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Link to pics of the aftermath ****WARNING GRAPHIC*******

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Walt, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. Walt

    Walt New Member

  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    As much as I see and hear about abuse to animals it always sickens me. I just dont know what is wrong with people. :(
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I pray each night because some animal or child, is being abused so. Have mercy on all who can't defend themselves from such evil!!!
  4. Sook

    Sook New Member

    Those pictures make me positivly SICK, right to the bottem of my gut... Gather those dogs were used as fighting dogs.?

    Im constantly paranoid about people in my area eyeing up my dog... Really commen were i live for them to be stolen for that reason.. :(

    Thats really distressing walt, how'd u manage to stumble across them pictures..? :(
  5. Walt

    Walt New Member

    I was just doing some reserch on working lines and thats one of the links that came up. Not exactly what I was looking for !
  6. Cricket2

    Cricket2 New Member

    Were those dogs use for wild boar hunting?
  7. Walt

    Walt New Member

    To tell ya the truth im not sure I never even bothered to read the hole thing.
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Probably not. Probably boar hunting or some other activity. HMMMM why is it that all *abused* dogs must always be dogs used for fighting? I would think if they were fighting dogs they probably would have been Pit Bulls and not some other breed, but that doesn't mean all abused Pit Bulls have been used for fighting either!!!!!!
  9. Shady_Babygurl

    Shady_Babygurl New Member

    Asulted dogs...

    Those are pictures of dogs assulted in wild boar hunting. I am a member of this board. Boars are very dangerous animals. Those are not dogs being fought in a pit. Its aweful that everytime people see dogs chwed up or injured that they automatically assume Pit Fighting. These dogs lost their lives to a boar.

  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah Boar Hunting just like I figured. With the tusks wounds and the dogs being non Pit Bulls and it on a working dog forum. I just get so tired of all the remarks and negativity from people. A Pit Bull was dumped off, it must be a fighting dog, a Pit Bull has a broken leg it was be a fighting dog, thats their mentality. The funny thing is these weren't Pit Bulls. Here is something from another forum.

    I just get tired of ignorant comments. Like this one. People come with BS obviously not knowing what they are talking about living in total oblivian but then try to make statements like this. I just HATE ignorance with a passion. Its not even that people don't know things, its their attitude that I have distaste with. People who degrade others, I can't stand bigotist, racist pigs. Most racist are just angry, bitter people and uneducated rednecks. They turn things into something else, like with this post. Its the same thing everywhere. Kids shoot and kill eachother and they say it must be because of that n****** rap music turning our kids violent, complet ignorance. Everything is the fault of the other races, people who are not white are the ones doing wrongful things! Thats just not true and a really sad sick way to push your problem off on some scapegoat. If some one were to just take one serious look and be honest, well the game is dominently WHITE, hardly any HISPANICS or people of other races period. Some of the old time dogmen were racist themselves, some still are!! White people are not that innocent if I remember correctly it was they (english and irish) who brought these dogs over here along with the pit contest, sorry but its too late to wash their hangs clean of this one.
  11. Walt

    Walt New Member

    I hope main_pitbull's post was deleted for that racial sler!
  12. rio_and_me

    rio_and_me New Member

    Who else is to blame here?
    The irrisponsible breeders who obvioulsly DIDNT check the new homes properly, when breeding any bull breeds there should be a VERY carfull homing program!!!!!
  13. Shady_Babygurl

    Shady_Babygurl New Member

    Working Pits...

    To blame? For what wild boar hunting? I think this is a very respectable sport for working dogs. Pit Bulls are great at it and they LOVE doing it. It is a very productive thing for them to do. I dont have a problem with boar hunting. It gives these dogs a chance to do what they were bred for. These dogs are VERY well cared for MOST OF THE TIME> They are treated very highly. Bad things happen, and yes soemtimes the dog gets injured. Most catch dogs arent Pits but Pits are involved in the sport. I had planned to attend one in April in Texas but I cant now. I couldnt do it with my male, but I would love to see it done.

  14. rio_and_me

    rio_and_me New Member

    So those dogs in those pics lost there lives to the wild boar?
    You go wild boar hunting with your dog?
    How upset would you be if that were your dog?
    I just dont see why you dont shot the things if they that dangerus
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, there was a thread in the old forum. Don't go on about a subject you obviously know nothing about. Wild boars and wild hogs are one of the leading disasters to crops and land. hog hunting has gone on for years. Most responsible hunters protect their dogs a little better than thisone obviously did.

