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Help! My boy just got neutered and is licking his .....?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DogLover, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    My 4-month boy just got neutered last week. He's recovered greatly, and the wound is almost gone. However, I noticed something strange just now. I saw him licking his private organ, and it was aroused!!! I couldn't see clearly, but I think I saw a little blood around his private part. I kept watching him, and it wasn't bleeding.

    Well, it's after office hour, and the vet is closed. Does anyone know anything about my case? Is it normal? My boy kept going back to the licking several times, but I stopped him. What should I do?

    Thanks in advance if you can provide some advice.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi its perfectly normal for him to clean his private area alsong as there is no blood or any fowl smelling discharge then all is well.
    Because the wound is healing it will have started to itch abit like when you get a cut and it starts to heal it becomes itchy this is the same for his wound.

    If there is any sign of blood or discharge contact your vet Straight away and have him checked over..
  3. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    That's right...at about a week is when it gets really itchy. You may have to put an elizebethian collar on him to keep him from chewing at it too much. They sent Rusty home with one on and told me he had to wear it for 2 weeks....but I couldn't stand it and took it off. Luckily he left it alone, but I do hear sometimes of dogs that get especially itchy and can't help but chew, and they really need the collar to help them heal.
  4. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Thanks for your reponse.

    Well, my boy is not licking the wound but his pee organ, and it was aroused like unneutered male. I hope he didn't chew to cause it bleed a little.
  5. Brian

    Brian New Member


    You could put just a little of tiger balm on the fur near his private part . The smell will keep him away from licking it.

    Brian & Bamboo
  6. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Sorry, guys, I have to apologize. I found the reason why my boy was licking his "there." It wasn't because of the wound from neutering. He had scrached himself while running fast inside the house, and I bet he had his lower scratch against the sliding door rail. No wonder there was a few drops of blood. It wasn't serious hit, and he didn't lick it today.

    A big relief to me, but I still wished to thank you all for the prompt responses.

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