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Introducing Bruiser!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Introducing Bruiser!
    Bruiser is my newest foster baby he was severely abused by his former owner. When he was found by animal control he had no food or water and had been that way for over a week. He has obviously been in quite a few dog fights and on top of everything else he has demo mange. He is currently listed on the PBRC death row pits. But a great friend Melissa through the Kentucky Pit Bull Rescue is going tomorrow to get him released from the shelter and he will stay with Melissa for a few weeks until I have had a chance to heal and take our vacation. I hear he is a real sweetheart! In fact when he was found he was sharing his bed with his cat friend Milo who will also be leaving the shelter with Bruiser.

  2. someday

    someday New Member

    That poor baby! He's sure lucky to have found you for a foster mommy. I'd like to say I can't believe people would do that to a dog, but I'm sad to say I can believe it since it happens every day it seems. It just makes me sick. Looks like things are looking up for Bruiser and his buddy Milo! :eek:
  3. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    That is nice to take it upon yourself to rescue and save the life of a dog! That is great! Plus, your new pet is cute! :eek:

  4. nern

    nern New Member

    That poor little dog. I'm glad your going to foster her.
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Way to go! I know you will work wonders with this dog and find him a excellent home!
  6. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    GinaH, I'm so happy for Bruiser and am thrilled that you've decided to keep his "pet" Milo as well. It will make his recovery that much easier on him.

    You and Melissa are heros in a very real sense of the word! :m11:
  7. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Gina - Poor littel guy, but i'm sure once he is in your hands he will be feel the comfort just like princess did.
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    He sure is a cutey! I can'T believe you are taking on another one in your condition. Your ribs might be bruised and hands broken, but your heart keeps growing!!
  9. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    GINA ROCKS! You are the best. I love your spirit so much Gina. Bless you for the work you do and bless you for taking Milo too! What a gal! He will thrive with you, just ask Princess!

    P.S. your new avatar is fantastic! Did you take that picture?
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Thanks all IM so excited to be able to help Bruiser and Milo. We just built two new enclosed outdoor dog runs so it will make it easier to alternate during the day and things won't be so hectic in the house.
    Yep I took the picture it's Pinky when she was a puppy. :D
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Gina. Since he was fought, do you think your going to have a problem? He looks like a real sweetie. Poor guy....
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What a handsome boy he will be when he gets fixed up! I love brindle dogs.
  13. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Who knows you never know until you get them home and find out for yourself. Per the shelter he gets along great with other dogs and obviously since his best friend is a cat he has no problem with cats. I have had fosters before that were temperament tested and supposedly proven to not have any animal aggression and then once I got them home there was a strong dislike of one of my dogs. Luckily if there is a problem with dog aggression I have enough room to keep him contained away from the other dogs. He will be with Melissa for a few weeks and she teaches OB training professionally and has many years of experience with this breed so she will do any actual temperament testing and if there seems to be any majors problems other arrangements will be made.
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    way to go Gina :D and how sweet of both of you to take both Milo and bruiser. sometimes no matter how much a person trys to make a dog fight, its just not in the dog.

    and reminds me of a story I saw not too long ago where a zoo bear befriended a cat an0000ey are inseperable.

  15. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Hey, like they say...

    "The heart wants, what the heart wants" or "Love is blind" or

    "A rose by any other..." scratch that, make it "A bear by any other name is a cat" :wink:

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