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My neighbor said she is gonna sue me

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by RIPbones, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. RIPbones

    RIPbones New Member

    I have two dogs in my backyard (male and female). when my female was in heat i got my male and let him stay in the house.. (i do this whenever my female is in heat)... all of a sudden i heard my window break and I rush to see what the hell happened and I see my two dogs mauling a pit. the window broke because my male dog saw the pit trying to hump my female or something and i guess he decided to break through which seems crazy. I guess when my male dog started fighting the pit my female decided to jump in or something it was a freakin blood bath I wish I knew i can stop such a tragedy. now my neighbors (they live about 4 houses down) are threatning to sue me and im getting threats en everything so I'm guessing I have to move out soon. because the neighbors that owned the pit have a history of run ins with the cops so I know I wouldnt want to rise tensions with them. I feel bad but at the same time it's definitely not my fault.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    If your dogs were on your own property and your neighbors dog came into yours, I wouldn't worry about the thought of them sueing you. No court in the country would judge in the favor of someone who's dog was not contained. If anything, they can be charged with having their dog not properly contained.

    When you have dogs that are not spayed and neutered, you may find this a common problem. Are there reasons why they're not?

    I wouldn't worry about finding a new place to live just yet unless you don't want to live by such people such as these. You and your dogs were not at fault.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I can tell you from recent experience that the whole situation could get very ugly. But you by no means are at fault and cannot be held responsible for the actions of your dogs since they were on your property and it was the neighbors dog who was not properly contained. I to wonder why you have two unaltered dogs of different sexes do you plan on breeding them in the future? :|
    Good luck and keep us posted on how things are going. :D
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If you choose to keep your dogs unaltered, I think in the future I would bring the FEMALE inside when she is in heat instead of the male. A dog in heat will attract every male dog for miles around.

    I agree that the neighbors don't have a leg to stand on as far as suing you goes, but you could have avoided this by having your dogs fixed or bringing the female inside.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I can't help but wonder, what youwere thinking when you chose to bring a MALE inside during the FEMALES heat cycle? I'm sorry, but do you honestly blame the other dog? Thats like setting your daughter outside in a skimpy outfit and posting a sign on her that says "come and get me!" And bringing her boyfriend in to keep him away. Now don't you think other guys are going to come around? DUH!!!

    I"m not trying to be rude here. But it is your fault. You should have had the sence enought to bring her inside instead of him. Male dogs will go to extreme lengths to breed. Including going through windows.

    Its sad that another dog got hurt in the process, and yes the otherdogs shouldn't have been out, but you can't rely on everyone else to take care of YOUR business.

    My suggestion to you is get them both fixed, and consult with a lawyer.
  6. RIPbones

    RIPbones New Member


    no I don't plan on breeding them because I have a rottweiler (male) and perro de presa canrio (female) and I think i should get them fixed after i pay for my new window.........
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think that is a VERY good idea. Your dogs will be happier and healthier after their spay and neuter. Many vets will set up a payment plan if you can't afford it all at once. There are also many low cost spay/neuter programs out there - contact your local shelters and ask, and they should be able to point you in the right direction.

    I'm glad your dog was not hurt jumping out the window. Don't forget that your girl could very well be pregnant, even if the other dog was only with her for a short time. Your vet should check her, and you should seriously consider terminating the pregnancy if she is pregnant. Discuss it with your vet.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Very smart idea.
  9. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Technically the incident is not your fault because the pitbull should have been contained, and should have been neutered by his own owners especially if he often gets loose. However, it is in part your fault for creating the situation. This is a prime example of what can occur with un-fixed pets. Walt, are you reading this :wink: ?
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think this post is fake, I really believe it is someone trying to get everyone angry about "mean dogs" no one would leave a female outside and take the male inside. And especially since the said the neighbor had a pit bull and they have a rottwieler and a presa canario and neither one of them should ever be just tied up out back, or whatever was said.
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I also wonder how real this post is....and I wonder also the logic about bringing the male inside rather than the female - hell the male probably went through the window to get at the female in heat rather than at the pit.

    And maybe the pit was contained...could have been the scent of the female that sent him into that hormonal thing that caused him to get free. Could have been many things...but having a female in heat outside with 2 intact males in the area was not a wise choice.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I do think it's sort of nice, though, that when a troll comes here most of the time they find civil tongues and calm advice. Makes them go away faster that way. We're just no fun! :p
  13. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    I think the post is real. For every dog there are two not so smart people. Give them the benefit of the doubt and keep in mind some people need constant monitoring for the betterment of all concerned. I have to say over the years I have pull some real dumb stuff that I would never tell someone as I am sure all of us have. It's just that we have enough scents to keep it to our selves.
    As to here getting sued well she could lose.
    I remember reading about a case of a new car in a driveway and a little kid playing with the gas tank cap, short - car boom and kid hurt. Court said because the car was new and flashy and down at end of drive it was attractive to the child. Owner lost.
    Dog in heat left unattended ? Dog on street unattended attacked.
    I mean what if I don't like the color of your hair can I jump threw door way and beat the hell out of you. Girl on your property teases your dog behind a fence. Dog not mean and never bit anyone or anything before.It bites her back of arm 5 -6 stitches. Should you pay ? Court say's yes. She won $7000.00.
    Here the dog would ware the brand mean dog even if it is a fight with another dog and know person was hurt.
    Keep in mind you get sued so you turn it over to your insurance and they decide on how the matter well be handled not you.

  14. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Why would anyone bring the male inside and leave the female outside?

    I could understand this. Females in heat smell. Really bad. They also make quite a mess. It is not fun at all to clean up. So, it is easier in that respect to leave the female outside.

    I also don't understand why all those specific breeds (don't anyone take this the wrong way but you know what I mean - presa, pitbull, rott) are not properly contained. Any dog should be properly contained, but especially those three.
  15. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I agree and disagree. I have five females but only one unaltered she has gone into heat twice and it was rather simple to just put either a doggy diaper or little boys underwear on her to contain the mess. I was so worried about her the entire time that I never even allowed her outside in her enclosed dog run. I would never ever regardless of how stinky or messy allow an unaltered female outside unsupervised. That is just asking for an unplanned pregnancy! Male dogs are so highly attracted by a female dogs scent when in heat that there's not much they wouldn't do to get to her.
  16. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    i do not feel it was his fault as the pit came on his property not the other way around
  17. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I think the poster must accept some responsibility for this as knowingly leaving an intact female in heat outside unattended. The pit may have been restrained somehow must sensing a female in heat would have been enough for him to possibly dig his way out of a fence or chew his way off a rope...we don't know that he was just running free - he might have been in a fence like the female dog was.

    People need to take responsibility for their irresponsible actions...for every action their is a reaction - and even in a case like this.

    Anyone who is going to leave an intact female in heat outside alone is asking for trouble from neighborhood intact male dogs - simple solution get the animals spayed/neutered....but obviously the poster doesn't even want to take responsibility to do that.
  18. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I tried the underwear thing for my dog. She took them off so that was sort of pointless. I wasn't trying to say there was any excuse for leaving her outside when she is not properly contained and there are other male dogs around that are not properly contained. Just some of the other posts were saying how unbelievable it was that the poster left an unaltered female outside in heat. Well, I do that so it doesn't seem that unbelievable to me. Have been for 6 yrs and no problems. I'd bring her in if we had a problem, but since I don't where I live, I prefer her to stay out.
  19. Angie

    Angie New Member

    My brother has 3 inside dogs. They get along great and they are all female. When one comes into heat, he just keeps her in the kitchen so that he can just mop it up everyday and it wont get on his carpet. Not a big deal and not a problem. Simple.

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