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need to vent

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    what a day i had today. I think all my dogs had a little meeting this morning about how they can make me go grey early. It starts with me and my friend going to the beach today, we left the dogs for about 4 hours. This happens every once and a while and when I come home everything is ok. Well today we come back from the beach and I didnt recognize my house!! Paper everywhere! Parts of my hanging on the wall spread all over the floor!! Pee on the Rug! Styrofoam(sp) from something all over the place!! Pillows everywhere! I was shocked! So I put them all outside and cleaned up. About an hour later my friend and I go to see a movie. I decide to put Lana in the crate (I only have one crate at the moment) Lana is the one I last caught peeing so incase it was her who did it on the rug i put her in the crate and let the other two girls out. We come back 2 and a half hours later to find that hurricane Sydney had hit!!!! (Sydney is my 7 month old) I have never seen anything quite like it. All of my mail which was on the coffee table was all over the floor. My candles and these pebble things i have as decoration are thrown all over the house. My coasters, my eyeglasses,my do not disturb sign on my door, my blockbuster rentals all over the floor and chewed on. My mouse for my computor is on the floor with the keyboard dangling by it. My notepad and pen, my hair clips all over the floor. Then I noticed the icing on the cake!!! The little devil managed to jump on my dining room table!!! She ruined my fake plant thing I had that I loved, she brought the pebbles from the coffee table to the dining room table, more paper shreds, and pieces of plant everywhere! What a mess we had to clean. Well I took the little bugger and put her in the crate! I think I know who is going in there from now on. I think I will also invest in a second crate. The only one I can count on is good old dependable Winnie, I can just see her sitting there watching Sydney's destruction thinking "mommys not going to like this". Anyways I just needed to vent, thanks for listening.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Oh, Margo. I've so been there! I feel your frustration! My little angels destroyed a who living room of furniture and all living plants in my back yard. One pair of bi-focal glasses, numerous sun glassess, shoes, socks, cd's, etc. The cost of the damage probably surpasses Hurricane Charlie.

    Just to let you know, blockbuster will not be happy or sympathetic. Chin up, you gotta luv em!
  3. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Time for you to get two more crates! I am sorry to hear your story, but getting more crates seems like the only way to prevent future mess. :(
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Oh my! I'm sorry...sounds like you have a little monster on your hands.
  5. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    :shock: Reminds me of blossom (Our Beagle) Never a peep out of her for 6 months while we went places, she was hoem along for about a 3 hour gap were I and my brothers were in schools and my parents were in school, well one day we came home and I almost walked back out. I wish ya the best of luck, im sure many people feel your pain LOL. :lol:
  6. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    LOL! I'm laugh with you, not at you, really. Angel, unlike her name was NOT alwys quite the proper child. She managed to eat a love seat, knock over a 27" color tv from the stand (thnkafully it was unplugged), ate the cord off the new dvd/vcr combo (also unpluggd) all the throw pillows you can imagine and peed right square in the middle of the carpet. That's when I put her in the playroom with ONLY the love seat and tv stand in it! Angel, you see preferred chewing on SOFT things.

    Beau did his best to eat a cordless phone after what I can only assume was a rousing game of hockey with it, the remote control for the digital cable box, the corner of the coffee table...HE liked to chew on HARD things!

    You should have seen the expression on the cable guys face when I handed over the remote and said "I;m sure you've heard the one about the dog eating my homework? Well, he dog ate the remote control"!

    Crates? Yeah, sure...Beau managed to figure out how to escape on at 14 weeks, while being locked inside it. I finally got smart and turned our screened in porch into "Doggytraz"! Now that Angel and Beau are well behaved, having passed the puppy stage, I have Arwen, little angel that she is! If I have to leave them alone for more than 2 hours, out to the porch they go with a wading pool half filled with water and ice cubes and 2 crocks of ice water. They have a ball, can make a mess and the house stays in one piece!
  7. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    Oh Winnie all I can tell you is it will stop... eventually... your story reminded me of when our Anna was a pup. (the little monster in my icon) I will tell you what she did .. it makes us laugh now.. but at the time I will tell you we were just about at our wits end!

    Now remember she wasn't out side very long each time she went...
    She "ate" :
    3 raised gardens...boards chewed, dirt is all gone!
    2 whisky barrels... see above!
    1 Bar-b-que
    2 Lawn chairs .. the fold up kind
    1 Satilite dish
    1 rake
    1 shovel
    1 hard plastic chair .. still useable.. but with lots of bite marks

    I think there is more but it has been 2 years since she did all this. lol Now she only attacks the cusions off the couch. lol She takes them down and then lays on them LOL

    Our gsd when he was a pup only chewed up a remote control, knocked over the christmas tree 4 times in one season! And broke our screen door and proceeded to kick some butt to (smaller then him) dog that peed on his yard. He got in really big trouble for that one!!

    Our chi is a perfect little angel... I think it is because his little mouth is to small to do much damage! lol
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh no! I feel your pain, winnie!

    Nala *could* be a destructo dog. She chewed on EVERYTHING as a pup. We had to cover up all the seams in the wall-to-wall carpet so she wouldn't eat it. We STILL have a board in the middle of the family room, covering one seam.

