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Tuesday is the big day - MOE'S HOME!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Well I'm feeling a bit better about the whole thing now. I looked at Moe's teeth and they really do need a cleaning. Still - I'm worried, even though I'm sure everything will be fine. I was able to get out of a commitment I had tomorrow evening so I'll be able to spend the night with her afterwards. I was dreading going out right after picking her up and that was really adding to my stress!

    So wish us luck (I'll need it too - in order to be able to get some work done while she's at the vet!). I'll post updates as I hear. So thanks ahead of time for listening and humouring me!!
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. Is there any chance you could ask the vet or his/her assistant to take pics of her dental cleaning with your digital camera? It would be such a great post! This is for Moe from me (be sure she gets it) :arrow: :kiss_her:
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Good luck halaroo. I'm sure Moe will do fine and hopefully you will too. :wink:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Good luck Halaroo + Moe!!! :love_y_t_much:
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Well I brought her in this morning. I was all fine up until I had to say goodbye. Poor girl just didn't understand why I forgot to give her breakfast this morning (and why I took away her food and water last night)!

    Thanks for all the good wishes. I didn't read your message last night Chessmind. I so would have asked them to take pictures if I'd thought of it! I did smother her with kisses this morning though!

    They are sending me home this evening with teeth cleaning supplies and a demo. I just hope she lets me do it!

    Thanks all!
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    :x I just called the vet for an update. Apparently they are just starting the cleaning now. They had some emergencies this morning that pushed their schedule back. Now I have to wait until later to find out about her and I can't pick her up right after work. Poor baby - stuck in a cage all morning. :cry:
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor Moe. She must be scared and starving. I hope they let her have a few drops of water at least. :(
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm happy to say that Moe is home and doing well. She's very groggy but she's actually been eating! The vet said she probably wouldn't eat until tomorrow, so that's good. I got a toothbrush and paste as well as some gauze to brush her teeth at home. Chessmind - any idea how often I should do this? I forgot to ask the vet, duh.

    So there were no complications, no extractions. The vet tech said she thought Moe was the cutest, friendliest sweetie, until she tried to give her the needle. They were all sitting around petting her while she purred and head-butted everyone. Then the tech took out the needle... Moe turned ape. They ended up having to hold her down - all 4 of them. They really should know this by now as it happens everytime!!

    So here's a picture of my groggy, but happy to be home, babygirl:

  9. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad to hear that Moe is fine and did'nt need any serious dental work done. :eek:
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Hooray! :eek: I'm so happy Moe did well and is home eating! She sure is a darling! :mrgreen:
  11. footsie

    footsie New Member

    I"m sure shes glad to be home. :eek:

    And even though she doesn't know it, she's happy to have clean teeth. :mrgreen:
  12. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm glad everything went well with Moe. I'm sure she is very happy to be home with you. Thay is a really cute picture of her. :m33:
  13. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Does anyone know why her pupils would be so dilated still? I've never seen this before, and my mom doesn't think it ever happened with her pets after teeth cleaning.

    Other than that - she is eating like a pig. I've given her 3 (small) servings of canned food already. She seems to want the dry stuff but is having trouble chewing it.

    ... I will call the vet tomorrow morning if her eyes are still dilated, of course.
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. I'm glad Moe is all right. :D You can brush her teeth 1-2 times per week. You don't have to do it every day. You may want to call your vet and ask him/her how often they feel she needs her teeth cleaned at home. You may want to start by placing your finger in her mouth and just rubbing her gums and teeth with it. She's not going to like it. Then after she is somewhat okay with this, wrap your finger with the cotton gauze the vet gave you and rub her gums/teeth with it. The final phase is to use a small child or special cat toothbrush and try to either brush her teeth once a week for about 1 minute or twice a week for 30 seconds. It sounds like a short time, but when your Moe is putting up a fuss it will seem like forever.

    As for her pupils being dilated, this should go away within 6-8 hours. If she still has dilated pupils tomorrow, just give your vet a call and let them know.
  15. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

  16. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe's eyes are back to normal today. I kept getting up last night to check on her (I'm a paranoid freak!) so I'm quite tired. She didn't want much of her breakfast this morning, but I'm assuming that's because she ate so much last night.

    I take her out every morning while waiting for my ride. This morning I had to coax her to come outside with me. I think she thought I was going to take her somewhere evil again!

    In addition to her having a sparkling clean mouth, the final price of the cleaning was much lower than originally quoted! :eek: Now I will be certain to brush every week (at least) to ensure her smile stays its brightest and whitest! :mrgreen:

    I'm thinking of documenting my journey of teeth brushing with notes and pictures. Assuming, of course, that I don't lose a finger or two.
  17. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i'm alittle late i know, but i'm glad things went well anyway.

    the dialation should go away, it's just after effects of the anesthetic.
    i was a vetrinary assistant for a year, so i know a few things-- even helped out in a couple surgeries and did some dental work myself.

    i hope u have her on solid food now? or maybe u did before i dont know heh

    solid food helps keep their teeth clean too. depending on if u feed her solid or dry would also infulence how often u should brush them.

    did u know there is also flavored toothpaste now? :)
  18. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thanks for the advice EternalFlame!

    Unfortunately, there are now further complications!!! Moe ate as soon as we got her home. She was trying to eat her dry food, but she was having trouble chewing, so I fed her canned food. Yesterday she was almost her normal self, but she wouldn't eat breakfast. She sat and waited for it as usual but when I put it in front of her she just sniffed it and walked away.

    When I got home from work she was sleeping and looking lethargic. When she did get up she would sit near her litter box and look uncomfortable. I figured she was constipated, but it turns out she has diarrhea.

    I've called the vet. They said that happens sometimes and I can bring her in if I wish to get something for it. I would rather not yet as she is still drinking water and going through periods of acting herself. I don't want to stress her out further by taking her to the vet again. She seems comfortable most of the time.

    I will try feeding her something bland at lunch and see how she handles it. Fingers crossed that things get back to normal by tomorrow! My poor baby!
  19. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Oh - EternalFlame, I mainly feed her dry food. She gets a small amount of canned food every morning, and eats the dry stuff all day.

    I bought some chicken flavoured toothpaste from the vet. I haven't tried it yet (see post above for reasons). I will once she's feeling normal again!
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    Halaroo, I'm sorry Moe is not feeling herself. Would giving her Pedialyte help with hydration? I hope she eats better soon!

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