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More Questions About Nutering, please advise

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by mdman126, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member

    hi, as i posted before i am going to nuter my 8 months old pom puppy. today i called the vet to make an appointment to nuter him . the lady who answered the phone told me that there is a risk involved with nutering your dog and that is : he might die from the anesthesia and she also said they have to do a blood test to see if the dog is healthy or not? and that costs an extra $50 which is okay with me.
    but since she told me my puppy might die we are all so worried because we love this little guy, specially the children, they can not be without him. he makes us happy. i was also told he has to be kept culm fo two weeks!!!! how can i do that? he is so hyper he jumps up and down the bed , chairs, goes up and down the stairs hundred times a day. how am i gonna keep him culm? and no i dont want to give him any sedatives.
    so now my concern is the side effect of anesthesia and the after care and also if i take him in should i do the blood test or that is not needed? did you all do it? please help, and if any of you knows a very good vet in Los Angeles who is good at nutering please let me know. thanks in advance
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    =P~ Hi mdman~

    True, there is a risk of him dying from the the anesthesia. However, I do hope that she discussed the slim chance of that happening if ALL precautions were taken to give your dog the proper anesthesia in proper amounts!

    Her telling you that was not to scare you, but rather to make you aware of the slight risks involved. It is the vet's responsibility to make their clients aware of such risks, thus, she warned of of that risk.

    Yes, any well-trained and responsible vet will do a blood panel before surgery. The blood panel is done to test certain levels (in order to choose the right anesthetic and amounts needed), and also to ensure that the animal is healthy enough to go through with the surgery.

    So, yes, if you are interested in helping things go smoother and safer, blood tests are vitally important, and in your best interest to do so. They are not trying to rip you off, they are doing it for the safety of your dog.

    Scroll down to the bottom of this website and read the last section of the article (it says, "Why does my vet want to do pre-surgery blood work on my pet?"), it talks specifically about the reasoning behind the necesity of bloodwork, and words the reasoning better than I did:

    http://vetmedicine.about.com/cs/dogdise ... paying.htm

    Well, I wouldn't say keeping him calm, it's more like limiting his activity level. He'll still be his spunky little self afterwards, and there's nothing you can do about that. But, you do need to keep him confined so his jumping and running is limited. I did so with my dogs by blocking them into whatever room I was in, and not giving them access to things to jump up on. In the kitchen and laundry room that was no problem, but in the living room and bedroom, I had to use a puppy pen since my dogs like to jump on furniture.

    There is a logical reason for limiting your dog's ability to jump on things. Simply stated, you don't want the incision to rip open (BIG PROBLEM), and the limited activity of jumping and running helps the wound heal quicker and easier!!!

    To sum it up, the spaying and neutering of dogs is a very routine and un-complicated surgery that will greatly reduce the risks of health and behavior related issues later on in life. Spaying and neutering is one of the most humane and responsible thing a pet owner can do for his/her pet(s). The risk of your dog not making it through the surgery is slim if done by a well-trained, licensed, experienced, responsible, and concerned veterinarian. I sincerely hope that the little chance of something happening to your beloved pup won't stop you from going through with this important procedure.

    These concerns you have should most definitely be brought up with the vet who will be doing the surgery. Your vet should be more than willing to take the time to sit down and discuss any and every concern you may have! So, don't hesitate or be too shy to bring up your concerns with him/her!!!!!!!! :y_the_best:

    Unfortunately, I can not recommend a good vet in your area, but I hope someone on this board who lives near you, or someone in your area is able to help you find one!!!

    Here are some websites for you to take a look at:

    (There's lots of great info on that page, but down at the bottom there is a little bit of info about anesthesia.)



    Best of luck to you and your pom, and please do let us know how things go! :D
  3. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member

    thanks a lot

    thanks so much babyshihpoo for taking the time to open things up for me , i really feel much much better now. we are worried because when you bring home a new puppy he becomes a part of your family just like a new baby and we are their world and they want to make us happy and so we should take good care of them just like our own babies.
    and yes i hope someone in LA. can come out and recommend a good reliable vet. thanks again
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    mdman... puttin is from the LA area (a few others too).... I'll send her a PM to contact you, hopefully she has some good vet references. :)
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    "Winnie" is also from the LA area... you might want to PM her and see if she is in your area of LA.

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