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to crazyravr

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sphynxluver, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    This is for crazyravr.......

    First of all, they are very much so cats. You would know this if you had ever spent five minutes with one. They are VERY intelligent cats at that. They are the most loving animals I have ever been around, and I just adore them.

    As for your other comment. PEOPLE DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO THESE ANIMALS. You said that what people did to them has bothered you for some time, during that time that it was bothering you, you should have done some research. Sphynx came about due to a genetic mutation. People had nothing to do with the fact that they are hairless. As a matter of fact, the first Sphynx was born to two cats that had full coats of hair!!

    These CATS are born with very little hair. Although they give the appearance of being hairless, they have hair covering their bodies. A very fine peach fuzz, but it is hair nonetheless. They have hair on their ears, their tails, their feet, and on their noses.

    Just as some albino people are products of a genetic mutation, these cats are products of a genetic mutation. They do not choose to be this way, its just the way they are!

    I have a cat at home that I took in off of the streets. Depot is her name. My Sphyns have all of the same "cat" behavior as Depot does, and they all love each other. (Now that they have gotten use to one another)

    The perks of having Sphynx around the house is:

    Although they cause me a bit more work than Depot, I would not trade my kitties for anything! I give all three of them baths at least once a week. I clip their nails twice a week, and clen their ears twice a week. I am constantly getting on to them about gettting into things, as they are known for opening cabinets and conatiners, but they are the best source of entertainment I have found yet!!

    They run to greet visitors at the front door, and love their "people". I don't know about you, but all of this sounds like cat behavior to me. They use the litter box and purr louder than any cat I have ever known.

    I am VERY passionate about my girls, and feel that they are The PERFECT breed of kitty!!!

    Any questions you may have about the breed I would be happy to answer for you. I would also be willing to set straight any other misconceptions you may have about the breed!
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Nice, informative post, Sphynxluver. I would probably not have stated it so thoughtfully (and calmly)! :eek:
  3. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    I would hate for anyone to misunderstand me...

    I absolutely adore my kitty... Depot (the one with hair) however, the Sphynx breed holds a special place in my heart and always will!

    I do however love all kitties!!

    Alot of people are misinformed about the Sphynx! I am just here to help SPREAD THE WORD!! LOL

    They are all my babies.... as a matter of fact, my fiace and I had to purchase a bigger bed two weeks ago because they were trying to move us out of our own room!!!! :)
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Great info. I love the part where,
    Do they shed peach fuz :mrgreen:
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Cheers to you! I can tell you're a great mom (dad? - one can never assume) to these girls!
  6. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    I am the PROUD MOMMY to my girls!

    Did I mention that they LOVE to go for car rides. They perch on my shoulder while I do dishes. (One at a time of course) and they give lots and lots of kisses!!!!

    Thanks for all of the kind words ladies... and gents...!
  7. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    And, as for peach fuzz shedding LOL, I will let all of you know, if and when this becomes a problem!

    LOL :) :mrgreen:
  8. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Nicely stated.

    By the way, I've been trying to get my cats to enjoy car rides for years. No matter what, they hate it. I envy the fact that your kitties like going for rides!
  9. crazyravr

    crazyravr New Member

    Dont get me wrong here... that was just my opinion. But I bet there are a lot of ppl who share it they just wont say anything hehehe :)

    When I said those are not "cats" what I meant was is that this is not what a cat is supposed to look like... thats all... I know you must love them otherwise you would not keep them. Its like a mother loving their child no matter how "ugly" and telling everyone how great that kid is ;)

    As for keeping those things.... :y_the_best:

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