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  4. Live Spirulina

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Hidden Jasper :P

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by SwtBettyLu, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    Today I had to take my son to the optomotrist (however you spell that :shock: ) and we left little Jasper home in his room. And well he was barking when we came back and that is really not like him. So I just thought that he heard my car. So we went into the room and he was nowhere the baby gate was up but no Jasper. And of course he was still barking. So my son and I went into the room (which is not so big there is just a bed and 2 dressers) and I heard him under the bed so I thought he was stuck but he couldn't be there was no way. WELL :| He found a way to get into the twin box matress film under the bed and made a hole climbed in and couldn't find a way out :roll: Oh my gosh it was so funny. I really didn't mean to laugh but it was so cute. so we guided him to the hole he made and he was out. He was so happy to be out and licked us all up and wagged his little curly tail. Oh wow what a day for Jasper, he is now asleep at my feet. Sorry for the long story this new puppy thing is so new to me and I just had to share with other who would understand. Thanks for listening. Have a great day, Ms. Lu. :wink:
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OMG... that IS funny!! :0017: Too bad you didn't get a pic of him poking out of it.....hehe And luckily it was a good story, I can only imagine if you were gone a long time and Lord knows what coulda happened..

    I'm impressed that Jasper gets that much room already! :m12: He must be doing great. :eek: Bailey was in the kitchen/laundry room up until over a year. (Granted, it's a pretty big area).. and I think that was more for MY protection than his. I was NOT going to lose any of my expensive/important things to a "that's just a puppy stage thing".... :) hehe
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    That's too cute...what a Kodak moment that would've been! :lol: Jasper sure is lucky that you weren't gone too long, though!!!

    I remember one time I had been doing some ironing, and I went upstairs to hang up the clothes I just finished. Unknowingly, I had dropped a hanger along the way. Well, I came back downstairs and there was Tigger with a hanger around his stomach. Somehow he managed to put the hanger "on" just right (not upside down). So, there he was walking around with this hanger on him, it was like you could just pick him right up, and hang him up in a closet...I couldn't stop laughing! :mrgreen: (Unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of it b/c I couldn't find my camera...it would have been the best pic! ](*,) )

    Gotta' love the things our furbabies do! :D
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    LOL! that's funny!! I agree, that would have made a great picture!!! Can you just imagine the captions that you could have given to that picture?

  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    No kidding!!! :lol:
  6. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    [b]ShiPoo that would have been too cute to have a picture of :D I tried to get my camera but he was already out by then. The room he is in is my son's bedroom. We took out the carpet in there so we can have bare floor. He only gets to come out when he has already gone #1 and #2 :roll: He has only had (thank god) 1 accident in the living room. So far of course :!: [/b]
  7. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    That must have been too funny. I dont kno how they all manage to get into so many things :lol:

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