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Proheart 6 *cross-posted*

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Just passing on info here. I got this on a mailing list I am on:

    Now, if this was an allergic reaction of some sort, perhaps if your dog has had the shot and been fine it is okay to keep using it. The alarming thing is that there is no way to get it out of your dog's system if he DOES have a reaction to it. You are stuck with it for 6 months.
  2. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    I'm in shock! :shock: I feel so bad for this family and what they have gone through. I will definitely not allow this shot for my puppy Bella.

    I'm so glad I found this site. It has been so helpful...a blessing!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Just keep in mind - vets are just people like the rest of us. I do not take anything they say as the gospel truth. I go home and research everything, and/or get a second opinion (and then I still research it).

    Pet stores are also not known for their "safe" advice. Some people assume that because something is sold in a pet store, that means it is safe for your pet. Not so. Rawhide and over-the-counter flea preventives come to mind right away. Heck, you can buy cigarettes in a store and THEY aren't safe, so why should pet supplies be any different?

    The best thing to do about your vet is to find one that you agree with on most issues. Then when something comes up that you know nothing about, you will be more likely to be able to trust their recommendations. I still research, though.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Reading this I'm starting to get that panic feeling again. Both my dogs are due for heartworm preventative in about a month. I started reading negative stuff about ProHeart the very day my dogs got their injections. Luckily they had no problems. My Vets said the same thing Dakota's Vet said, ProHeart6 is safe.

    There was a time when I could give two craps about h.w. preventatives. You hardly ever saw or heard of it. The past year or so it seems like dogs are testing positive all the time. Also we're have a mosquito season from hell this year. Over 200 people have come down with West Nile Virus. They have been fogging neigborhoods for mosquitoes. So I feel like I should still use a h.w. preventative. But I think I'm going with the old HeartGuard that is given monthly. I haven't heard anyting negative from people that has used it. Once this city get a handle on the mosquito problem, I'll probably not use anything.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Saron, pelase do the heartguard and not the shots, I have read a lot of what Jimiya posted and it not worth it.

    I think Wylie had a reaction to her last shot, I think it was kennel cough, I am not going to give it anymore because she is not keenled, doenst go to dog parks and is not around other dogs, only rarely, So I am not taking the chance

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Those of you who insist on getting yearly booster shots of any kind - PLEASE think about getting them one at a time and space them out several weeks apart. The combo shots are REALLY hard on the immune system. Also, only get the ones you need for your area. Personally, I would never get anything beyond rabies, distemper and parvo - and I would discontinue the parvo and distemper after the first yearly booster. Rabies is required by law, but get as few as the law allows. Something like kennel cough is totally unnecessary unless you are boarding your dog, in which case if the kennel requires it, get the nasal drop kind, not the shot.
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    im actually suprised people bother getting the heartworm injection in the first place. when you think about it, getting a 6 month supply of monthly heartworm/flea treatment requires the same effort, or less, than taking your dog to the vet every 6 months for the injection, and on top of that you still have to give the flea treatment. i get kumas heartworm/flea treatment off the net for the same price as the injection [maybe even cheaper] and i dont have to leave the house for it.
  8. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    anytime a new product comes out on the market it is a good idea to avoid it until it has been out several years to really see what the side effects are. as far as vaccines go i agree, minimize the yearly vaccines to every other year or every two. if you can afford it have titers done first. then booster only what is neccesary. i haven't vaccinated my one dog in 3 years cause his titers are high. my new dog who is now 16 months will get her yearly booster and then titered every year. ask your vets how they vaccinate their own pets. the ones i know push the vaccines even every 6 month parvo shots but haven't vaccinated their dogs in years either. just the titers.
  9. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    I wonder if there was a check done for arsenic, sounds a lot like what happen to one of my guys some years back. Guy next door did not like dogs so he would throw some burger in yard with arsenic in it. We went threw weeks of a sick dog and in the end had to have him put down. Test came back showing high levels of the poison in the liver, vet said they would have looked for it in the first tests done had we told him but he also said it might have not shown up on the test at first.
    As to all the shots and poisons you guys give your guys well my Kira is 10 now and Arthur is 7 and I have never gave them any of those chews or pills or shots for heart worm and other stuff. Only thing they get every 3 years is rabies distemper shot and that is only because of the law saying I have to. Oldest guy we had lived to be 14 and never had all that junk put in him, died of old age. I feel sorry for the loss and feel it's the sale pitch given by vets that hooks so many people on all this stuff given to our pets. It's just like the doctors now a days , it hurts take a pill, don't know what it is take a pill. But to give my guys insecticides on purpose no way. To each there own.


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