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She died...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KittyTales, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    :cry: :cry: :cry:
    My best friends cat got put to sleep today.
    She got cancer last week somehow and but it wasnt that bad.
    But she just could not see her stuggle so much because she was doing bad today so it was time to put her to rest.She was still young 7 years old.
    What could have been the possibility for her to get cancer?

    P.S. Even though its not my cat I'm still crying badly about her.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    she probably has had the cancer for awhile...I don't think cancer would overtake a body in a week. It's still a shame though...very sad.

    And there is no way to determine where cancer cells come from. What kind of cancer? What part of the body? Could have been so many things.

    Like people who get cancer....why? Smoking is one thing to blame but I've known many people who have never smoked a day in their life to get cancer too.

    It's something that happens - a hard thing yes but it does happen. One of life's hard lessons...the ones that suck. But they didn't let their cat suffer and that's a good thing - they didn't ignore her illness and let her get sicker. They sent her to forever be at peace and with no pain and that was a kind thing for them to do for their cat.
  3. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    The cancer stated in her leg.Theres no smoking in her family either.Fly's have lots of bacteria on them right?I know that her cat loves chasing them.What if she ate 1 and got cancer.Maybe.(I hope I dont sound stupid)
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry for the loss of your best friends cat. :cry:
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm sorry your friend's kitty was put to sleep. :cry: Your friend must be so sad right now. The only advice I have for them is to just cry and let it all out. I cried for a week straight when Handsome passed away in May. It's just so sad to lose one of our fur animals. :(
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    IM very sorry for your sadness as well as your friend. Here is a very nice poem that was sent to me when my dog Izzy passed away. It was very comforting for me.

    A Pet's Prayer

    To Those Who I Love & Those Who Love Me

    When I am gone, release me, let me go-
    I have so many things to see and do.
    You must not tie yourself to me with tears,
    Be happy that we had so many years.
    I gave you my love, you can only guess
    How much you gave me in happiness.
    I thank you for the love you have each shown.
    But now it is time I traveled alone.
    So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must,
    Then let your grief be comforted by trust,
    It is only for a while that we must part,
    So bless the memories within your heart,
    I will not be far away, for life goes on,
    So if you need me, call and I will come.
    Though you can not see or touch me, I will be near.
    And if you listen with your heart, you will hear
    All my love around you soft and clear.
    And then, when you must come this way alone,
    I will greet you with a smile and "Welcome Home".

  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm sorry about your friend's cat. :(

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