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Help, Cat hissing like crazy??!!!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My one cat (Boo) was at the vet for a 12 hour curve (he is diabetic). Usually when he gets home, my one cat Cali hisses at him for a good day in a half. I guess she is mad that he was away & She must smell the Vet on him. So she hisses liek crazy--My cat doesn't give her any thought. ha ha.
    Well, yesturday he was at the vet again for the 12 hours...and when we got him home, Cali hissed at him, was growling and hissing at my husband and I. I also noticed she hissed at me because she saw me pet the cat (who was away). Is she jealous? Is she mad at all of us, or mad at him and taking it out on us? Will it stop soon??
    Why is it sooo bad this time??
    Please write me back--Thanks!!!!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it's probably the smell more than anything. I have one cat that hisses at my dog after the dog has a bath - go figure LOL and that's why we love cats.
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. You could try rubbing each cat down with the same towel, so that they both smell the same. Also there is a very good product called: ComfortZone with Feliway (it's a plug in). It helps cats mellow out. Here is a link with more info.

  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    hey fishexpert, your not funny and the comments on abusing animals can get you banned out of here.
  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    someones fish must have got eaten by a cat today
  6. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Thank you for writing me back. I apprecaite it!! :)
    My cat is still hissing terribily at my Diabetic kitty. :(
    I feel terrible...I don't know what else to do. Usually it only last a day--day in a half, but now its going on 2 days and hasn't slowed down at all. I wiped my diabetic cat with a clean wash cloth (for cats) but I guess I should do that with the Hisser. LOL.
    She just sees him, 5 feet away and she is hisssing!!! He just looks at her, as if he didn't even hear it. (Thank God! I would feel bad if he was scared...you know?)
    Well, thanks for writing, and for your hints/help! :)
    Have a good one....
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Is giving them baths not an option? How about putting a drop of vanilla extract on their backs? I sure hope the hissing stops soon. Poor kitties.
  8. EmmaDrakeford

    EmmaDrakeford New Member

    Hissing Cat

    I have been so worried about my cats, they are 6 months old brothers and were castrated on Tuesday. One - Jake had a complication and had to be opened up and therefore stayed overnight in the vets. When he came home yesterday, Elwood his brother had not stopped growling & hissing at him. Jake has a plastic collar thing on to stop him from chewing his stitches and I hoped that it was only this that Elwood doesn't like but it's not.

    It's awful, Elwood keeps hissing and has also taken a few swipes with claws out at him. I caught him really going for him it is so upsetting I just don't know what to do, will he stop. Has anyone else had this happen.

    Please help

  9. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My one kitty is Daibetic, so (it use to be every week) every month we have to leave him at the vet for 12 hours so the vet can do a 12 hour blood test to test his blood sugar. The cats do not like when another is gone...they get "mad". So they hiss. Usually my one cat hisses at teh diabetic one (because he was gone for 12 hours & because he smells liek the vet) but she has been hissing and growling worse & for longer than she has before. I hope it stops. I say thatyour cats will be ok after a day or 2....its new to them. They can sense the pain and stuff....thatteh other has been through. And they don't like to be seperated!!
    I hope & praythat OUR cats will get over it...soon!! :)
    Thanks for writing :)
  10. EmmaDrakeford

    EmmaDrakeford New Member

    My sick babies

    Thank you so much for writing back and am so pleased to report that the boys are back to normal. No more hissing thank goodness, they are both asleep next to me on the sofa. Jake and his little stitched tummy is sleeping peacefully and Elwood is snoring!!! Can't believe I have a husband and kitten that snores!!! Hope your little one is okay and thanks again for listening.
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. You have to wipe both cats down with the same towel. For example: Rub one cat down with a dry towel, then go over and rub the second cat down with the same towel, then go back again to the first cat and rub him/her with the towel again. You have to go back and forth and do this at least three times. As I mentioned before, the ComfortZone with Feliway is really good. One of my friends has one plugged into each room. His cats have gotten along really well ever since he got the ComfortZone with Feliway.
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    okay...i agree with the suggestions. at the rescue shelter...there is a cat named gizmo who is a high arousal kitty...he doesnt like other kitties...at all. they put a very tiny dab of vanilla on his nose...he just licks his nose...but it masks the smell of other cats.

    sorta similar to venes suggestion. :eek:

    and...what was that post about the fish? uh...im lost on that one... :0011:
  13. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Thank you for writing me back! I rubbed the 2 kittys down with a "kitty wash cloth" thingy and then wiped them both with a dry towel. Did this a few times. It calmed them both & now they are OK! :) Thanks!!!!!! Also, I will have to take my diavetic kitty again in a month, so looks like this may become a monthly ritual!? Hey--whatever works!!
    Thanks for your help & Suggestions!!!
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    good! glad things are better!! :wink:
  15. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member


    There was a not-so-nice non constructive comment made here in this thread. I think a mod must've removed it.

    I'm glad that the kitties are doing okay! The washcloth idea is a great idea (as well as all the other suggestions). These things also seem to work well with new cat introductions.
  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh....thank you lucidity...why would someone do that? thats crazy...oh well...good to know the moderaters are there for those kinds of things. :y_the_best:

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