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PLEASE advice on selecting a new puppy, shihpoo or maltipoo

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by busymommy333, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. busymommy333

    busymommy333 New Member

    I am new here and need some advice on which puppy to choose! I have a small house with three girls and a 2 year old golden retriver! I (mom) wants a new puppy the golden was my husbands (but loves all of us) I want someone to sit in my lap and love on me and my family.

    The choices are Shihpoo and Maltipoo!!! I love the curly hair and the softness of thier hair but i am not sure of thier size one will be 4-6 lbs and the other 6-8lbs hopefully? I have been reading all of the topics and see that shihpoo tend to be bigger than expected and not lapdogs at all?

    I could really use some good advice right about now! thank-you
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hi & Welcome to the boards!!! :eek:

    Well, I think they would both make an execellent pet, but, having two female shih-poo puppies myself, I vote for a SHIH-POO!!!

    My hubby and I just love our girls (they are sisters from the same litter) to death! I can't tell you how many times they've fallen asleep on me.. one on my legs and the other on my chest while I'm laying down! They sure are lap dogs, in my opinion :D

    They are extremely affectionate (my little Emma, especially, can't give enough kisses!), smart, loving, playful and sweet. They are such a wonderful combination because they have the smarts of the poodle but are also laid back like a shih-tzu. We ended up with the perfect match: Molly is the "shih".. she is very laid back and has hair much like the shih-tzu... Emma is the "poo" and is always running around until she tires herself out as well as having the wavy hair like the poodle!

    They have so much fun playing together, but still follow Mommy when she leaves the room! :lol:

    As far as the size, that really all depends... you have to take into consideration the size of the parents but also remember that it all depends on what genes dominate (for example, toy poodles were bred down from standard poodles etc..).

    Shih-poos are WONDERFUL and I highly recommend the mix to anyone!
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Poo is right ...shihpoos are adorable ...but you gotta know I would vote for the maltipoo ...LOL !
    Size is according to parents,grandparents ,aunt ,uncle and so on , and the gene they pulll .
    Hybrid vigor ...same theory as in cattle /horses .
    Take two of the same type animal ,crossbreed them to get a more healthy ,robust ,less genectic (if done right ) defective animal ...And with any poo cross ...just plain out darn cute !
    Robust is the key here ...since the poodle does have larger relatives in the gene pool and the pool is more open you will find that any poo cross can be larger than parents according to the gene they pull ...so ,it is hard for a breeder to give a weight and stay with it ..most just estimate
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: Hi busymommy333, and WELCOME to the forum!!! :eek:

    I have two shih-poos myself (they're brothers), and I absolutely adore everything about them...physically and personality wise. My two shih-poos, along with other shih-poos I personally know, are most DEFINITELY lap dogs! Believe me, with my two dogs, it's hard to keep them OFF your lap and out of your face! They are VERY affectionate, playful (with each other, me and others), intelligent, outgoing/friendly, attention-seekers, etc. They just have an all around happy-go-lucky personality, that's the best way I can describe them! :y_the_best:

    I think that statement is true for both shih-poos and malti-poos! Most shih-poos and malti-poos that I've personally seen weigh between 8-13 lbs. And yes, usually bigger than their parents. My two shih-poos, who are a year old, and done growing, weigh 10 lbs.

    As far as which I would recommend, since I have two shih-poos, of course my vote is for shih-poos since I just love them to pieces. However, I've met a few malti-poos as well, and I have nothing but good to say about them.

    If you're thinking about a malti-poo, fully investigate the temperament of a Maltese and poodle, and be sure you are completely comfortable with the personality traits. Same is true for shih-poos, look into the Shih-tzu and poodle temperament, and be sure you are comfortable with those traits as well!

    The breeder whom you will be getting your pup from (hopefully you're not going to a pet store, but rather, buying from a high quality, responsible, and reputable breeder), should be able to help you in explaining more about every aspect of the cross in which you are considering!!!

    That's the best advice I can give you! I wish you luck in choosing your future furry family addition!

    Best wishes, and let us know what you decide!!! :D
  5. teena89

    teena89 New Member

    I don't know what dog you should choose, but we just brought home two shih-poos (brothers). One of them is such a lap dog. Whenever he's tired all he wants to do is sleep on you. I'll take him off of my lap and he'll just crawl back on, no matter how many times I take him off!
  6. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I just had a litter of shihpoos not long ago and tehy are lap dogs ,the same as maltipoos or any other small or large dog if you let them .Alot of people won't or the dog can sense that it not what the person wants ,that is true in any dog ,also in how the breeder is socializing her /his puppies .If well socialized they will be part human baby when you get it and use to people ,adapt well and sit on you all day long ,another thing is the owners attitude about what htey want the pet to be ,like I had a lady not long ago want a dog to kill snakes and rats ,I told her to get a shepard or something like that not a toy dog to put outside to keep snakes away ...
    So ,alot depends on you ,the dog itself and what you both want to happen ...9 of 10 ....lap dogs ,even my bull /Chow mix ..sit there all day ...oh well ...LOL ! Am I back ? cAuse I keep coming after you all visited my site and voted ,I got things to do ...carry me home Calgone or is it away down South in Dixie ? beats me >...LOL !
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    It sure would be nice to have you back and posting again...*hint* *hint*!!! :wink: I've missed having you around and seeing all your posts, you were definitely a valuable member to the forum!

