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Pictures of my new puppy Jasper.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by SwtBettyLu, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    I just got my new baby boy on Wed. He is such a joy to have around the house. He took to my son on the first day. It was so cute. And my husband is acting like a little child again. KINDA SCARY :roll: LOL He is a maltipoo and is 3 months old. Oh and his name is Jasper. He already nows where the puppy pad is and uses it. I was shocked. But of course he still has his accidents. :? But that is what puppies do. Well I hope you can see the pictures. Have a great day!



  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    What a cute little guy. You will fall in love like you never thought you could.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: WELCOME HOME JASPER!!! :eek:

    Jasper is just so cute and fluffy...I bet he is a real sweetheart! :love_y_t_much:

    Thanks so much for sharing your pics with us!

    Give him lots of love from all of us here at Auspet! :D
  4. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    I second that he is really adorable
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    ooooh thank you for posting your baby!

    Jasper is just absolutely adorable..... Look at all those curls!! :) I love it..hehe....He also seems to fit his name for some reason too.

  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    It seems to me that Jasper has taken on the poo genes with his curls, longer poo muzzle and the longer legs. He's cute.
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member


    And puttin... in the pic of Jasper laying flat on the ground... he reminds me of Shirley/Malti!! :) hehe...(from those pics that one of the posters posted on the other site) I meant the resemblance in a good way, I promise
  8. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    He sure is a cutie poooo.
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    You know strange minds think alike, now that you said that, I oddly see what you mean. That reddish wild hair. Well hers was rain and wind blown. LOL but I hear ya.

    Jaspers mom. I have a prediction. By the time your poo is two, he will be nearly white or cream color. Especially if he's taking after the poodle. most poodles lighten up. If they are already light apricot, then they turn to cream.
  10. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    Thanks for the replies, sorry I haven't been able to say it before, he has been keeping me sooo busy but it is all well worth it :D He is such a cutie, he sleeps around 1000 to 1030 pm and wakes up from 600 to 700 am. Very good times for me of course. I need as much sleep as I can get. The only thing I have to work on is his whining and yipping when I leave him in my sons room. I know I am only to go to him when he is quiet. I just need to remember to reward him though. :? I am trying really I am. HEEHEE He is such a lover boy with my employees. I work in a child care with children kinder through 5th grade and he is so good with all the kids. And of course the kids with him. He walks around and checks on the kids and follows me everywhere. I just love him so much. He is the best thing that has happened for our family beside my son :mrgreen: . Well I gotta go it's bedtime for me now. Have a great evening. Ms. Lu
  11. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I'm so glad to hear that everything is going so smoothly for you (besides the whining when you leave him, but it sounds like you know just what to do about that...keep working at it :y_the_best: )!!! It's so great that you're able to take him to work with you and that he enjoys being with the kids!!! (I think we all ought to be able to take our pets to work! :wink:)

    Keep us updated on Jasper! :D
  12. Brian

    Brian New Member


    How wonderful! I love the curly hair on Jasper.


    Brian & Bamboo
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    alright, brian..... WHO drank the beer? :lol:
  14. Brian

    Brian New Member


    Both of us! Haha

    Brian & Bamboo
  15. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    HeeHee too cute! :mrgreen:

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