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rainbow does not cherp or squack

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by kathy5, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    you know the sound a talking budgie makes that high piched squek sound this Is what he does I thought at first it was because he was new & scard but he has been here for almost a month now does any ones elses bird not cherp???
    this Is a link to a video I took whal rainbow was making his strange noise he Is In the cage on the swing I didn't want to get to close for fear that he may stop you can hear my kids In the backround having lunch make sure your vvolume Is up so you can hear how he talks he does not cherp just does this weird noise
    go down to the bottom of the page where you will see raibbow's funny talkingclick on the link Ifyou get a screen that says no Info avaible on the top of this page you will see a play button small triangel push this to start the video this Is what I had to do anyways

  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Chirping and screetching.

    Hi Kathy, I can't download the sound you recorded from Rainbow, but I think I know what sound your talking about. My parakeet (Named Trouble) always does a soft little chatter...like he's talking but when I turn on the music, the vaccum, the tv...anything that makes a good amount of noise, it's like someone flipped a switch in him, and he tries to make a screetching sound louder than the radio, or whatever is on. It's like he's real excited. He LOVES to listen to music. WHen he does he bobs up and down like he's dancing!! He's adorable. Trouble obtained his name from my mother. Over Thanksgiving last year my husband and I took him with us to my parents house, and he was sitting in his cage near the computer where my mom was, and he kept throwing his food, bedding and treats out of his cage, not just onto the floor, but AT my mother! LOL it was too funny. And now everytime we go visiting, that's what he does, he likes to throw things at people.
    Rainbow is a beautiful bird...where did you find it??? A breeder, a pet store? Do you know what the parents looked like? I've never seen one like it before! Well have a good day!
  3. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    hi try again I just did a shorter vershion today
    as for rainbow I got him from a pet store I'm not sure what his parents looked like but they must of been pretty to get such a beatiful bird

    I have other pictures of him posted here on the board some where
    here Is one that shows all of his coloring

    looks like he Is soo tired
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    oh maaaan lol
    my cockatiel (Gus) and Raven(my budgie) here loved that little clip. they tried to talk back to him.

    To let ya know, thats normal... normal as a budgie can be heh
    Raven chirples on like that all the time when she is bored and wanting attention :)

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