    I really think puppy-proofing as much as possible and keeping her crated as long as possible (she started rebelling against the crate at about 9-10 months old) helped. For instance, she used to want to eat shoes. But we NEVER left them out in "her" room (she was gated in). After several months, we found we could leave them out and she would not touch them. (Of course, socks are another matter...)

    So I think part of the trick is to not let them find out chewing on your stuff is fun as a pup and they do better as an adult. Or maybe they just outgrow it either way.

    At least you figured out who it was! I thought it was Nala that ate the crapet and the phone cord once a month or so after we got Bonnie, because Bonnie NEVER chews on inappropriate things. But I later changed my mind and I have a feeling it WAS Bonnie!
  9. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    i am sorry i have to laugh. i know it is not funny now but in a few years when you look back on it you will be able to smile. my golden mix loved to rip apart my clothes. i guess it was my fault for not putting them away right away and just leaving them on the bed. my chow mix ate the plug/cord to the massage recliner right in half. and my son gets pretty mad when scout eats his crayons. countless picture frames have been ruined because the cats try to leap on the fireplace mantle and miss and wind up taking everything with them on their fall back to the floor. nowhere and nothing is safe. i just resign myself to never owning anything of real value. it is certainly not house beautiful but i love my babies.
  10. winnie

    winnie New Member

    My friend has a crate she does not use anymore and I am going to ask her if I can buy it or borrow it. I forgot what it was like having a puppy around. My old dog use to tear everything up, we just have not had an episode like this ever yet with my two new ones. Lesson learned though. The weird thing was when I left the house, before everything got torn to shreds, I remember looking at all the things I had a round the house and thinking to myself "oh they will be fine, they havnt torn anything up before." I think I definitly set myself up for this one. Its so hard to stay mad at them too, they give you that sad face and they know they have been bad, I couldnt even punish them cause I didnt catch them in the act.
    Has anyone ever set up a hidden camera thing before and caught their dogs on tape. I wish I had had one lastnight, I would have loved to see Syd jumping up on the dining room table and walking around seeing what else she could destroy.
  11. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    While the idea of a video camera is a good one, I think sometimes it's best that we don't really know everything the stinkers get up to when our backs are turned. Sort of like our children,~lol
  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Winnie I have so been in your shoes! I have always kept my dogs in creates when not at home or sleeping. But they are such sneaky devils that mine chew up stuff right under my nose. I currently am in need of a new usb cable for my digital camera because while I was sitting at the computer downloading pictures Bluebelle sat at my feet and chewed it in half! And my poor son has learned a lesson the hard way he left his Playstation 2 controllers on the floor and Punkin chewed them up beyond recognition. Not to mention the countless other items.
  13. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    Ya'know...we could probably make a MINT if we could figure out how to establish ins. for pet damages!
  14. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    ooooooh winnie......... that's the craziest thing. :p I bet you didn't know whether to laugh :p or cry :cry: (or scrrrrrrream ](*,) ), eh?? :( I agree... it's going to cost you a pretty penny to replace things, not to mention the blockbuster rentals! YIPES.... =;

    I don't want to jinx myself...so pretend I'm not typing this.... but I guess for now I'll consider myself lucky. Bailey has only ruined a pair of eyeglasses (cost $170 to replace), a corner/edge of the carpet (still not replaced), and "skinned" two kitchen cabinets (also not replaced). Gee... doesn't sound so lucky afterall......... but in comparison!!?? ((((SCARE SCARE)))) :m13:
  15. Jody

    Jody New Member

    I know what it's like, Jasper and Miah were once at that stage as well, and I used to come home to a backyard which looked like a tornato had hit. My plants were all uprooted from their pots and chewed on with the dirt spread all across the back verandah, their own foam beds they had chewed on and it was strewn across the back yard, their water bucket would get up-turned on the verandah leaving a muddy mess with the dirt from the pot plants.....so yep, i know what its like.
  16. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    My husband planted 3 raised bed gardens, the dogs thought they were QUITE tasty! The one that REALLY made hubby mad was the bamboo he was growing, um...guess Arwen thought it went well with Natural Balance? Hubby was NOT a hppy camper over that one!
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he he he.....try haveing 4 little devils!!!! (thank goodness one left!)
    They stay mainly in their kennle run, but lemmi tellya. I have to spend at least 30 minutes a day cleaning it!!!! There's crap all over the place! Especially toys. They can disembowl a teddy bear in no time flat!

    And those indistructaballs, Humph.....not sooo tuff lemmi tell ya.

    Oh I got a wigggily Gigglly for the mars pups...YOu should have seen them!!!! It was sooooo FUnny!!

    Jamiya was the first to test out this new "creature" So she ran up to it and POUNCE!!!!! "HE HE HE THAT TICKLES!!!""" I about died laughing!!!
    Then they all started barkind and taking turns pushing it....Nik was the smart one. HE let them play with it while he cleaned up the treats!
  18. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    Mine still think it's the greatest invention since doggie biscuits!

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