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Who gets the dog *cross-posted*

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Cross-posted from another board:

  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    OMG! That has got to be the lowest of the lows what a despicable way to make money! How stupid! As if a dog who is has been thrown into an animal shelter has not been through enough already. And so who's liable when this dog is so overwhelmed by stress that it bites someone out of sheer confusion and fear?
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am also unimpressed with the show "That's My Baby." I think Animal Planet caters to uninformed pet owners and a lot of their shows do nothing to educate them. They definitely aren't operating under any kind of love for animals - it seems to be all about profit and popularity.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Yeah, that's really a stupid idea for a show!

    That's just like Monster House. I read after the show was aired, the people who participated complained that their houses were ruined and all the fancy gagets they put in, no longer worked.

    It will be the same with this only a dog's life will be at stake. The producers of the show will give 2 s##ts about the dog after the show airs.

    Just curious, how's the dog going to portray which family he wants to live with?!? Lift his paw once for family number 1, twice for family number two, wag his tail 3 times for family number 3.

    Give me a break!!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Gosh and I thought we had already stuped to the lowest of lows with th new reality shows out there, but this one takes the cake.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what is unbelievable about this is the HSUS supports it. I think qwe should send out comments to the HSUS.

  7. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    OMG!!! Now, I've heard it all... I can't believe that they think this show is a good idea!!!
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh I wrote them a lengthy little note. I'm owndering if they are going to reply.

    I don't see where it would be a bad idea, if the dog had more time to spend ith the family to see if it was even going to work out.
    They need to do so much more research on the families first as well. Vet refrence, background checks...ect....

    But honestly, this show really sounds stupid....
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    why not just do a show about people who save a dog from the pound and get it desexed and proper vaccinations and every weekend that have to go out and pass out pamphlets about how many dogs and cats are killed each year bc no one wants them so if you see a dog or cat you should immediately get it desexed. Maybe call the show "Responsibility" and different families hjave to compete with how well they can take care of their animal while teaching others the benifits of healthy animals and desexing. The more people they help to have their animals desexed and UTD on shots and get animals out of abusive homes and spread good things about "dangerous" dogs. basically educate people of the hard work that goes into having a pet, nothing fun. Well I guess that wouldn'T sell and the dogs would stay in the pounds because everyone would think it is too much work. oops sorry for rambling now I need time to think about what to write to them to express my dislike of that show.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    This is the reply I got to my e-mail to the show:

  11. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Ok, I'll be the one who disagrees (as usual lol). I think if done correctly (proper screening, proper choice of dogs, etc.) it might not be the worst thing in the world. I personally do find it stupid and would never watch the show even if there was absolutely nothing else on tv, it has potential to bring awareness to shelter dogs (and cats) and if it in all its stupidity gets one dog adopted from a shelter who otherwise wouldn't be, then that is a good thing.

    Of course there are factors that could make it disastrous. My concerns would be that they get families who do not actually want a dog, just want to be on tv (how they would screen for that I don't know but if they could then great). Also, they need to pick the right dog for the job (so to speak). Some dogs I could see would get terribly upset by all that change. Others might actually enjoy it.

    Anyways, I am glad to know that it is not the actual dog who will be deciding which family he lives with.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, THis is the responce I got to my email. Same a Jamiyas!!!! Oh now this is frustrating! You know darn good and well they didn't read mine!

  13. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I agree with elizavixen that it depends more on the dog than the people. For instance a Lab would be happy with any family, Duke included, whereas Freckles would freak out and pee on the floor in a strange environment. What would be a fun experience for Duke would be terrifying for a Freckles type dog.
    As to their response in the email
    It seems to me they feature animals only as a way to amuse people. The only program of value I have found is Cell Dogs.
    The other program I enjoy is "Dogs with Jobs" but that is on the National Geographic Channel.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I used to enjoy their two Zookeeper shows that were on early in the morning (no idea if they still are or not), but I have no frame of reference to tell me whether what they showed was good information or not.

    I tried to watch "That's My Baby". The first one was actually nice (baby horse born on a ranch for troubled boys), but then I saw one with a moron breeding her chihuahuas who let the poor little thing labor so long that 2 of the puppies were born dead. A third puppy survived and so did the mother, no thanks to her idiot owner.

