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Rusty Found a New Friend Today...!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by pamr61, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Well, you all know how I love to show off my pictures (and see all of yours also!) So....... I'm on a vacation day off work today, so I decided to get together with my mom and go visit my elderly great aunt who I haven't seen in quite awhile. And, just so happens a while back her son bought her a mini pin....
    So. I took Rusty along to meet her, and they had a ball. All kinds of fun things in the yard to explore, and Rusty ran her ragged! My aunt has complained that she drives her crazy with too much energy....and as we found out when we got her, and you can see by the photo's, Maggie is a dog in need of a bit of exercise as well!!
    She got quite workout from the little wildman Rusty 8)

    Oh....also, at one point.....Rusty notice Snow White sitting in the garden looking all smug with her dwarfs all around her, so he had to go bark at her and give her a piece of his mind....

    But all in all, they had a great day....Maggie had never been around another dog, but she decided Rusty was a pretty good playmate---she invited him back to her yard any ole' time!!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Looks like they had a great time. I love the picture of him with Snow White! LOL.
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Great pics! Looks like they had a great time.
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Great pictures they are both adorable dogs...You are so right Maggie could definitely use a little exercise that is the chubbiest little dog I have ever seen! But so stinkin cute!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Great photos! Rusty's tail has a little fringe on it. How adorable! *makes plans to go steal Rusty* 8)
  6. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Yes...Maggie definitely needs someone like Rusty for a personal trainer-- I said after we left the term "mini pin" doesn't fit, she's in no way mini....I think "maxi pin" would be more suited :0017:
    But I did tell my aunt I would bring Rusty around when I could to play and exercise Maggie more.
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Pamr, you are doing such an awesome job with Rusty. He has a beautiful shiny coat (did anyone else notice that?!! :) hehe) and he looks so freakin happy! GREAT JOB MOMMY!!!! :m11:

    I loooooooove the picture of Rusty talking to Snow White. I can guaran-damn-tee ya that Bailey would do the same thing. He loves to "talk" to things too..lol

    and LOL@maxi pin :) hehe
  8. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Yep, he is a talker....and a sasser--he likes to tell things what to do. I've never had a dog that is so aware of things that are replica's of living things...like statues, and such. We went on vacation to Canada a few weeks ago, and we stayed in Hope, B.C. one night...they have all kinds of chainsaw carvings all over the town. ANd it was so funny...Rusty would bark at them, like they were real sometimes. Especially the one right outside our motel door...it was a big Sasquatch...

    he was very concerned about that big thing being right out side our door!

  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I'm with Rusty on the Sasquatch thing. That is one UGGGGGLY guy!!
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    ya.... no kidding!! *I'd* be concerned with that thing right outside the door too!! ((high paw)) rusty :)
  11. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    aww thats the cutest thing!
  12. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Oh, I forgot in my last post to say thanks for the compliments Monsterbailey--- I feel pretty happy with how Rusty has come along. And heck, he ought to look happy!! He is fed the best food a dog could have, I spend a big chunk of money every month to take him to doggy daycare 3 days a week....he gets to go everywhere with me (that dogs are allowed)...I think he scored pretty big that day he just happend to be sitting there on the highway at just the right time for a big sap like me to come driving by!
    His coat has really improved a ton....I don't know if it's because of the raw feeding, the Linatone skin and coat supplement I give him (I swear by that stuff...it's been around for years, and any dog I've given it to has a silky shiny coat), or a combination of things. All I know for sure is that when we first got him, he shed horribly. He had this constant cloud of whirling fur flying around him at all times! But now very, very little.
    I'm thinking about working over this next fall and winter at getting both him and in in shape for Flyball by next spring....we saw a demonstration of it awhile back, and Rusty wanted to get involved in it SO bad.....and he would be great at it...he loves to run, jump, all that. So.....maybe we will both start a little training for it!
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    GO rusty!!!!! he he he. He's just soooo darn cute! Kristi's dad has a Min Pin, Tootsie. She's a little on the chunky side too, but she gets plenty of exersize!!!! I don't get it! The vet says its because she was spayed. I dunno!
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think the spay thing is a myth. Maybe she needs less food?

    I think Rusty would make a totally cute flyball dog! You could also try agility and see which one he likes better. I was going to try flyball with Nala but she couldn't catch a ball if her life depended on it. She is starting to now, though, so perhaps we will give it a whirl sometime! There is a team that practices not too far from us (maybe 30 minutes away) and anyone can go and watch and have their dog try it.
  15. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Yea, the catching the ball part would be the hardest for Rusty to learn I think, but I know he could do it. He is about the smartest dog I've ever worked with.....he picks things up really quick. It took me all of maybe 30 seconds to teach him to jump over a stick one day. Once he figured out I wanted him to go OVER it rather than UNDER, he was of to the races. But I think he could really be good at flyball, someone that knows a bit more than me about it told me that they really like fast short dogs, because the shorter they are the lower the jumps have to be---I don't know how true that is, but if it is....Rusty would be super. He is low to the ground but fast as lightning!
    The day we watched the Fly ball demonstration it was super hot, so we didn't stay too long, but when I got home I went on the Flyball website and found the closest club to me and e-mailed them. The guy wrote back the next day, saying they practice every Sunday down in Tukwila (which is a bit of a drive, but I could do it) They also teach clases in it, which I would definitely like to try first. I still think there is probably a club farther up north this way by me, but I will look into it more when I feel like we are ready. The guy that wrote me said they don't even start working with dogs until they are over a year, so Rusty is just getting to the age for it.
  16. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    You're welcome, Pamr!! It's true... Rusty looks wonderful! :) And I DO remember the story about you finding him in the middle of the highway..... so he's DEFINITELY a rescue story from Heaven!

    And GOOOOOOOOO rusty at FLYBALL!!!!!!! :) Pictures will be required, tho!

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