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Our cat is dying..how do we know if he is in pain?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by loveformuggy, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. loveformuggy

    loveformuggy New Member

    We have an 18-year-old cat who we raised from 1-day old. He had been abandoned in a paper bag along the side of the road with his brother and sister. His brother and sister didn't make it, but Muggy did. He's always been a bit frail, but he has lost weight lately. He has been in renal failure for quite some time. He is now dying and we don't know whether we move him for a trip to the emergency vet on a Sunday, or whether to let him die at home. Yesterday evening he was very unsteady, but he did drink a little. He wouldn't eat, though. Today, he went through a period of panting a little, but has stopped. He's now laying on the couch, breathing slowly and shallow. He will move his eyes sometimes, but other than that isn't moving at all. He feels slightly cool to the touch, too. We just don't know whether we should put him through moving him through a car ride, going to the vet to have him put to sleep, or to let nature take its course here at home. My husband is worried that it could take hours or days and wonders if it is worse on him to let him linger like that. I wonder if he isn't comfortable, as he looks like he is, and would pass peacefully here at home? I just wondered if anyone had gone through this? I've made that trip to the vet too many times before, and I just wish I could avoid it this time.

  2. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm very sorry about Muggy. My hubby had a cat called Kitty (not very original) that died at 14 yrs of age. He stopped eating for 1 week and only drank water. While we were in school, he had a body spasm while drinking his water, and just died on the spot. We were devasted since on one told us he was sick and dying and we could not be there for him. Hubby's sis did tell us that Kitty was not in any pain and just died. Our first cat together was Pooky. He died of end stage renal failure at 2 1/2 yrs (too much inbreeding). Well, sort of. We put him down because we couldn't bear to see him suffer. He got weak, cold, lost a lot of weight and the vet said that was the best thing to do. If Muggy is comfy and doesn't look like he's suffering, leave him alone and just shower him with love which I know you are doing. What does your heart tell you? Either way, you'll be with him when he passes and he'll be comforted knowing that you were always there for him. Again, I am so sorry! :cry:
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm so sorry about your kitty. :cry: Ideally, it would be nice if a vet could come over and put him to sleep in the comfort of his home. Being as you know your kitty the best, I think you'll end up making the best decision regarding his well being. Again I am so sorry. :cry:
  4. loveformuggy

    loveformuggy New Member

    Thank you both for responding and for your thoughts. Muggy rested comfortably for most of the day in our sun room, which looks out over a little garden and has always been his favorite spot. This evening I moved him over by my computer desk to be by me while I tried to get some work done. A little over an hour ago he had a seizure, and we decided that it was time to help him along. A very nice vet who we don't usually go to met us at the clinic in the small town next to our, which was nice so we didn't have to take him to the 24-hour emergency vet up in Madison (Wisconsin) which was bound to be busier and noisy. He rode in my arms in the car and seemed very comfortable and not at all anxious or scared. His 18 years with us have come to an end, but I think we gave him a good life and hopefully eased his passing.

    Take care and thanks again for your caring.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Im so sorry for your loss. :cry:
  6. loveformuggy

    loveformuggy New Member

    Thank you both for responding and for your thoughts. Muggy rested comfortably for most of the day in our sun room, which looks out over a little garden and has always been his favorite spot. This evening I moved him over by my computer desk to be by me while I tried to get some work done. A little over an hour ago he had a seizure, and we decided that it was time to help him along. A very nice vet who we don't usually go to met us at the clinic in the small town next to our, which was nice so we didn't have to take him to the 24-hour emergency vet up in Madison (Wisconsin) which was bound to be busier and noisy. He rode in my arms in the car and seemed very comfortable and not at all anxious or scared. His 18 years with us have come to an end, but I think we gave him a good life and hopefully eased his passing.

    Take care and thanks again for your caring.
  7. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    I am so sorry to read about your loss. You definitely did the right thing, and Muggy was certainly a lucky guy for having such a wonderful home and family for 18 years. It sounds like he lived his life surrounded by love, right up until his final moment. I wish you peace and comfort during this most difficult time. Take care.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing will ease your pain for losing your loved one but I hope you will remind yourself about all the great and not so great times you shared in the last 18 years together. :cry:
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry for the loss of you kitty.
  10. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave Muggy a most wonderful life for 18 years.
  11. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I am sorry for your loss...it is hard making that decision.
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry: It's such a tough thing to go through. You were so lucky to have a wonderful cat like Muggy in your life for so many years. Some of us here wish we had 18 years with some of our kitties that passed away far too young. Muggy was very loved and well cared for and so lucky to have found you. Hang in there. :cry:
  13. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm very sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself now and know that you did for Muggy what you could.

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