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pray for Ranger

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by someday, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. someday

    someday New Member

    Hi everyone- I know I usually post about my Annie, but today my mom called me almost in tears and told me she found a hard lump on my German Shepherd Ranger's back. I left him with her when I went off to college and he is HER dog now. He is her constant companion and she loves him to death. He'll always be my baby, but I could never take him from mom now. He was diagnosed with spondylosis last year and the vet gave him a a little over a year till it got so bad that he wouldn't be able to get around. We made it to the year mark without too much trouble, but mom said lately he's really started to slow down even with his medication. Of course I don't know how slow slow is, they take a 5 mile walk every day together and he hasn't wanted to walk as fast near the end. The poor dog is 9 years old...hehe. But anyways, enough of Ranger's life story. He has a vet appointment on wednesday to get the lump biopsied. Pray that it's nothing that can't be fixed. I just don't know what my mom would do without him. I think i'll probably get her to come on this board, I think she'd enjoy it..she's the one who made me as dog crazy as I am. ;)
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Sending prayers for Ranger. Hope everythings okay.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I hope the best for Ranger he will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Praying for you, your mom, and Ranger.
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    someday: The lump on Rangers back should have nothing to do with the Spondylosis.

    If I remember back in Vet Tech days Spondylosis is a calcium deposit around the spinal vertebra. If there is any discomfort this can be remedied by giving Ranger asprin. If this isn't cutting it you can have your Vet prescribe more potent relievers such as Rimadyle, Elogesic, or hydrocodone.

    Ranger is 9 yrs old but he's not ancient by no means. This is not a fatal condition. Your Vet made it sound more severe than it had to be. Continue to give him moderate exercise. That's the best thing.

    As far as the lump, I'm guessing fatty tumor. The older a dog gets, the more they're susceptable to fatty tumors. If you're concerned, the best thing is to get it biopsied.

    Don't give up on Ranger yet. I feel like he has quite a few good years left yet.
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Yea think positive, like love da pits said, maybe it isn't so bad!
    But I will think of you guys!
  7. Jody

    Jody New Member

    My thoughts are with Ranger, I have prayed for him already. I hope everything is ok.
  8. someday

    someday New Member

    Thanks for your thoughts everyone
    love-da-pits- I sure hope he's got a few good years left, and I definetely will not give up on him. If something can be done for him, it will be. I know the lump has nothing to do with spondylosis, I'm hoping it's not something else. He's been on Rimadyl for a year now. He's also on something else as he got worse, I forget the name. The vet did make it sound somewhat dire, which was disheartening for us. I didn't know much about spondylosis before and now reading up on it I've found sites that say surgery can be used to help in the earlier stages. This option was never presented to us, only pain meds. But maybe that wasn't an option for him, we'll have to talk with the vet about it. My mom doesn't think it's a lipoma. She's a nurse, and that's what I thought it was, since our old beagle got them a lot. But she says it's doesn't feel fatty, it's very hard and solid. So, I'll just cross my fingers till wednesday.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I also had another thought. Older dogs get abscesses which are really hard to the touch. If that's what it is it will have to be lanced and drained and he will have to take anti-biotics.

    If your Vet suggests surgery for the spondylosis, get another opinion first. Maybe check into some Holistic treatment. The older a dog gets, more risks are involved.

    I'll keep good thoughts for Ranger and for a speedy recovery.
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    my prayers are iwth ranger, and on the positive side, Jake is 7 and a few months ago I found large lumps on his tummy and totally freaked, had them biopsied and they are just fatt benign tumors, that is probably all they are

  11. someday

    someday New Member

    Well Ranger went to the vet today and the lump was a plugged up sebaceous gland, and it burst today. So, very easy fix. :eek: He also got some more meds for his pain, ultram, rimadyl, and adequan injections.
    He should be healthy and happy for when I come in for his birthday party this week. :0018:
  12. someday

    someday New Member

    Well Ranger went to the vet today and the lump was a plugged up sebaceous gland, and it burst today. So, very easy fix. :eek: He also got some more meds for his pain, ultram, rimadyl, and adequan injections.
    He should be healthy and happy for when I come in for his birthday party this week. :0018:
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yay! Glad to hear Ranger is doing better. :eek:
  14. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    :0020: OH! IM so happy for Ranger you and your mom! What a great birthday Ranger will have!

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