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Found A Kitten

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Obelix, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    If you've heard it once you've heard it a thousand times..,

    Alright my brother kept talking about this kitten living in the bush at night and the little girl next door "taking care" of it... well after seeing it getting dropped and squeesed a bit to much i figured i better make sure it wasnt to injured, well it didnt appear to be injured but it was really skinny so I brought it inside , at first my dad said no.. pet her... then "just till tomorow" then another hour later he was telling his g/f "ill keep it a couple of days till we find a home" so I think ill have a little time. We dont have any other cats so I dont have to worry about quarintine. She doesnt appear to have any problems bescide skinnyness. My dads on a low budget so going to the vet really isnt gonna be possible sadly, Im gonna call and see if the vet we've known for years will do a basic check-up or something but im pretty powerless when it comes to this. Shes defintially got the marking of a "Tuxedo Cat" so ive named her inky. She ate a little bit and drank some but other that slept for awhile and then seems active and enjoys attention. Anyone with any advice on things to watch out for would be greatly apperciated!

    EDIT: Also, she appears to be about 4 months old, maby younger. Her fur wasnt to messed up and i checked her for any scaps or bruises and didnt find any so i dont think she was outside for more then 2 or 3 weeks, i know she was for sure for about a week and a half.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Good luck with finding her a good home. Hopeully, she'll gain her weight back just from eating regular meals.
    Keep us posted.
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. :D Just do your best until you can get her to the vet or find her a forever home and they can take her. A few warning signs are: not eating and/or drinking, diarrhea and/or worms/blood in stool, lethargy, sneezing, discharge from the eyes, a pot belly, scratching too much (even the ears), pawing at the mouth, drooling.......and the list goes on and on. If you notice things that look like grains of rice on bedding, those are segments of tapeworms. I wish the kitty all the best. That was nice of you to take her in.
  4. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Update: Alright, last nite she kept me up most the night either digging through my trash or jumping from the tv to the bed and bacK (scary at 3:00 AM) she finialy fell asleep about 10 minutes before I had to get up. She seems litter trained since shes been doin her business their. No direreara (thank god) but did pass gas alot after my brother descided to give her milk while i was asleep... She seems really happy and is really gentle. We've put up a few "found" signs in the neighborhood. I think my grandmother (the one I posted about losing her older cat) might take her in were gonna see about that tomorow. Eating and drinking is fine, wet "fancy fiest" seems to be her preference. Thanks for the posts!

    Also: Chessmind, I did me best to check for all the things you mentioned and nothings turned up so far. Shes only sneezed twice that I know of when we first brought her into the house. Thanks Again :D
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    That would be wonderful if your grandma could take the kitten. Tell your brother that cows milk is bad for kittens. :wink: As for her keeping you up at night, that's a kitten for you! LOL. Keep us posted and let us know if you find her a forever home.
  6. Jody

    Jody New Member

    LOL - Sorry not laughing at this little kitten, but just remembering the time when I first got my little Kitten, she used to also jump from the TV to my bed at odd hours of the night, I can remember hearing her a couple of times meowing because A: She either jumped back onto the Tv from the Bed and jump to far and fell behind the TV (it's not that big of a drop) or B: she used to miss the bedd completely and land on the mattress on the floor.

    Because she would land on the foot of the bed this one night about 12ish I was sound asleep and I was sleeping head first up the foot end of the bed and woke up to find my kitten in mid air jumping from the TV to the bed, I didn't move quick enough and she landed on my face.... OUCH when she had the claws out to!

    Good Luck with your Kitten and keep us posted.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Kittens are so entertaining. :0023:
    Obelix, I hope your grandma takes her in. :m10:
  8. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Update: WE GET TO KEEP HER!!! Lol, After my grandmother said she couldn't take her in my dad descided to call the lanlords and see if they'd budge on the "no pet" part of the lease and they did. So its off to the vet for several rounds of tests, shots, and spaying a.s.a.p. Thanks again for all the comments everyone, its really helped!!! and Jody, I feel your pain, literally! :oops:
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    :0018: Hooray!!!
  10. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    aww I'm sooo happy for you!!! :0018:
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Obelix, your dad sounds like a very nice guy! :wink:
    Will you post pics of Inky? I love Tuxedo cats!

    Hi Bellack, how are your kitties and Pooky and Aida? Did I miss anyone else?
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats Obelix!! :eek:
  13. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for both you and the kitten! :qm4: Post some pics when you get a chance.
  14. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    I'll pick up the film in the mornin and after I scan the pictures Ill make a seperate thread for it, I went a bit photo happy! Thanks agan for all the support and comment everyone, and check in tomorow evening for pics. Also my dad descided that Lucy would be a better fit name since we'll be keeping her and he wanted something with alot of voewls that would be easier for her to learn and respond to? Either way im happy!
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    Yeah!!! I can't wait to see Lucy's pics! :m7:

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