone out there to break up the fight too (therefore putting myself in danger), but my son would have remained inside - away from the dogs. I am curious also as to what you mean by the dog crushed the baby's head...did he step on the baby, bite the baby????
  4. Texas Pride

    Texas Pride New Member

    the dog turned to bite the other dog and it bit the baby. I mean how careless can you be to allow that to happen. I'd much rather lose a dog, than a child. the dogs would have eventally stoped. the least she could have done was leave the baby insidefrom what the news showed it happened about 3 feet from the back door. and now everytime I takl about my pit ppl are like did you hear what happened to that baby, you just cant trust a pit bull. And this is comming frrom ppl who have never owened a pit, to tell you the truth I'd trust my pit w/ my life before I would trust my wife. But thats just me.
  5. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    Why on earth would she take the baby outside and put him/her on the ground while 2 dogs are fighting?!? ANY breed in the middle of a fight is not going to stop and think, "oh wait that's a human child". It's the adult's responsibility to keep everyone safe. The dog was doing his "job" by trying to keep out the dog intruder. What a horrible tragedy for the family.
  6. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i jus will never understand some people.. to sit a baby outside near two dogs fightin.. even when 2 humans fight, you should take ya child inside.. what stupidity..
  7. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Im shocked, I grabbed my mouth when I red this story. How sad for the family of this little baby that lost it life because of a irresponsible grandmother.

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