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Just Having A Moan...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Nik, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Ok, from day one alls I've done is rant about what a good dog Floob is. Right now he's being the hound from hell and I'm at my wits end with him.

    He started 2 weeks ago just trying me and being defiant, but he goes through fazes like this where he'll be a terror for a couple of days then fine again for weeks. Well this time he's carried on and is getting worse!

    It's just little things but it's driving me mad, to where I'm going out soon cause I can't stand to be around him any longer today :(

    I'l just give some 'for instances'...
    He's never allowed on the bed and had NEVER entertained jumping on it. This morning we came in, from the rain, and he jumped on one side, along and off the other. I shouted 'off' in shock more than anything, gave him his 'down' command which he ALWAYS does, but he leaped off, like he was 4 months old again and knew nothing :x

    Yesterday he ate the cat food. Now I know alot of dogs do, but since day one it's been there and he learned it was a no-no. He lays there ignoring it, walks past it a million times a day, never goes near the cats when they're eating, but when I was in the shower yesterday he polished the lot off. I caught him again last night so did a firm 'no', 2 minutes later he was back there again. I've put the baby gate there this morning so he can't get to it, but he will at the first chance, I know it.

    On his walks he's just ignoring his toys. He LOVES his frizbee but he just watches it fly and walks the other way! Then there's the recall. Since he learned it, he's always come and sat at my feet to have his leash back on. I had to shout him twice last night, and again this morning, so now I'm thinking should I let him off later?

    He just wants to 'rough play' the whole time, mothing my hamds and face even. He's acting like he's frustrated or something, but nothing's changed.

    Oh, and he's barking at EVERYTHING. He would usually bark 2 - 3 times a day if that, now the slightest noise from outside and he's off.

    Like I said, I know they're only small things, but I'm just getting really frustrated and upset about it now. I've been stricter with him today, but I haven't ever let up on his training so I just don't know why he's being such a git.

    He's a year old next week so I guess I'm just scared that this is how he's gonna be. God help us both if he is.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My guess at that age is "doggie adolescence". It is VERY common for a dog to go through this and revert to puppy behavior. Fear not! It goes away again!

    Treat him like the 4-month-old puppy he is behaving like. Put your patience hat on and toughen up your training and your expectations. Toughen up the NILIF - expect him to obey within 3 seconds on the first command and if he does not, he doesn't get what he wants! Walk away and come back and try it again in 15-30 seconds or so.

    Hang in there, Nik!
  3. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Thanks Jamiya :)

    I was hoping it was a faze, it's just with it going on day after day I was losing hope.

    I'll do exactly that, back to basics and tougher with it.

    Funny how a few reasuring words can make you feel better about things isn't it.

    Thanks again.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It should go easier on you since he has such good training to begin with. Woe to the people whose dogs never got trained that hit this stage. :shock:
  5. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Oh my, it doesn't bare thinking about!

    I can see how easy it is to mess up when this is happening too. I'm a fairly patient person and don't shout much or lose my temper, but if I did then I know Floob would have been black and blue by now :lol:

    I walked him to my grandmas on monday with my mum. He was pulling on his leash all the way (he usually heels quite nice and walks through the streets on an extention lead, turning and sitting at the curbs when I say 'road')At one point my mum offered to hold him. She could tell I was getting to where I'd lose it with him. Within 2 seconds of her talking his leash, he wandered out onto the road INFRONT of a car! She dragged him back and held him right close to her in temper.

    Even she couldn't beleive it and kept saying 'what's wrong with him?' lol
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, I often say how I don't see how anyone could have ever been mean to Bonnie - she's such a gentle sweetheart! But Nala.....now there's a dog that could have easily ended up beaten often as a pup if she had gone to the wrong family. Lord knows, I wanted to at times!
  7. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I understand your frustrations, and have been seeing a bit of those things with Rusty at times, too....he is supposedly just a bit over a year, and he certainly does at times act like a rowdy, defiant "teenager". Sometimes when we are out to the park, he will try to act all tough and macho (which in Rusty's case usually just gets him laughed at) towards big dogs, and he'll ignore me and pretend like he doesn't hear a word I say.... kind of how teenage boys sometimes will act independent and defiant when other kids are around, but are perfectly good when they aren't. And, also as with kids, I think as they get older, the thought occurs to them that they DO have the ability to test our boundaries, just because they can!
    So, I guess we can just keep in mind like Jamiya says, and believe that it will pass with time, and they will grow out of it. [-o<
  8. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    the whole time i am reading your post i am thinking, bet this dog is around 12 - 18 months old. guess i was right. all teenage nonsense but this is where the good foundation you have been laying down comes in to play. it will be much easier to deal with these problems since you have done so well with him to this point. he just needs a refresher course. good luck and stay calm. it will be over soon. jsut keep up all the good work you have been doing up til now.
  9. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    Yup, I agree with the others...you've got a teenager on your hands, testing the limits and seeing which buttons can be pushed and just how far. You're right in getting "back to basics" and remember, with patience, firmness and a sense of humor, "This too shall pass"! Just hang in there.

    DammitBeau would never have made it through if I hadn't kept repeating that to myself over and over and over again~lol. He's actually pretty much socially acceptable now!
  10. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Yep I agree with the others, they normally go good for a while then they take a few steps backwards and it's like you ar going through it all again, but he will pick up again.
  11. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Thanks everyone.

    I just read this whole thread out to my partner so we can both get things straight. He has a different take on things to me but now he's seen how my way of training has paid off he's happy to do things my way.

    Floob was a little better yesterday. He gave me a 'wow, so you mean it then?' kinda look when I was firmer with him, which made me laugh and lightened the tension :)

    Thank god for Auspetians is all I have to say!
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Glad you are feeling better, Nik. Floob, SIT!! Good dog. :lol:
  13. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Ohhh, yea, are you preaching to the choir! I bragged about Sarge being so good and learning so quickly.... Yea, right! He acts like he had misplaced his brain! He jumps up on everyone and everything and is not comming when called right away and pullin his leash terrible! I asked Chris if switched dogs on us!

    Speaking of the leash pulling, I never had him do that before now. How do you teach him not to?
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Starting a new leash pulling thread....
  15. Nik

    Nik New Member


    Ok, I just said "Jamiya says, 'Floob, sit'" He looked at me asif to say 'Floob what? You talking to me?'

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