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Traumatic experience

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    So, I let Nala out to go potty before bed, as usual. She usually wanders around for a while and sometimes goes potty. Bonnie didn't want to go out (as usual) so I was giving her some loving until Nala was done.

    I let Nala into the house and see she is carrying something. I figured it was the remains of a nut - we have a tree in the backyard that drops pecans and she LOVES to play with them.

    So I slowly approached her just to make sure. For once she didn't grab her prize and run. She just looked at me warily and spit it out. "Oh sure, a nut," thought I. I reached to pick it up when suddenly I saw....LEGS!! :shock:

    So I leaped across the entire room shouting, "AHHHHH, EWWWWW, ICK ICK OMG OMG YUCK!!!"

    My husband looks up from his computer.



    We gaze at Nala, now chewing.

    "Should we just let her eat it?" says he.

    Nala swallows.

    "Ummm. I guess so."

    I stare at Nala. She stares at me. She tips her head to the side. She serenely licks her butt. She yawns and stares at me some more.

    "You'd better not throw that thing up!" I said, wagging my finger at her.

    Ugh. I think it was a dead cicada. Nasty, repulsive things!!
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    LOL!! :m39:
    My dogs do that sort of thing all the time! Grasshoppers are Pinky's FAVORITE!
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Dogs can be so nasty sometimes lol. Too bad they dont have a fear factor for dogs since they will eat almost anything!
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Just be glad she didn't put it in your bed as a gift. Dogs really think they're being "Loving" when they do that.
  5. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    When we lived in the country, surrounded by woods, in Pensacloa we had a little cock-a-poo named Bilbo. He had an uncanny habit of bringing me "prizes", things he caught in the woods and would lay them on my (usually BARE) feet. He didn't usally "eat" them, but would toy with them like a cat and then bring the sacrifice to lay at mom's feet.

    He'd bring rats, half eaten grasshoppers, one or two snakes...anything he caught and thought would make mom happy! One day he laid a rat on my foot while I was checking the mail..um, it wasn't dead. Never knew I was able to leap tall buildings at a single bound until that day!
  6. Jody

    Jody New Member

    lmao - typical, Jasper likes chewing on moths!
  7. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    Where we live, we are constantly beset by GIANT spiders. I don't like spiders..not even the itty bity little ones. Now, I'm talking about spiders who will chase you down, take away thje broom and can be saddled and ridden variety here. If ONLY I could train one of the Pyrs to be "official spider killer"! Then again, some of these spiders look almost as big as the dogs!
  8. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Just last night, I noticed Rusty bouncing around at something on the floor....it was a smaller sized spider...he jumped and nosed at it, stomped around it until he accidently squashed it with his foot....so he kept nosing it, trying to get it to run so he could play some more....but it just laid there, so he seemed to think "Oh, well..." and ate it! My room mate freak....she said "Don't let him eat that kind of crap!" I told her it's okay, it's not like it's poisonous or anything.
    Rusty LOVES to chase bugs. It hilarious sometimes. He will be flying all over the yard, jumping for flying ones, or rooting around the grass for crawling ones....he's such a little goober!
  9. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    So far the only things Beau, Angel and Arwen seem inclined to chase are one another! Perhaps the too brazen squirel every now and then. I'm on my own when it comes to spiders, unless my husband, the official "spider slayer" is home.
  10. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea my dogs eat insects too...if there are any moths flying around, they will chase them and try to eat them and many times they succeed
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh, yes. We have a heck of a time when a fly gets into the house. The dogs go nuts chasing it around and trying to snap it out of the air with their teeth. I have had to save lamps and other possessions more than once as they hurl themselves at the fly. I can almost see them wishing they had long froggy tongues so they could catch it better.

    They also go after ants on the floor - but half the time they just toy with them! They pick them up and spit them out over and over again, while I am telling them, "Just eat it already!" Saves me the trouble of going for a tissue to kill it myself.

    But the CICADA. Ewwwwwww!!! :shock:
  12. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I've heard of those, but don't remember what they look like...are they a big beetle sort of thing, or what?
  13. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    Jasper like to eat (when he can find them) pincher bugs and ants. I have no idea why but he does. The things that dogs like. Makes you wonder sometimes. :roll:
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL Jamiya...good thing you did'nt pick it up! Yuck!

    Ohhhh! :shock: I would probably faint if I ever saw a spider that large. That is one creature that I can't stand...I'm even afraid of the little ones. :oops:
  15. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lmao! my old dog used to bring in dead rats as a gift, she would be so proud if you petted her, its best if you did, if u didnt she would go right back and grab another one. eww.
  16. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OMG.... Bailey is so "HOME" at this Auspet board!! LOL :kiss_heart:

    He's known for bringing in snails and SLUGS!!!! (snails are bad enough, but SLUGS!?!? OMG!) And usually he runs with it while i chase him -- the score is about 50-50. 50% of the time he is able to chew and swallow while running......... and 50% of the time I catch him and get the nasty thing out of his mouth. argh.. There is nothing like peeling a FOAMING SNAIL out of a very riled up shihpoo's mouth! :0024:

    Okay, Jamiya... what's a cicada?
  17. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Besides rats, one of my dogs caught and killed a bird which was flying low. She was a very sweet, tender girl, but I still felt shocked when she brought up a bird in her mouth. A good thing that I didn't let her kiss me...
  18. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    nern, I have to laugh. We had a friend visit from MN. NEVER been ion s. FL before. We live in "grove" country...the entire area used to be citrus groves, so we get these honkin big "wolf" spiders and "grove spiders".

    Not my favorites among God's creatures, but poor Helen! She went in to take a shower and found one the same way I had (at 4 one morning), in the shower, right over her head!

    She was trying to be a polite guest and not mention it, but she came outta' that bathroom like the hounds of hell were on her heels, didn't take me long to figure it out. We killed the darned thing and the remainder of her visit, she kept waiting for the dead spider's relatives to come looking for him! It's been a year and she's STILL talking about that spider. I had to tell her, it was bot nearly as big as they get.
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We had a wolf spider on the stairs once when my husband was out of town. It was 10pm and I went outside and scanned the neighborhood. The lights were on across the street, so I knocked on their door and told them my problem. The man and his son came over to kill the spider. Whew!!

    A cicada is like a locust. Here are nasty photos of them: http://www.agnr.umd.edu/users/hgic/cicadas/gallery1.html I think what Nala ate may have been a nymph (third photo in the top row). I'd say it was over an inch long.
  20. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    EEEwwww!!! The nymph stage is even grosser than the adult form! Yuck, Nala! Put that thing down!
    We have a kind of spider around here that gets huge by comparison to others, we used to get them a lot in our last house. I don't know what they're called, but you see them a lot around where there's a lot of wood piles, and vegitation up close to the house. THEY are enough to make me freak. My cat was even afraid of them!

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