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Blackie and her babies Pic's

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Blueribbon, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Awe, so cute. The 2 striped ones look just like Annie's kittens.
  3. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Adorable! Blackie looks exausted in the first picture :D Congrats!
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    They are so cute! The last pic of the baby looks like a rat. :0023:
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    They are so cute and tiny. I wish all of them good health. :D
  6. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Hi Blueribbon, they are lovely little babes and a little tabby too just like my Dusty's!! Is this the first time for you with newborns - it is for me and what a learning curve it's been!! If you're new to it as well and want any help give me a shout!!! We are just starting to wean and use the litter tray, the babes are just over 4 weeks old and doing really well, little bundles of energy and joy :)

  7. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    No I've had baby kittens before. My mom and me raised a baby calico once that was only I'd say a day old ( still had part of it umbilical cord attached ). I used to work as a bus driver. On this one day I had a charter and went to go in 3 hr. early to wash my bus. I stopped off at our local mini mart when I went in there was no paper bag outside but when I came out there was this paper bag on the ground. Well the back half was moving so I opened it up and almost puked my guts out, there in the bag was 7 little kittens ( six were dead they looked to of been ran over but there was one still alive ). I took it to the pet shop across the road and they told me it would die ( it was covered in fleas from head to tail ), they said the best thing to do was to put it to sleep. I refused, I went to a few other places ( pet stores and vets ) they all said the same thing. I went back to the first place and said what do I need to do to help it survive. They gave me ( for no charge ) a pet bottle and pet milk and told me that if it lived and when it was weaned they take it to sell. Well I put that Innocent little baby under my shirt and drove straight home. I ask mom " Mom can you save it " she told me that if I can save a baby rabbit I can save this one too. Needless to say we had Kelly Jean for about 7 yrs. ( mom wouldn't give her up ) till I had to put her to sleep. She developed liver cancer and by the time I found out it was to late to do anything. She was fine till she got sick and when they did blood work they found it but by then it was to far gone, that was the hardest thing for me to do she was my moms cat ( my mom died in 95 ) . So Kelly Jean is now in heaven with my mom living a happy pain free life. I had to put her to sleep in 1997 so I had two good years with her after mom died.
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Adorable little kittens. Pretty mama kitty, too. I bet she is proud.

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