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Hey Guys i need help with my Bird

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by --blaster--, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    hi.......i was wondering if any one can help me with this question........i just bought a new parakeet bird today at 6 Eastern and she has not moved from her spot or eat or drink........when i look at her she is like day dreaming and sometimes looking at me.........i am really scared that she is sick or might die :cry: can any one help me on what i should do ?

    Thank you.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Welcome to Auspet. :D I don't post in the bird forum, but I saw your post in the general forum and thought I might be able to help. Here is a link you may want to check out. Perhaps it will help. I hope your bird will be okay.

  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi for the first few days after bringing the bird home you will find that she is very quiet and does not do much this is till they adapt to there new surroundings.

    Providing her poop is not very watery then there is no need for concern unless she does not eat for more than 48hours.
    If you are still worried she may have a virus or illness then a quick call to an avian vet will put your mind at ease...

    Things to look out for..

    Very watery poop.
    Not eating or drinking for more than 48hours.
    Sitting constantly with there feathers fluffed up at all times even when you approach the cage.
    Any discharge from the eyes or nose.

    Good luck and keep us posted of how she is getting on.

  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    hopefully she is just acclimating to your home...most pets do this.
  5. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    Yes she does have watery poop but she is not fluffed up shes just looking at us............i dont think she ate though i was sleeping so i dont know she did not drink im ganna hold the bird food and the water on her maybe she will drink.
  6. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    nope she did not want to eat she just runs away from it
  7. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Given her a couple days, every single bird I bought at a pet shop is like that. However, if after a couples days she still persists then post again and update us, o.k!
  8. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    Thanks guys i put a mirrior up so if she dont eat or drink ill post again but she did chirp :eek:
  9. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    She seems to like the music i play on my computer............lol
  10. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    its been 2 days she still did not eat.
  11. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    Ok she just took a sip at her water :)
  12. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I don't know what to say, cause I never see my birds drink but they do drink so hopefully she will be alright!
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Sounds like she is settling in now so you will find she will be eating and drinking well in a few more days good luck and hope all goes well.

  14. --blaster--

    --blaster-- New Member

    thx alot guys :)
  15. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Iight, keep us updated!

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