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6 mo old pup bros fighting!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by richard, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. richard

    richard New Member

    :? I have two beagle /(lab?) pups, brothers, that a stray beagle that I took in had. They are 6 months old in a week. They are not yet neutered. Anyway, they have some pretty rough battles where they leave each others skin raw with a few spots of blood. I just had to separate them with a hose!

    Do you thing neutering will stop this battling? I also have 2 more from the litter, they are girls, non spayed, if that makes a difference. I plan on fixing the pups.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Yes, I think neutering will help.

    "Effect on Aggression

    Intact (unneutered) males and females are more likely to display aggression related to sexual behavior than are neutered animals. Fighting, particularly in males and directed at other males, is less common after neutering.

    The intensity of other types of aggression, such as dominance aggression, is also likely to be reduced. When related to the hormonal imbalance of false pregnancy or the agitation associated with estrus, irritable aggression in females is eliminated by spaying. If you worry that your dog will not protect your house after neutering, territorial aggression is not altered by neutering.

    If your pet is not intended for breeding, neutering is advised to prevent aggressiveness related to sex hormones. Though neutering is not a treatment for aggression, it can help minimize the severity and escalation of aggressiveness and is often the first step toward resolving an aggressive behavior problem. Specific diagnosis of the type of aggression displayed by your pet, identification of the situations that trigger it, and retraining your pet to behave differently are still essential."
  3. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Yes, neuter will help the situation. It's one thing that I should have done but did not to my dogs in Thailand. I raised both of them since birth. They played together and follow one another. However, as they grew, they started fighting. For example, one of them felt that "I belong to him," and he would try anything to scare the other away. I was too young back then and didn't know anything about neutering the males.

    Well, I am in CA now and have another dog. I just had him neutered last week. Even though he's still a puppy, the "humping" behavior simply stopped after the surgery.

    Neuter is a good thing for your boys anyway. They will live longer and will be less prone to disease. By the way, my vet told me that young boys heal better after the surgery. Perhaps, you can consider having them neuter these days if appropriate to their health condition. Hope this helps.
  4. Walt

    Walt New Member

    OMG :!:

    Why is it the first thing people (woman) want to do choppppp offfff the B :shock: LLS

    As a man unless it was some kind of med prob its the last thing I would do.

    Having 2 pups at the same time is alway's a bad idea. There's the work involved house breaking, training and scoopng but the biggest problem is that the pups will bond to each other and not to you in most cases (BAD!)

    And it makes your job as alpha that much harder. I resently read a artical on this subject somewhere as soon as I find it I'll post for you Richard just don't lop off there nutz just yet as it is NOT THE ASNWER TO EVERYTHING :!:
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Richard: Here are some good reasons why you should neuter your male dogs.

    1. Decreased Aggression
    2. Decreased Roaming
    3. Increased concentration
    4. No testicular tumors
    5. Improved genetics
    6. Fewer hernias
    7. Fewer perianal tumors
    8. Fewer prostate problems

    Not only will it tone down aggression in male dogs, but if you love you dogs and want them to live a longer and healthier life, neutering is essential.

    This is not coming from a "Woman's" source of logic, but from a proven medical standpoint from Men and Women DVMs.

    If you want to read more info about health issues in unaltered males, you can get it here.

    http://humanesocietyac.org/petcare/dogs ... ayneut.htm
  6. Walt

    Walt New Member


    I dont think so! All I know is Ive been raising dogs for the pass 30 yrs ONLY MALES as I dont breed and I NEVER!!! had a dog with any of the probs you mention. YES it could happen but its not the LAW! meaning its not a sure thing that it will. And untill one of my boy's has a problem of some sort they will be keeping there NUTZ right where mother nature intended them to be thank you very much :!:
    And as far as aggression go's hell I like my dogs full of piss & vinigar

    There are a lot of facters that contribute to a dogs health! neutering is but one.

    Richard explore ALL your options before you make a major medical desision on a pefectly normal healthy dog.

    Heck why not chopp of its legs so it doesnt run out in the street and get hit by a car :?:

    Best Regards
    Walt,Gusto,Sultan and Zeus

    I'm proud to say we are ALL INTACT :!: LMAO
  7. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    The assumption that if you have two pups they will just bond to eachother has not been the case with everyone that I know who owns more than one dog from the same litter- true they will bond with eachother, but both will also form a strong bond to their owner, just as with a single dog. I'm sure people that own two dogs can back me up on this.
  8. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Just another note in reply to the last post- true, in some cases un-neutered dogs do not show the behavior that Richard is describing- however, in Richard's case, THE PUPS ARE SHOWING AGGRESSION TOWARDS EACHOTHER, WHICH IS LIKELY TO BE FROM NOT BEING NEUTERED, A FACT THAT CAN BE BACKED UP BY MANY MEDICAL STUDIES, AND SO IN THE CASE OF HIS PUPS, NEUTERING IS OBVIOUSLY THE BEST OPTION. What other option would you suggest for these puppies? Keeping them constantly separated, having to keep a constant watch on them for fear that they might harm eachother, or accidentally get loose and impregnate a female? If these sound like good alternatives to you, then I guess that is your opinion. For me, however, and I think many others on the board, neutering is not only better for the dog in that it can prevent health problems and fights, but better for their owners as well.
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I don't think that I can help much.. but, I did want to mention that I have two female shih-poos, they were from the same litter.

