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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by nakoma_star, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    well guys great news ive got new kittens my aunt is blueribbon her avatar is a pic of our cat blackie who late last night had kittens when my aunt went outside (( shes an outdoor cat but trying to talk grandpa into letting her inside with her babies)) to get her ciggarettes she felt something furry and wet under her foot so she stepped over it when she got in the car she turned her car lights on and there in front of the car were three happy healthy kittens weve moved her and her kittens into the garage in a box with a blanket we have too little tiger stripe kittens and a black kitten and more good news my cat at home cali is pregnate.......AGAIN! UGH!!!
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. :D I'm glad the kittens seem healthy. I hope both of you will be able to find forever homes for all of the kittens. Please have both cats spayed (call your vet to ask when the right time to do this will be), so that they don't have anymore kittens.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats on the new arrivals. I'm glad they are sheltered right now but I'm worried thay it may be too hot or cold in the garage for them. Please try to convince grandpa to let them inside the house. They need special TLC right now.

    After your cat gives birth, please spay her so she won't have any unwanted or unwelcome kitties as well as for her health.
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    congrats on the new little kitties!! but i also agree with the spaying... :m10:
  5. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member


    yes i know i need to get my babies spayed but honestly dont have the money too and me being the animal lover i am i will try my best but right now i do know i have homes for all the kittens the garage is heated at room temp the kittens should be fine for now these ones my aunt plans on keeping most likely and we kept my cat calis last kittens the new ones on the way we plan to give to a friend he lives on a farm and loves cats and already told us he wants them!
  6. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Please look at Nern's post called: Low cost spay and neuter. Some places will even do it for free. You just need to take the time to call around and see who will be willing to do it at either a very low cost ($25-$40 U.S.) or free.
  7. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    the vets around here are all high cost vets they dont do it free and i cant travel far right now plus the fact my family is tight on money because of my step dad getting in a bad car accedent
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Both of these places offer low cost spay/neuter. If either of them are'nt too far from you it might be worth giving them a call just to see if they might do it for free.

    Planned Pethood Inc.
    5265 Berkey Southern Road
    Whitehouse, OH 43571

    United Humanitarians
    Toledo, OH

    If that does'nt work out, when the time comes that you do have the money you can order low cost certificates for $55 from this site:
  9. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    never even heard of either place but i looked it up on a map and its to far away!
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    congrats on the kittens.

    You need to stop making excuses on the spaying issue and start making plans :y_the_best: for it instead cause it'll be a few weeks before the babies are weaned. And you really should make sure the person who is going to take the kittens will also spay/neuter especially since it looks like they'll be barn cats.

    Be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

    Sorry we all sound like we are jumping on you - but it's hard seeing cats have litter after litter of kittens while so many die in shelters everyday cause they are unwanted.
  11. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    Thanks guys. Blackie is my cat not nakoma_stars. I'm trying to get my near future father-in-law to let me at least bring her in and let me keep her and the babies in the basement ( which is also heated ) I'm trying but it's like telling a rock to roll on it's own with no assistants. As soon as I can I will get her fixed. I just need to get more money coming in and not going out on bills. I will give them a call and see what kind of arrangements I can make if worse comes to worse I can save pennies, nickels and dimes to get that certificate to get Blackie fixed. Will post pic's as soon as I can find my camera. Blackie is a sweet momma she lets me hold and pick up her babies when I take food out to her which is in the morning and then at night. Tonight she picked up the one that looks just like her and put it into my hand while she purred telling me it's OK to hold it. I only lightly touch them with her approval.
  12. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    ill argue on that aunt linda blackie is also my cat because i am the one whom found her in the first place and talked grandpa into atleast keeping her outside when she had her first litter i believe she is more my cat then anyones thanx
  13. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    wait, whats going on? how old are yous
  14. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member


    I'm 38 yrs old. and nakoma_star is 15 yrs. old. My b/f klorentz accualy found her. We ( myself and klorentz ) are the ones who feed her and take care of her. For a short time after we found out ( when we first found her she had babies somewhere ) they came out and nakoma_star took her and her kitten to her house after momma weaned them ( I'd say about 4-5 days ) nakoma_star brought Blackie back but kept the kittens. She does not feed her unless my near future father-in-law asks her to take out some table scraps ( what he won't eat ) to give her along with the food we buy her.
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    ok well all this arguing has taken you away from the original issue and worry about Blackie's spaying and well being. With everyone fighting over who owns her can't you all pitch in to get her spayed?? What about the kittens?

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