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can some one tell how many bala sharks can fit in a 40 gal

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Mason, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. Mason

    Mason New Member

    i have a 3foot tank and looking to put some bala sharks in it, so before i buy any i would like to know how many can fit in it.i also want to know wat other fish can be place in it(i prefer fish bigger than 5 inchs). thanx for your help. :)
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    A 40 gallon tank is too small for bala sharks. They get 14" long and need to be in groups of at least 3 (5 - 6 would be better though) and they're very active. So they really shouldn't be kept in anything smaller than 100 gallons (150+ would be more ideal).

    What kinds of fish do you have in mind? Gouramis? Cichilds?

  3. Mason

    Mason New Member

    a fish that is active i mostly like cichlids but they must be preditory( eat other fish) :D
  4. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    You can keep the Bala's in that tank for awhile until you get a bigger one. Some very aggressive cichlids that eat live fish include, Red Devil's, Jewel Cichlids, and African Cichlids, Red Terrors, and Black Belts.
  5. Mason

    Mason New Member

    want does those look like. i dont think they sell where i live.But if you have pics i would love to see wat they look like
  6. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

  7. Mason

    Mason New Member

    i like the red devil and the red terro cichlid but how many red devil can fit in a 40 gal( but i never saw one in the pet store here)
  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    It's not advisable to keep a potentially big fish in a small tank hoping to upgrade later. You never know what can happen and your plans for a larger tank may fall through leaving you with a large fish suffering in a small tank.

    Also, none of the fish you listed are obligate piscivores so they all would do much better with a good quality pelleted food as opposed to feeder fish. In fact, many of them are mainly insectivores & herbivores so feeder fish will provide almost no nutritional value. And in some cases (diseases carried by feeders aside) it can kill them (ie many africans) because their digestive systems can not handle very much protein.

    If you want a fish simply because it will eat other fish, I think you're in it for the wrong reason (that's like saying you only want a pit bull because you've heard it's a viscious dog).

    Not to mention feeder fish get expensive over a long period of time and you are almost guaranteed to introduce some nasty disease to your tank ifyou buy them from the store. I've talked to many people have or have had obligate piscivores and they hated the expense & hastle of always getting feeders. And it's really not worth the effort to raise your own.

  9. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Red devils and red terrors both get too big for a 40 gallon tank.

  10. Mason

    Mason New Member

    i dont want them because they eat other fish i like to see big fish swiming in a tank mostly preditory fish e.g oscars, and i also raise feeder fish such as guppies and molies
  11. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Oscars are insectivore, not piscivores. Sure they'll eat other fish, but it's not part of their natural diet so it's not very good for them.

  12. Mason

    Mason New Member

    so wat fish would one recomend for a 40 gal
  13. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Personally, I would either go with 2 cons and maybe a bristle nose pleco (or some other hardy, small species of pleco) or some Malawi cichlids (you could probably fit 8 - 10 depending on the species). They shouldn't be eating other fish, but they are active and have personality.

  14. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    hmm preditory, well you coud go for a few rocket gars (no one snap on me there not real gars they do not get veryy big) they "eat other fish" ill try and get there scientific name
  15. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    yes i forgot to mention alot get too big for a 40
  16. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    none they get 14 inches long and need at least a 4 foot tank for swimming room
  17. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Yeah, I agree with Fish Addict.
  18. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Also, in regards to which fish to get, a convict would be iight if you don't really care about color, but what they lack in color they make up in personality. Just make sure they you have two of same gender or else you will make the same mistake as I did and have an overpopulated tank of convicts!
  19. Mason

    Mason New Member

    wat a bout piranha,tin foil barbs and lemon-fin barbs :?:
  20. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Not tinfoils cause they can get up to 15'' (even though they grow slowly) so that is a no fa sure. Piranhas get up to 11'' and are aggressive as everyone knows and I don't know anything about lemon fin barbs.

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