    They always play fight but then 5 minutes later they are grooming each other and snuggling! They really are best friends!

    It's not good if your pups are fighting to the point that they are drawing blood, even if it's just a little.

    Have you tried taking your pups to obedience school? Many swear by this and it may help. If not, then you may want to take them to a behavior specialist.

    Good luck!
  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Walt States:

    "Yes it could happen but its not the LAW! meaning its not a sure thing that it will. And untill one of my boy's has a problem of some sorte they will be keeping there NUTZ right where mother nature intended them to be thank you very much :!:"

    But if a dog should unfortunately develope one of these conditions the chances of recovery could be poor and the cost of treatment would be extremely high. Much more so than a preventative measure such as neutering. There are no side-effects from neutering. It does not take away from the personality of the dog. They are totally unaware that the procedure has been done.

    Walt States:

    "Heck why not chopp of its legs so it doesnt run out in the street and get hit by a car :?:"

    An unaltered male short of being chained up constantly will be more apt to leave its yard and roam which puts it at high risk of being hit by a car, or becoming lost, or being picked up by Animal Control, or by becoming stolen.

    Richard, do some more research on the matter for your dog's best interest. Nobody is telling you YOU should be neutered, just your dogs. It's not a MAN thing, it's a Dog thing and a HEALTH thing.

    Sorry Walt, I have to disagree with you on this one. I'm sure Richard will view both side of the coin and come to his own decision. Maybe you can post some info why it's beneficial NOT to neuter a male dog.

    Also, just curious, do you fell the same about spaying females?
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I really don't think that dogs have the emotional attachment to their male parts that human males seem to have. Neuter surgery is quick and most dogs barely notice it was done. It allows them to live happier and healthier lives. Just think how happier some PEOPLE would be if they weren't always letting their hormones take control of their lives!
  12. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Walt In 99.99% of male dogs that have been nuetered are better behaved and less agressive.

    I breed german shepherds and i can tell you that some males can turn very agressive when there is an in season female around.
    They go off there food the go roaming causing acccidents and unwanted litters fighting with other dogs aswell as making a nuisance of themselves.

    I aint a woman and my views are the same ok then you comparing male dogs to human males if people neutered blokes there would be alot less unwanted pregnancies in the world thats for sure.

    Dogs are not attached to there sexual organs so the kindest and safest things to do is have a male dog altered as they will fight to the death over a family member or an in season female.

    So just because you have male dogs only try spending a few days in an animal shelter that PUTS THE UNWANTED LITTERS TO SLEEP and then see how you feel if this does not touch you enough to realise that desexing a dog even a female then there is no point this conversation carrying on.

    All the people on this forum have had alot of experience with agression, Intact males and how dominant they can be and will be.

    Also if dogs had the same feelings as humans they would be us

    Just my opinion on the matter.

  13. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Walt stated:
    Walt, why take it so personal? Every dog is different just like every human being. Your case would not always be everyone else's case.

    Have you ever seen aggressive dogs fight in person? Even though they are brothers, the fight can get VERY NASTY AND VERY BLOODY. And, just for your information, dogs bond to their master more than anything else in this world.
  14. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Trust me folks this is not personal! lol

    I've had this very same conversation with my Vet of 15 yrs and if SHE can't sway me clearly nobody here is going to be able to. Putting a dog or anything ells for that matter under the knife that is in perfect health is just something I would never do and in 30 yrs never had to Hmmm.

    As for the people that claim the dog is unaware of what’s missing WOW!!!
    Not even my vet as arrogant as she can be would ever make a claim like that.

    I think a lot of people get dogs that are way out of there league then try to fix the problem the easy way and have then fixed, In most cases some good old fashion TRAINING would have worked just fine.

    Someone said that fixing the dog won’t change there personality Then Why Do It?

    Perhaps it would be easier to take a long look at your self and THINK of what kind of dog is best for you and your family, Active, Non-active, Protective, Aloof, Large or Small.

    I like med to large dominate breed dogs and I am fully aware of the Temp and Attitude that comes along with then. My boy’s are High drive, very aggressive and territorial but that’s the way I like them and I new what I was getting.

    But if you can’t handle your dog whose fault is that?
    I guess it doesn’t matter though, cause you can always have him fixed write!

    I’ll take training over surgery any day.

  15. nern

    nern New Member

    Walt: I've actually talked to others that feel the same way as you do about spay/neuter. I can't say that I agree but I do respect your opinion.

    I also have a question for you but I'm going to send it in a PM to avoid going off topic here.

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