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can someone explain the raw diet to me?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mr2bixx, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    i've been reading here and there and came accross the raw diet. i'm alittle confused on it. currently i feed my dog eukanuba but wondering if the raw diet is best. any insight would be great.
  2. Walt

    Walt New Member

  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    There are many variations to feeding raw. everyone has their own opinions and ideas as to what and how to feed raw. I am currently feeding two of my girls completely raw and feeding the other three a combo of raw & kibble. Here's a sample of a raw all natural diet which I have been following with my dogs. I also feed raw meaty bones. (Never feed cooked bones, this includes steak bones. Cooking bones makes them brittle and they then splinter when eaten.)
    ~You can see pictures of my girls by clicking on my www tab below my post.~

    1-Raw Meat - Any raw muscle meat will work, I feed turkey hamburger because of price but normal hamburger is also just as good.
    2-A raw egg 3 to 5 times per week (with the shell)
    3-Turkey necks, chicken necks or chicken backs
    4-Chopped Veggie pulp (carrots, cauliflower, celery, green beans etc)
    5-Kelp and alfalfa - the fine powdered type
    6-Powdered vitamin C
    7-Essential Fatty Acids
    a. Cod liver oil
    c. Flaxseed oil
    8. Glucosamin Powder (99% pure)
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Gina, what is the importance of feeding egg shells?

  5. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I too have often wondered about the raw food diet. B/c of my post on the all dogs board, I am considering trying it. I however do feel that I would not be able to actually do this myself (make it myself) and am quite concerned with giving my dogs real bones. I did a search on it and found a bunch of sites saying how bad the raw food diet is - their main problem with it was the bones. So, from what I understand, there are places that sell the raw food diet like kibble? Walt posted a link but they don't sell that here in SC. Do you think that that kind of raw food diet is just as good than actually making it myself? Also, what are some links of other suppliers of raw food prepackaged stuff?
  6. Gatorpit

    Gatorpit New Member


    I feed my dogs daily on Diamond High Performance, and supplement with chicken, eggs, and multivitamins. I am considering trying a full time RAW diet, and was wondering what the benifits of this diet are, and if they are better than kibble feeding. Also, how much does it cost you a week to feed that diet? (I have 7 dogs, so I imagine it would be pretty pricey...)
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    since I chose to feed commercial raw (specifically made for dogs) , it is pricey. Jake weighs 100# and needs to eat 1 1/4 # a day. it runs 1.50 a day. But he is healthier. He has been on it 4 months now. I wouldnt be able to afford feed more dogs. I think gatorpits you are feeding a good kibble and supplementing with chicken and eggs is good. if it is working for you I would stick with it.

    Elizavixen, raw bones are okay, it is the cooked ones you do not give. you mentioned your dogs gets hot spots, Jake was getting them a lot and boy are they are bear to heal. I am keeping my fingers crossed he doesnt get any this summer and the raw diet has helped. I was at my wits end with his health problems, thats what pushed me to do raw

  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Feeding raw has many benefits. And yes it can be a little expensive to feed raw when you have a multi dog household. Many people do not agree with feeding raw and that's fine to each his own. I however am overly impressed with the change in my dogs since I began to feed raw. Not only has their overall health improved such as allergies and skin irritations but I have also noticed less mess from large fequent messy stools and their coats are shinier and healthier then ever before.
    The thing is many people mistakenly feel like they must feed their pets cooked food. But dogs and cats have stomachs that are designed to eat raw food. That's why a dog can eat an old dead animal or fish and live through it.The digestive system of domesticated dogs is not designed to eat processed or cooked food. Obviously wild animals do not cook their food. Cooked food or commercial dog food takes longer for dogs to digest than raw diets. In addition, the heat used to actually cook the food destroys enzymes and anti-oxidants. When feeding kibble dogs take in lots of grain but dogs do not require any grain in their diet they have no nutritional need for it. Carbohydrates from grain are simply not needed either. Our pets get their energy from fats and protein. Grains break down into sugar which can grow yeast, produce mucous and may contribute to a multitude of problems including skin allergies, cancer, digestive upsets and skeletal disorders to name just a few.
    As far as the amount to feed really depends on the dog. If you have an older or overweight not very active dog of course you would feed less then an active younger dog who is most likely getting plenty of exercise. I feed my girls depending on the dog and her weight. Here is a sample menu for a 55-65 lb APBT female and mind you the variations will change for example if I happen to have Bison or Elk meat on hand. Since I have not completely switched over to completely raw with all my girls the menu is cut in half when kibble is added. Raw diets have to be modified to fit the specific needs of individual dogs.You should feed adult dogs 2-3% of the
    DESIRED body weight for each individual. Not 2-3% of what they actually weigh unless they are at ideal weight.
    Here are some great books on feeding a natural/raw diet.

    Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats by: Kymythy Schultz

    Grow Your Pups with Bones by: Ian Billinghurst

    Links on feeding raw.
    http://www.listservice.net/wellpet/nutr ... ention.htm

    Sample menu

    12 oz. Chicken necks or backs
    8 oz. Ground turkey, hamburger, beef heart or chicken hearts / gizzards
    One egg w/shell
    1 Mega Omega-3
    1 tsp. Super C powder

    6oz. Liver (chicken, beef or pork) or kidneys
    6 oz. Chicken necks or backs
    One egg w/shell
    1/4 Cup of ground veggies
    1 Mega Omega-3
    2 tsp. Kelp/Alfalfa mix
    1 tsp. Super C powder

    One can of mackerel
    1/4 Cup veggies
    6oz. Chicken necks or backs
    1 tsp. Super C powder

    12 oz. Chicken necks or backs
    8 oz. Ground turkey, hamburger,beef heart or chicken hearts and gizzards
    one egg w/shell
    1 Mega Omega-3
    1 tsp. Super C powder

    6oz. Liver (chicken, beef or pork) or kidneys
    6oz. Chicken necks or backs
    One egg w/shell
    1/4 Cup of ground veggies
    1 Mega Omega-3
    2 tsp. Kelp/Alfalfa mix
    1 tsp. Super C powder

    12 oz. Chicken necks or backs
    8 oz. Ground turkey, hamburger, beef heart or chicken hearts/gizzards
    One egg w/shell
    1 Mega Omega-3

    1 tsp. Super C powder One can sardines
    1/4 Cup veggies
    12 oz Chicken necks or backs
    8 oz. Ground turkey, hamburger, beef heart or chicken hearts/gizzards
    1 tsp. Super C powder
  9. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Here ya go http://www.bowchow.com/dogfeeding.html

    And for your reading pleasure
  10. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Not trying to pick at your post (especially since I really don't know much about raw feeding), but wouldn't it be better for food to take longer to digest? I was always under the impression that the longer it takes to digest, the more nutrients the body can absorb. I'm not saying cooked food or kibble is better than raw. I believe right the opposite as a matter of fact. I just wondered about that one statement.

    Also, right now, I am feeding my dogs a quality kibble and I give them an egg (shell and all) every 3rd day as well as a Glucosamine tablet (every day). For the people experienced in raw feeding, do you think that just adding the egg to their diet is really helping? To be honest, I haven't noticed a difference in anything (stool, apperance of coat, energy, etc), but I still do it. Should I up it to every other day? Also, is it okay to give my pups the raw egg? I have been, and haven't noticed any ill side effects, but I wanted to ask. My dogs are as follows: 7 month female at 35 lbs, 8 month male at 50-55 lbs, 2 year female at 45 lbs, 3 year old female at 45-50 lbs, and an almost 4 year old male at 55-60 lbs. Don't know if that matters as far as the benefits of feeding raw eggs, but there it is. :lol:

    One last thing: Feeding a complete raw diet is pretty much out of the question for me because I currently have 5 ($$$$$) dogs, and will have 2 ($$) more after we move. However, I'd like to try to add more raw food to their diet. If there was only one other thing I were to add to their diet, what would you guys suggest? Thanks in advance.
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Well I am pretty new at the raw feedng diet, but how raw meaty bones, you can get them from the butcher.

    cant answer on the digestive part. And why give the sell too of an egg, now that sounds hard to digest

  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Here is a website with lots of great questions and answers concerning feeding raw.

    Here are a few more interesting articles and websites on feeding raw.
    http://www.naturallypaws.com/pages/dire ... 39&cid=155
  13. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Those are some great site Gina Thanks :y_the_best:

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