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2 Gallon

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Obelix, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    I like dude412's idea

    2 Gallon:
    2 Guppies
    1 African dward frog

    Does anyone think it would work out with a small UG filter and a bubbler? I thought it sounded neat for a desk sorta thing.

    EDIT: Also, When I asked I ment thrive, not just survive. Thanks!
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    i think guppys might need a bit bigger of a tank and the frog would need a bigger tank and would end up eating the guppys...to make it look real good, jsut go out and hand-pick a betta from your local fishstore that fits what u want in looks.
  3. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Ya know for some reason I forgot how good a betta would look, Thanks for the suggestion. :)
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea, no problem...what color or finnage type are you going to look for?
  5. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    They have some full red ones that turn blue at the tips as their fins grow longer at Ricks Fish & Pets (Pricy store but very good quality and warrent)
  6. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    exactly how pricey are you tlaking about for them?
  7. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Well bettas are a bit more reasonable then other fish, but I think it runs about 8 dollars for a male, 6 for a female. Though walmart only wants 4 for either sex I've yet to have a single fish that I've bought from Ricks to die on me, and I've bought somewere around 30 or 40 fish from them.
  8. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    hmm, wow...around here at petsmart, a male is lik $1.99
  9. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    I would go bigger for the guppies, and its best to have an airator in there for them
  10. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Yea, of course its good :D Best of luck.
  11. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    How big are those dwarf frog things? Are they good or bad addtions to a tank and what do you feed them?
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    African dwarf frogs (not clawed frogs) get about 1" - 1 1/2" but you should allot at least 2gallons/frog. They're nocturnal so don't expect to see them very much during the day, but when they do come out they're really fun to watch (at least mine are). Most will eat frozen (but thawed) blood worms or frog bites. They're not supposed to like flake food, but mine eat it all the time (took me forever to figure out why they where getting so fat :roll: )

  13. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    They sound great, except I don't think that my parents would approve of me having any pet that is or resembling a reptile or amphibian of any sort. LOL!
  14. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Ya know, I thought they were nocternal to when I bought 4 in my 10 gallon but found out they'd become black skirt tetra lunch :x They looked cool at the petstore though :lol: Well I think Im gonna go with the betta and a small UG filter and an even smaller airpump since ive heard bettas don't like heavy current? Thanks for the suggestions and help!
  15. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea, heavy currents can cause the fins of bettas to tear a little....goodluck with the betta
  16. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Why are bettas such popular fish? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question!
  17. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    they are readily available, low in price, dont require big livings spaces, and in my opinion one of the hardiest fish to own. also, they come in beautiful colors and types of finnage.
  18. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i would go with a betta too
  19. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Oh, alright!
  20. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    good luck with the betta
    that would have been my choice too :oops:

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