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Does your cat give you love nips?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    When petting my chubby little Socks she likes to give me love nips. I think it is so cute. Sometimes, though, she gets a little rembunctious and starts bitting down a little too hard. Then, I have to correct her. She is very good about it and knows to stop right away.

    Mittens, on the other hand, will suddenly think I am a mouse when I'm petting her and will go to bite me or swat at me. No love nips there?

    Sooo, I was wondering if your kitty or kitties give you love nips?
  2. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I don't know if I'd call them love nips or if Hunter is just going banannas thinking mommy a toy.

    One thing that I love that cats do and Hunter does is the head but....it's like they are saying, Ahhh...I love you Mommy...BUMP!!!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Pumpkin nips me when she had enough of my petting her back or belly. Bad kitty, bad, bad kitty. :m10:
  4. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Tash Loooovvveeess to give love nips. They start very sweet and innocent. But, after a few nips, he lovingly prepares to bite a little harder. I've learned to know when he's ready to chomp down (he'll actually set up his mouth around my arm and get ready to bite hard).

    He's still purring and kneeding when he bites down. I guess he doesn't know his own power. But boy, he can hurt!
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I think Rhiannon is really the only one of mine that gives love nips...she usually does this during petting and inbetween licking my arm raw.
  6. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Luna gives love nips once in a while, and she usually uses them to tell me "no," like when she's relaxing and I try to pet her and she isn't in the mood and I didn't get the message from her meow of protest. ;) But they're very gentle and she barely applies any pressure. I look at them as one of the few ways that she has to communicate with me, although she doesn't do it often.

    A couple of times she gave me some love nips during snuggle sessions, and I think they were more affectionate/playful in nature. Although once, she started out by getting my arm skin between her teeth and gently applying pressure, and then she started biting down harder and wouldn't let go. The more I tried to pull away, the harder she seemed to bite down. She was still purring at the time, too. I later found out that I had probably overstimulated her, and she got confused. This was back when she first came to us and she wasn't used to getting a lot of attention or affection.
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    chyanne give love nips but its a lil to hard at times she dosent do it on purpose its hard to explain what she has but its kinda like when a cat gets ahold of one of those skink lizards and their head gets turned to the side but on her she was an inbred cat (poor baby) and she has her head turned to the side and when she is eating or drinking it looks like shes shaking her head no she cant hold it still.... so when she gives me a nip i dont mind it... but if she gets a lil to hard ill say her name and she lets up a lil bit.. cause u dont have to be petting her if she wants attention and u ignore her she will nip ur arm and meow at u to get ur attention to... shes to cute......

    sassy on the other hand she will get ur attention by nipping ur nose no where else but ur nose she loves to do that when ur asleep....
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Thanks for your responses. My Socks also does the head butt sometimes. That is cute, too. I'll put my head in front of her head and she'll press her head against my forehead. I have heard that that means they love you.
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    my dog gives me love nibbles :p
  10. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Does this look like a love nip to you?


    I strongly discorage his love bites because they turn into rather rough playing quickly.
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    :0023: Footsie, you should've entered this picture for the photo contest. Maybe the next one under "Most frisky cat photo contest." I love this picture! :love_y_t_much:
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL Footsie! Perfect picture for this post! :eek:

    I have friends who have cats that give head butts. It's so cute. I have never had a cat that did this. :m13:
  13. footsie

    footsie New Member

    When Footsie is in the right mood he'll do the head butt thing. Or as I call it "extreme nuzzling".
  14. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    :shock: thats scary!!
  15. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    lol at you picture footsie. Looks like that would be a wooper of a love nip from your kitty. Cute picture. If I let my Mittens give me a love nip, she would probably draw blood (just kidding).
  16. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe doesn't give love nips, but she does give "I'm-mad-at-you-for-leaving-me-and-going-on-vacation" bites. I got one of those when I returned on Tuesday. She did it all while purring loudly and rubbing against me. Luckily I pulled my hand away quickly enough to only get a scratch. :x
  17. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Hope you had a good vacation, halaroo. My two kitties are pretty good about us leaving them for awhile but they are sooooo happy when we get home. They crave for attention.

    Our black kitty, Smokey (now in kitty heaven) would get mad at us when we went on vacation. He didn't try to bite when we got home but he peed on our luggage that we sat on the floor in the living room after bring them in from the car. He was definitely trying to tell us something. After that, we made sure we didn't put the luggage in the living room anymore.

    Smokey didn't give love nips.
  18. Onibubba

    Onibubba New Member

    I wondered about this. Azrael and Asuka (new kitty) both like to sit on my chest facing me (one at a time - they do not like to get loving together) and when the purring is at a peak, they will gently bite down on my nose and just kind of hold it.

    That's the only place though - no bites on arms or hands.
  19. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    Sign inside the door in my apartment about Goliath:
    "White cat with black spot on head and black tail bites. Pet at your own risk. This is not a joke".
    He's a biter for sure..but I think they're love bites since he will lick you and then slowly take whatever body part is there into his mouth and bite down. He's drawn blood a couple of times. ...I wonder if that's why he ended up at the shelter...? Aww...but I love him anyway. :)
  20. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    yup my jazzy chews on my hand when i pet her...like a monkey lookin for bugs...its like she thinks i have an itch or something..she uses her baby teeth in the front to just keep nibbling..but the 2 kittens..just bite..luckily they stil have their baby teeth.

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