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what is your greatest pet peeve

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    mine is rude people with cell phones growing out of their ear (had an incident this weekend and I had to lose my cool :m36:) I don't like to do that but when the little blond twit let the door shut in my face - well words feel from my mouth that I normally don't let fall out
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    ditto on the cell phones, I guess that is why I dont own one!

  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock:

    at this point...it has to be taking the cats to the vet..

    question: how many times did lynn take the cats to the vet since last wednesday?

    answer: what is....five times!!!!

    let me break it down for you...

    max-wed for his b-12 shot
    mikey-vaccination on friday 8:30 am
    max-back to the vet friday 10:30 am for the panting
    max-friday 5:30 for EKG, ultrasound
    mikey-mon 10:30 (this morning) for sneezies

    i have no life... :roll:
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow lynn...your really keeping them in business.

    My biggest pet peeve are rude people that I smile at or say hello to that just look at me blankly as if I were invisible....not that this happens often but often enough to annoy me. :roll:
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    I can't stand bad drivers of any type. I hate the ones that go too slow and hold up traffic and I hate those that go too fast and cut off other people. You know it's an accident waiting to happen. I especially hate the ones that don't follow driving rules and make up their own. Otherwise I'm pretty mellow. :mrgreen:
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    mine are phone companies with idiots who dont even know thier companies mobile phone plans! I HATE TELSTRA! *looking for most angriest emoticon* ](*,) :x :m3: :0021:

    no, wait, there is no emoticon to describe the way i feel over that 1 hour long phone call to them!
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thought this was a funny story...it was in the news today.....here goes:

    The SN Brussels flight from the Belgian capital to Vienna, Austria, had been in the air about 20 minutes Monday when “it was noticed” that a passenger’s pet had escaped from its cage, “although it is not yet clear how,” according to an airline statement.

    “Once free, the animal proceeded to wander around the cabin,” slipping into the cockpit when meals were being delivered to the two-man flight crew, it said.

    “At this stage the animal became agitated and nervous,” it said. An airline spokeswoman added that the cat scratched the copilot’s arm.

    The pilot decided to return to Brussels as a precaution, and the 58 passengers departed once more two hours later on another flight.

    The cat had been checked in Oslo, Norway, in an internationally approved “flight transport bag,” but the airline said it may end up changing its procedures for pets in the cabin once it concludes its investigation.

    “At no time throughout the incident was the passengers’ security affected in any way,” it said.

    :p i am sure this kitty was the piots pet peeve that day!! :m3:
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL lynn. :lol:
  9. footsie

    footsie New Member

    My #1 pet peeve is the way some people drive in parking lots. I hate it when I get stuck behind some car that is holding up 3 or 4 cars waiting for the perfect space, just so they can avoid walking 50 feet. We'd all have been parked and into the store in the time that some people sit there waiting.

    My #2 pet peeve is the television. Especially when people have it on when they aren't watching, or have it on for hours at a time.
  10. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    my newest pet peeve

    People who get on a message board and describe a cat or kitten who sounds like they are on deaths door , asking what they should do! Mean? maybe but it drives me crazy! :m3:
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    :y_the_best: Deb - I agree. Advice or seeking education on a kitty subject is one thing but if a cat or kitten is that ill or injured why waste time posting and waiting for an answer when that time could be spent on the phone or getting to a vet.
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    but footsie!!! i keep my tv on for my kitties all day long if i'm not here...although i am here alot. or 95.5 which is the jazz station. i like to turn the animal planet on when im gone...would that be considered a pet peeve...or a good thing??? :0011:

    p.s. i hardly ever "watch" tv. but i do like to listen to court tv in the background.... :oops: :oops:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    I do that too! :0023: It's a great tool for calming babies. They love background music or noise. So I've recently learned to leave on the TV all day long much to the dismay of my hubby. Too bad for him! If Bebe develops Attention Defecit Disorder from too much TV watching then you'll know who to blame! :0025:
  14. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I hate people who are late. If you plan to meet me at a certain time - be there on time!! What makes you think that your time is more valuable than mine? Grrrrr.
  15. footsie

    footsie New Member

    OK, I concede. TVs to calm babys or entertain pets when no one is around is a legitimate use.

    What I was referring to is the habit of most of my family memebers to have the TV on whenever they are at home, even when they have company over (in this case, me). :x I didn't drive for 3 hours to watch the travel channel with you! If you've aleady seen this episode of Trading Spaces why are we letting it interrupt the conversation? Why is some loud movie on in the living room when everyone is in the kitchen playing cards? :0021: My father actaully had some western on while the kids were opening gifts on Christmas morning this year! [-X Why have guests over if you plan on ignoring them? Or, why have the TV on (and the volume way up) if you are going to ignore (and have to talk over) it?

    Have I ranted enough? You can probably tell how much this truely is a pet peeve! And its only my #2. I won't bother to go off about parking lot drivers. I'm sure everyone knows that frustration first hand.
  16. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    1. All drivers on the road aside from me
    2. Drivers with a cell phone sprouting out their ear as they swerve into my lane.
    3. Phone sales people who just don't get, I'm not interested for the 10th time.
    4. Door-to-Door sales people who come to my office (like the stamp man - that's what he calls himself) and expect me to buy something. No, I really don't want a snack tray where everything costs a dollar when it's fifty cents at the 7-11 next door. Do they ever really make a sale? I can't see how.

    I could come up with more, but that's it for now.
  17. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Oh - I forgot my biggest pet peeve: The nasiest guy in the world who used to sit next to me in the office! He would clip his nails at his desk and let his clippings fly all over the place, loudly chew with his mouth open and talk on the phone in the bathroom (sometimes forgetting to flush). But I returned from vacation and he is gone for good!!!
  18. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL. Thats really gross haraloo!

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