    There are leather guards that protect the dogs. Some dogs get carried away and will go after a whole herd, and turn out like this, and hogs are omnivores and canibles! They will eat their own kind if they see one bleeding. Thats why pig farmers dock the pigletts tails, and nip off the needle teeth (so they don't form into tusks)

    I've seen hogs take down a calf. Thats disturbing.
    They can tear up 50 acres of crops, hay fields ect... in one night.....
    Driving down our road to the house, I see at least a minimum of 20 sows and boars, pigletts included scurrying about. A saw takes 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days to have a litter, litters can range from 15-25 pigletts. U do the math....
    I would pay big bucks to have some one remove them. WE trap, and believe me. If just "shooting" it worked, People would have been doing that a LONG time ago and not using the dogs. For one, they run, and FAST. Their skulls are extremely thick and their skin is tough. Once shot a hog can run for miles, never leaving a blood trail. So it may not die, just suffer. A friend of mine once shot a hog 6 times in the head, and it never fell. Ran. We found it a week later in a creek. Still alive. Whats that tell you.

    As for the dogs. Thats what they were bred for. Yes its sad that some die and get injured. If the hunter is responsible and hunts safely, things like this are avoided. This hunter obviously didn't care for his dogs, he used them for a sport, didn't call them off when he should have, and death was inevitable.

    But for the most part, its a method to rid pests from the farmers that grow your food.
    Out of all my friends, I've only heard of one dog dieing in the past 20 years. (thats of wounds might I add)

    Its rough, but a definate neccessity.
  16. Texas Pride

    Texas Pride New Member

    I hog hunt, I have lost dogs, that apart of life. We take better car of our hunting dogs than most ppl take care of their pets. I have a pit that is 8months old that I am about to start hunting with. he is my best friend. I cant go ANWHERE with out him. It takes a big person to say that hunting with animals is wrong. Hogs are like a parisite, they start out, oh look at the pretty lil piggies and the momma, then turns into what happend to my calves, and then you cant grow hay/or a large crop because theser animals have rutted up 50 acres of farm land in one noght. you cant just shoot these animals, they have one of the toughest skins. Whats worse catching a hog with a dog, and maybe stand o chance of you dog getting cut?(in most cases this dont happen, there are cut vest, collars, etc.. that prvent it) or shooting an animals and it getting away full of holes suffering?? you tell me why not just shoot them
  17. Shady_Babygurl

    Shady_Babygurl New Member



    I think that explained it very well. Texas, you too. People dont understand that this breed was bred for working. Also that they are usually wearing vest and collars to protect them. I have a friend that hunts and his dogs are treated better than most peoples pets. He has NEVER lost a dog and I assume because he was very carefull, and cared enough for his dogs to not let it get that far. Sometimes I guess dogs might be injured, but I think more dogs are probably killed by cars, people, and other dogs more so than hog hunting. I applaud people who are strong enough and wise enough to work this breed as it was bred for. They have a high prey drive and need to do a job. This helps the land owners, the farmers while giving the dogs a chance to do what they were bred for and LOVE to do. My Foolish would run the other way if he seen a wild boar lol but if he was made and meant for it, Id do it in a heartbeat, especially if it was protecting my land and cattle etc.......Very comendable thing I say....Kim
  18. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I also think that summed it up great. Its interesting to read the funny comments like the OP

    Its not done out of fun, they add things in to make these people appear evil or like they are having sick fun by hunting hogs, keeping down pest and providing work for their dogs.
  19. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Yes I did say that True_Pits but in a later post I also said that I didn't bother to read the rest of the site.

    At first glance I ASUMED (and yes I know what they say about people who asume) that the pics was the results of dog fighting.

    After I relized this was not the case I backed off. Not because the pics suddenly made sence to me but because I know less then nothing about hog catching and I realy had nothing pro or con to contribute so I let the thread ride.
  20. Sook

    Sook New Member

    Ok, i've had a few, but im curious, Most people use some sort of chat program, e.g ICQ/MSN?AIM?YAHOO etc.... I do beleive most people have MSN, if anyone does and does have the nerv to add a fellow pbt lover, go ahead, FMJ@helix.net.nz My nickname on there is ¿KoreTaki¿ or something simlar (Cant remeber what its set as), add me - feel free to provoke me with a good old conversation.....

    Sook - to be afriad, and know when your beat.. :arrow:

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