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please help bought a new budgie with a couple of probelms

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by crippledbudgie, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. crippledbudgie

    crippledbudgie New Member

    Hi today i went to a pet store looking for a budgie to take home with me ,but when i didnt see one that attracted my attention i started to look around the petshop, then i spotted a budgie that was all by itself it was cute but it looked alittle wierd and its price was cut in half so i asked some one who worked there why they had separated it for and it turns out that it was born with no use of his feet and when they brought it out for me to take a closer look at it i instantly fell in love with it so in a blink of an eye he was in my home with me but his feathers are alittle ruffled and his droppings are watery it eats fine and also drinks water and it also flies with no probelm but is there anything i can do for the bird to stop the watery droppings, this bird is really sweet it doesnt bite while i hold it it falls asleep in my hands it is just a wonderful bird so i would really apreciate any suggestions to help this little bugie have a healthier life thankz in advance
  2. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Sorry, I'm not 100% sure but usually thats normal for some of the birds that I just buy and they come home for the first time, they usually stop that after the first week or so. I don't think is should be something very alarming! What do you feed him?
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi this is normal for a new bird the time to have him checked out by an avian vet is when he is sat with his feathers fluffed up all the time when he does not eat and is not drinking.

    Runny poop is caused by a change in food but if you still worried after a couple of days give the vet a call and he will give you some advice or may even want to look him over.

    But aslong as he is eating and drinking and seems generally happy thn i would not worry too much..

  4. crippledbudgie

    crippledbudgie New Member

    hi well today he is doing alittle better but he is always sleeping and is having respriatory probelms so i went to petsmart and bought him ORNACYN-PLUS which is a treatment for respiratory dieases and it also corrects diarrhea but the probelm is that i have to put the treatment in his water and he is not drinking so should a put some of the liquid in a spoon and feed it to him forcefully because if not he will not drink it and only get worse any sugesstiions would be greatly appreciated :lol: thankz in advance my little guy saya hi to even though he cant talk i know he will appreciate this when he is better :D
  5. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Are you sure he does drink, because I used to think that my birds never drank but they actually do but just in very small amounts, I think it has to do with some kind of adaptation that budgies in that wild had to do in the outback. Anyways, on topic, if your 110% sure that he does drink, does it have to go into his water or are you allowed to put it in his food while getting the same results? Don't do it unless your sure, cause I'm just curious!
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi respriatory problems are caused by an infection in the crop this can be treated with just warm water with a little honey in it give twice aday.

    Your bird will be drinking as he would have suffered dehydration if he hasnt drunk anything for a couple of days.

    Put a small amount of water in hs cage and put less of the ORNACYN-PLUS in the water than it says you will then know if he is drinking the water if not then you can dilute it and using a syringe and being very careful you need to hold the syringe without a needle to the left side of his beak and gently squeeze a few drops at a time into his beak and allow him to swallow before giving anymore.

    But i think you will find he is drinking


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