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Parvo scare with Bella

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by stravieso, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    My new puppy Bella started having signs of Parvo tonight. She was very down and threw up twice. As most of you know, I just lost my other puppy to Parvo.

    I took Bella to the hospital right away and she got tested for Parvo and it was negative...thank God! My question is, can it be a false negative if she was showing signs of Parvo already. Also her white blood cell count was normal which is signs of not having Parvo. I just saw in her eyes the same look as my other puppy and I'm scared that she might have it and it's not showing yet. She's in the hospital being watched just in case but I'm just so scared.

    Any advice? Thanks, Silvia
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Oh Silvia that is quite a scare. Hopefully she has just got an upset tummy or something along those lines. I can definitely understand why you are worried I would be to. Keep us posted on how she's doing. Best Wishes.
  3. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    Update on Bella

    I picked her up from the hospital this morning and took her to her vet. She is showing no signs of Parvo. She's eating well (a/d diet food) and is playing and biting again. I'm so relieved.

    I looks like it was just an upset stomach. this was so scary!!!

  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Glad to hear all is ok with Bella! I know how scary it can be with a pet that is sick but when you have just lost one to parvo I cannot even imagine.
  5. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Wow, that is a scare, good to see it was - though.
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OMG... I would have freaked... :(

    I'm soooooooo happy to hear that Bella is doing better!! (((((phew)))) :m10:
  7. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    I did freak out completely. I was crying so much thinking for sure this one got it too. I had been so creful.

    She's back to herself today and I'm just so happy. Thank you all for your support.

  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Silvia- Bravo to you for acting so quickly and learning so much about Parvo. You did the best thing for her you could have done. Don't ever second guess yourself on her well being. You are her mommy and you do know your baby, so if you get scared again, take her in. Parvo is not something people should take lightly. Now, that having been said, if she gets a hang nail, don;t rush her in!!! :lol:

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