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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by geenamabob, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. geenamabob

    geenamabob New Member

    on monday i was at home and jenny was in my backyard and when i went looking for her she was no where to be found! so i spent the rest of my day looking for her but came with no results. but today i printed posters and posted them all around the neighborhood. shes been gone for a while and im really worried! :cry: thanx for listening cause i think you guys are the only ones that would understand.
  2. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I really hope you find her. I know how awful it can be. I had a dog stolen about 2 yrs ago. Never found him. :cry:

    Are you sure he ran away or is it possible someone stole her?

    Go all out in trying to find her. Visit all your shelters. Go everywhere in the neighborhood and even at like grocery stores, pet stores, etc. Put ads in the paper, talk to all the local vets to get the word out.

    Good luck.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I hope you find her. Maybe you can trying calling your local humane society tomorrow too and report her missing in case she turns up there later.
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    IM very sorry to hear your bad news. :( Maybe if at all possible you could also post a minimal reward for her return. Sometimes that will persuade people to pay closer attention to wandering dogs as well as being an incentive to return her if in fact she was stolen.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Be sure to check all the shelters and animal control in your area as well. I hope you find her!
  6. Brian

    Brian New Member


    Oh man that's horrible! I really hope you will find your pet soon.

    When we brought our puppy home at 2 months old, I trained him by taking him to parks and shopping mall and hid from him to scare him off. He now doesn't leave me for more than 6 feets.

    Good luck in finding your pet.

    Brian & Bamboo
  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    So sorry to hear about your dog. I just wanted to add something to everyones suggestions, if you do offer a reward you might want to put on there something like no questions asked. Maybe it will better your chances of someone bringing her back if she was stolen. I know if someone took my dog I would want them arrested but it is more important to me to get the dog back.
  8. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Ohhhh no, I dont know what I would do if I came home to find my back yard empty. I hope you find your dog reall soon. Be sure to check everywhere like the shelters and Vets. Is she Microchipped and does she have a tag?
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Did she have her I.D.tags on her? Does she have her rabies tag? If so I hope all info is current.

    Best thing to do is like everyone said:

    1. Put up signs (photo) and offer small reward. Talk to kids in your neigborhood. They get around more than anyone. Offer them a reward and they'll spend the day looking, believe me.

    2. Check with Humane Society and Animal Control. Just don't go in there looking, but register her as LOST. They will put discription in the data base and when a dog fitting that description comes in, they call you. Again a photo comes in handy.

    3. If you have a Lost and Found in your classified section of your local newspaper, take out an add. Give a discription, area lost, and offer small reward, and phone number of course.

    Mostly, get a good photo, get it out there, and let people know you're looking for her. GOOD LUCK!! Hope you find her.
  10. HectorLuver3

    HectorLuver3 New Member

    is she/he microchipped?

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