    "Cell Dogs" was good the one time I got to see it. I tried to watch "Adoption Tales" (I think that's what it was called) but the ignorance made me too angry so I couldn't watch it anymore. After that experience, I have not turned to the channel any more.
  15. MyDogsMom

    MyDogsMom New Member

    Me too!

    I got the same reply also!!!!

    Dear Viewer:

    Thank you very much for your correspondence regarding the Animal Planet
    program WHO GETS THE DOG? Please be assured that the interests of animals
    are at the heart of everything we do at Animal Planet.

    As the only television network dedicated exclusively to the connection
    between humans and animals, Animal Planet has in place strict policies and
    guidelines that are adhered to by our production companies, program
    participants and partner organizations to ensure the protection of animals.

    In the case of WHO GETS THE DOG?, we have been working directly with the
    Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to develop the program. We are
    screening potential owners carefully, using a questionnaire modeled after
    shelter adoption applications. Also, local shelters select the dogs
    included in the program.

    The decision about which person or family adopts the dog will be made by an
    on-camera team of experts, which includes a veterinarian and a dog trainer.
    The HSUS and a local shelter will also have a significant role in making
    the adoption decision.

    In collaboration with HSUS, WHO GETS THE DOG? was conceived to be similar
    to animal shelter adoptions –the thorough review of applicants, a home
    visit to see how the animal interacts with its potential family, and
    facilitation of an adoption. Animal Planet and HSUS believe the show will
    provide good information about the wonderful dogs that can be found at
    shelters, the benefits of adoption and the importance of making the right
    match between family and dog.

    As you may know, less than 20% of dog adoptions occur through shelters, so
    the organizations working with us are happy to help educate the public
    through WHO GETS THE DOG?

    Hopefully you now have a better understanding of the positive, responsible
    message of WHO GETS THE DOG? We truly appreciate that you care enough
    about animals to bring these concerns to our attention.

    If you have a specific question for HSUS, you may write Kathy Bauch at

    Viewer Relations
    Animal Planet

    Hmmmmmm, it does make you wonder if they read the emails or just see to topic and go from there :?
  16. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    its good to know they pay these idiots the big bucks to repeat emails.!
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL, it goes to show they must have a lot of angry people writing in, for them to have a canned response at the ready.
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Makes you have warm fuzzies doesn't it! If they really cared, they would read the responces and take th ADVICE given! Ugh....
  19. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think more often than not the show contestants will only want to be on tv and have some interest in getting an animal. Why don't they just do one animal and/or one family in search of the perfest home or animal?
    But did anyone every watch the show with the monkeys? I think it was called monkey business? It was about monkey rescue place in england (maybe) the had different types gorillas and orangatangs. I liked that show alot! It was like monkey 90210 or something, all the drama going on so and so are fighting, blabla is now pregnant but we aren'T sure if it is his or his baby. It came on Saturday afternoons (I think) maybe 2 or 3 years ago´, then it just stopped coming on when it got really intersting (to me) But sometimes I would watch animal precinct (the one in NYC) I didn't like the other one Animal Cops (Chicago or Detroit, I forget) or maybe the names are the other way around. But that was one of those things like it is so sick and disgusting you can't stop watching, so it was never like oh it is 10 lets watch Animal Cops, it was more like oh commercial whats on? oooh gross iccckkkk eewwwww.
  20. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Don't you love knowing that your opinions are SOOOO important to them???
    You know, I'm sort of in the same space as Jamiya.... at first, I though it was a horrible idea, with nothing in mind but profit. But then I thought about what good could come from it? If what they say is true, and they are taking precautions about the people, being careful with the health and wellbeing of the dogs......maybe this is a way to get the word out about all of the great dogs out there available for adoption? Maybe some poele who have thought about getting a dog and wouldn't have thought about looking at a shelter will now consider it?
    I'm for sure not saying I think it's a good idea for a show...but then neither is filling a house in Hollywood full of Amish kids and filming their exploits (Amish In THe City)....or taking Tammy Faye Baker, Vanilla Ice, and the kid from "Webster" and locking them up in a house together and expecting us to watch the pathetic interactions (Surreal Life)...
    But I also agree that using animals for a reality show might not be the best thing, since they don't have an option about whether they want to be involved---
    ANd maybe even though they aren't responding to each individual e-mail, perhaps the sheer volume will say something about how people feel about it.

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