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Remembering Vene

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Most of you are aware that I lost Vene on 7/15/03. She was hit by a car and died on sudden impact. Her beautiful eyes were open and I'll never forget that image. She was only 3 yrs old. I just want to share with you some photos and old memories. My camera was just fixed so now I'm able to take pics of her old pics. Some of them may be grainy. I think I'm finally grieving for her because I'm crying for her for the very first time and I can't stop my tears.

    I wanted a grey kitten back in 2000 even though we have Pumpkin and Monty. Hubby's co-worker's sister's newly adopted supposedly spayed cat gave birth to a litter of 6 kittens. Milo and Vene were the only ones left. When I came home from work, there were 2 little surprises- Milo and Venus or should I say Venus de Milo. Their original names were Milo and Stephanie. Vene does not look like a Stephie to me so we renamed her. They were born on 4/14/00. Milo is grey and Vene the other.


    They were 8 weeks old when we got them and very self confident and knew immediately were everything was. We didn't need to show them where the food, water, or kitty litter was. They explored and found out right away. From left to right: Monty, Vene, Milo,Pumpkin.


    She slept and played hard with Milo. Milo used to wake up next to her and beat her up and she'd get very mad and fustrated. She'd go outside and take it out on rabbits and moles. I'll never forget her very first catch. It was a live rabbit 4X larger than her and she dragged it from across the street towards us.



    She grew up very quickly and loved to snuggle with us even after our human baby arrived. She'd jump in my arms every chance she gets whether I'm sitting or standing.









    As you can see, Vene got along real well with everyone especially Monty. I will remember her fondly and besides, she's never really gone because I see her occassionally around our home! Thanks for listening.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    How bitter sweet. I'm sure looking through the pictures and remembering makes you smile and frown all in the same. Thank you so much for sharing. I especially loved the picture with the birds on the TV.
  4. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Aww Vene I'm glad you shared. She was beautiful. You know as well as I do that she is still ALWAYS around you. She doesn't want to leave. Maybe when you feel her around, you can snap a couple pics and maybe she'll pose for you!! Thanks again :qm3:
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for sharing vene. She was a beautiful cat as are all of your others.
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Thanks so much for sharing your pictures vene. It's so sad when we loose one of our kitties. It's good to remember, though. Hopefully grieving will help you to heal. I love your pictures.
  7. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member


    thank you for sharing, :cry:
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Vene, that was a beautiful post. The pictures are wonderful. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a great loss. I know how you feel. :cry: I still miss my Handsome so much. :cry: Thanks for sharing the story and pictures of your beautiful Vene.
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and understanding. They mean a lot to me! Because Vene died so young and so tragically, I feel that I failed her. It just boggles my mind that Rene, our latest addition does exactly the same things that Vene did like attack the same basement wall panel, bite and destroy the shades, sit and sleep in the same 2 sofa and chair. After a while, Rene and Vene started to blurr together and we'd call Rene Vene. Maybe I should let Vene go so she can rest in peace. For you non believers, I've seen and heard Vene in our house several times and hubby saw her in our garage once (he denies it now). Thanks again!
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi vene...ive just now gotten to the new posts after yesterdays events....

    my heart just breaks :cry:
    to even think of her loss... :cry:

    she is sooo beautiful...her coloring, her little face. i can see why you loved her so much.

    vene...you did not fail her. it was an accident. we cant prevent all the bad things from happening...you have kitties that go outdoors, and they have been okay. please dont blame yourself.

    maybe she is otis's friend at rainbow bridge. i know otis has many friends up there...if they are not friends now...maybe he can go find her...and make a new friend.

    she is really beautiful though. both she and milo have such beautiful markings. :wink: :m27:
  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Oh Vene IM so very sorry. The loss of a pet is such a hard part of life. Although you only had three years with Vene IM sure she knew how much she was loved.

    A Special Gift

    They're a very special gift; to be charished and loved
    Your're chosen for each other; by God Himself above
    It's a match made in heaven; so it can't be wrong
    You've tied together by a bond; that's oh so strong
    All they'll ever ask from you; is to be loved and fed
    And at night make sure they have, fresh water and a bed
    In return for so little; the rewards are so great
    You'll get a companion for life; with some very special traits
    When you are lost; and the end seems so far away
    They'll walk by your side; they'll help you find your way
    When life gets you down; they can put a smile on your face
    As they run you in circles; with their fast pace
    You'll share the good with the bad; you'll be happy and sad
    And through it all you have a friend; the best you ever had
    Your're time together; will be special and unique
    It will be as priceless to you; as a rare antique
    Then before you know it; the day will arrive
    When suddenly your life; takes a steep dive
    The furry firend who's been with you for all of these years
    Has now passed on; and left you in tears
    As you sit and wonder; what did I do
    Whey is this all happening to you
    Into each of our lives; a little rain must fall
    And you must be strong; to answer the call
    Your little one's spirit has flown home on the wings of a dove
    To a special place that awaits them; in heaven above
    St. Francis will meet them; when they get home
    He will take them to a meadow; where they're free to roam
    There in the meadows; down by the pond
    Your furry friend will remember his loving bond
    He'll look into the water; then you appear
    He can see you're frightened; he can feel your fear
    Through the bond that still ties you;from heaven above
    He looks down upon you; he sends you his love
    Because you loved him; and because you care
    Whenever you need him; he'll always be there
    There in the meadows; they patiently wait for the day
    When you will celebrate your life together; each and everyday
    Waiting for that day; when you come walking back home
    When together for an eternity; through the meadows you'll roam.
  13. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your beloved Vene. She was really a beautiful girl. I guess when we open ourselves up to loving anyone (a cat, a human, etc) it will inevitably lead to grief when we lose them. But at least you and Vene loved one another and lived life to its fullest during the time you had together, and that's all that anyone can really hope for in this short life. I'm so sorry that your time together ended so abruptly. I will be absolutely devastated when it comes time to say goodbye to Luna. She will be getting some extra attention and lovin' tonight in honor of Vene.
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn. :qm1: Thank you my friend, for trying to make me feel better. You know, Vene would've had a longer life had my mom not visited and opened that door soooooo wide. Anyway she's gone and I'd paid the ultimate price. I bet it was Otis who visited that night we were watching GI Joe and he knocked over the remote controll. :0023: I bet Otis and Vene are buddies now. :mrgreen:

    Gina, thank you for "A Special Gift." :cry: How are your wounds healing from the neighbor's dog attack? I hope you don't have any permanent soft tissue and nerve damage. Will this affect your upcoming trip?

    Thank you Lunaguy for your kind thoughts.
    - I'm flattered and I bet Vene is too! We all know nothing lasts forever, not money, property, loved ones. Maybe I should learn from true Buddhists- devoid of all worldly goods and sensations! :0023: :qm3:
  15. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Oh Vene i'm so sorry i didnt know that you lost a baby what a beautiful baby great pictures.


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