    Whether you're back for good or not, I hope all is well with you and your furbabies (and other assorted animals you have)!!! :D
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Okay, not that you need another vote for a shihpoo... but... hehe... (((HERE IS ANOTHER)))

    I, too, have a shihpoo...my shihpoo is a (ahem) HEARTIER version, considering he weighs in at about 14 lbs! BUTTTTTT he is verrrrry much a lapdog. 14 lbs is still plenty small enough to be a lap dog. He's spoiled rotten and sleeps on our bed at nite...... and takes naps on my lap on the couch on weekends, whenever possible. He's got a grrrrrrrrreat temperment with kids too (as already mentioned)

    I am sure you'd be happy with either...... I don't personally know any maltipoos, but have heard great things also. The one thing that I noticed a difference with is the coat -- seems the maltipoo is a little curlier (at least those that I've seen) and perhaps that might be a factor when you are thinking of daily grooming. I dunno... that's really a miniscule thing to mention, but really the only thing I've noticed since I haven't been around one personally.
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OOOH HEAVENS! I forgot to mention... WELCOME BACK, MALTI! hehe (even though you are denying a return!)

    By the way, mybabyshi... malti has been very very sick lately, so she needs some extra TLC!! :love_y_t_much:
  10. busymommy333

    busymommy333 New Member

    Thank-you to everyone

    Hello to everyone that has replied to my need for help and i want to say thank-you for your advice. My choice has still not been made :( this is a lot harder then i thought it would be! i try and talk to my husband about my choices and he is totally not interested. It looks like i might buy the puppy from the internet which i have never done and i am so nervous but there are no breeders in my area :(

    I like the curly coat of the maltipoo and the smallness of them, but i like the attitude the shihpoo has. i have been investigating both purebreed temperment and i am leaning toward the shihpoo but i like the coat of the maltipoo :lol:

    but thank-you for this site it has been so much help and i like the fact you all seem to know each other :y_the_best:
  11. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Good luck with your decision! Many of us have created pages for our dogs on Dogster... if you click on the "www" in my signature (and several others), you can see pics of my furbabies! :mrgreen:
  12. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    O well I vote 4 the shihpoo too :y_the_best: But if u get a shihpoo make sure u know what kind of poodle is the parent because when I got my shihpoo they told me she was going to be no bigger than 8 pounds. Now a little less than a year later Trixie is 17 POUNDS!!! She still sits on my lap sometimes but prefers the couch next to me now. I think she was mixed with a miniature poodle now instead of a toy. ( I think)
  13. Pavack69

    Pavack69 New Member

  14. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Hey ,I ain't really back ,just I heard Shihpoo paging me ...well...she knows anything ot do with a maltipoo and I am gonna come running ...Am I back yet ? Get a maltipoo ! They are one cool dude !

  15. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh Malti, I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well lately!!! :cry: I sincerely do hope that you're gradually getting better as the days progress! Sending lots of prayers down your way for a speedy recovery!

    Get well soon, Malti!!!!!!!! :love_y_t_much:

    (By the way, I'm glad to see that you can still hear my pages...I miss being able to do that!!! :wink: )
  16. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    I don't envy your decision one bit...been there, done that! :wink: Whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll just love your pup! Can't wait to hear what you decide!

    Best wishes on your decision making! :D
  17. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh trixiepoo!! I didn't realize that Trixie was a bigger shihpoo like Bailey!! I KNEW THERE WAS A CONNECTION (besides the black/white thing)...hehe. I agree...they said the same thing about Bailey - he was suppose to be around 8-12 lbs. (then again, we know there is no such thing as an accurate guess on that). I'm wondering if the poodle was a STANDARD! ha ha ha
  18. BellaPoo

    BellaPoo New Member

    shihpoo or maltipoo

    I'm a new mom to a 10 week old female shihpoo and she is great!
    This breed is truly a lap dog. At 10 weeks, Bell will whine at me to pick her up and put her on my lap....and is prefectly content till I get up. She has a great personality...very spunky, but again, she is still a baby. She knows her place as the dominate female over my 75lb male collie! LOL!

    Personally I've noticed that she does nip & chew more than other breeds that I've had. I've been trying to curve her appetite for my office chair for kong toys.

    If you're having trouble deciding...follow your heart, you won't go wrong. Whatever breed you decide, we want pictures. :D Good Luck!
  19. HebertRT

    HebertRT New Member

    Okay, I'm going to get in on this one. My vote is naturally for the Maltipoo! :wink: Our maltipoo, Laci, is 6 months old and weighs a little over 5 pounds. Her parents are both 7 pounds. Her coat is beautiful -- she's white with light buff ears and a small faint buff spot on her left side. Her hair is not really curly but has a wave to it and I plan to keep it 2-3 inches in length -- I think it looks better and it's easy maintenance. I love her tail that curls over on her back, too. We have kids and she does well with them as well as the big people. She is supersmart and learned tricks quickly. My husband is (or was!) a "big dog" kind of guy, but Laci has changed all of that and he says he didn't realize dogs came so small and cute. He is definitely in love with her! Now he keeps saying he wants us to get another one just like her! I researched for a long time before getting a maltipoo and actually considered shihpoos first and then found the other mixes and settled on a maltipoo -- basically for size and personality. I know that all of the shihpoo owners feel the same for their babies as well! I think that they are really very close and you'd be happy with either. It's more important to research the breeder and look there for what traits are most important for you -- hair, size, etc. Good luck on making this decision -- you can't go wrong either way. And your husband will fall in love with your new furball in no time once he sees how cute they are!!! :y_the_best:
  20. HebertRT

    HebertRT New Member

    Let us know what you decide!!!!

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