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I need Cats!! Or a neuclear bomb!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. So Saturday I was dusting my furniture in my shop (I'm working on getting a house, so all my stuff is in boxes and furniture is in the big shop)
    Anyhow. Its been there for a year, and I keep my clothes in there in the dresser and hanging next to the washer and dryer.....
    So Saturday I got some clothes out and put away some others and dusted and the usual up keep of your ANTIQUE furniture!!!!
    I knoticed that I was a little low on the mothballs, so I added some mre and reset m ouse traps and layed out a couple of boxes of mouse poison....

    All was well and Kristie was with me.....

    So last evening I got home and went to go get the iorning board and iron my new blouse for work today..... SO I opened the door and there was stuffing EVERYWHERE, foam, feathers....shredded paper, and clothes...
    I thought, What in the Heck! SO I walked in and my BRAND NEW mattress had a HUGE hole in it. I could fit a baskett ball in the middle of my bed! (the bed styed setting up in normal position so the wood wouldn't warp and get scratched) My dresser is about 8 ft long and has a huge mirror with side shelves and stuff on it....the left hand side had a hole big enough to put my head in. right through the corner and around to the side. I pulled out the bottom drawer thinking something was going to jump out at me, but there was nothing. Litterally!!! They had chewed right throught the side of the drawer as well!!!! My clothes were shreded! I opened all 7 draweres and in each and every one, was torn all up and eaten, shredded and urinated on....

    All my boxes had scratches on them and holes, adn my stuff was all strewn out about the shop floor! My jewlery box is antique and stands up on a stand....the whole bottom of it was clawed and chewed out...half my stuff out of it is missing. My good jewelry is in a fireproof safe, so I diddn't loose it, but my necklaces, bracelets, and some other of my buckles, (fake)rings, and stuff were all missing.
    What ever it was climbed up on my clothes rack and peed and pooed all over my hanging clothes. Most had come from the cleaners so they were in a plastic bag. But not all of them!

    So I'm left baffled. All the mothballs, not one is there! They ate all the rat poison, and my mouse traps are missing aswell!!!!

    How is it that in two days that could happen!!???!!!! Granvel thiks its a raccoon. But coons don't chew. They do however steal shiny things and will rip mattresss and stuff. But can't chew like the wood was. HE thinks that a possum or squirrls got in there and chewed all the stuff up and then the coons found it and had a play day! So I've got about $10,000.00 of irreplaceable heirlooms and personal belongings INCLUDING clothes!!! ruined!!!!
    Not to meantion the 50lb bag of dog kibble gone!!! They left me the bag though!

    Soooo I'm down and out today. Very upset my stuff is ruined. Some of it came from my grandmother who passed away last November....now ruined.

    I need cats. I need some of the wildest meanest cats ther are!!!! Anyone know of any feral cat rescues around the Houston or Columbus, TX area, please let me know!!!!
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Wow. Sorry to hear that you lost all that! I'm sure it's very frustrating.

    I just wanted to say that if you adopt any cat from a rescue, you'd have a mouser in your hands. (Although, I don't think cats often get racoons - racoons are too fiesty). I wouldn't worry too much about the cat being wild. I'm pretty sure most cats have the killer instinct.

    But, we had a couple mice pooing all over our counters and getting into our food. After about two days of that, we found a dead mouse in the cat's bowl.

    Since then, my cats have gotten maybe 4 mice in the house. I haven't seen any since. So, a cat may be a good idea! (Just don't let it get into the poison and etc.. you left out for the critter. But, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that!)

    Good luck! (I wonder what creature caused all that destruction? When we did have the mice, I don't think they were capeable of more than what they did - get into some things, but not really destory anything)


    I just noticed that this was in your furniture shop. How would you work out keeping a cat there? Would it stay there full-time, or go home with you... etc.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ack! I'm so sorry, Sams! I know it's not the same, but will your insurance at least cover some of the cost of replacing items? (Even though it sounds like most cannot really be replaced.) :(

    Whatever it was is probably dead now after eating rat poison, don't you think?
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    thats horrible, sounds like raccoons to me to do that much damage

  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    i know how you feel sams at my old house i heard a noise in the garage and when i went out there it was raining styra foam (my christmas stuff was stored in it) so i went and bought rubber maid containers and my daughter and i and all 3 cats i had at the time and Nala went in the garage to change all the boxes well there was tons and tons of field mice i opened a box my daughter screamed (scared the hell out of me) and ran in the house well my wonderful cats followed her lol Nala was chasing them trying that was really funny then i figured out why my washer and dryer was moved sometimes nala would crash into it trying to get the buggers.

    Now i have moved and Oscar (my cat that ran in the house) brings me freaking dead rats and lizzards all the time but he couldnt' get them out of my old house lol
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my guess would be squirrels...and family of them. My BIL had a family living amongst his fine wool sweaters a couple of years ago - sweaters had to go bye bye along with his x-country skiing socks. They trashed everything in the drawer they were living in

    and a cat usually won't hunt too much in new surroundings...I'd look for all possibly entry possibilities and do something in the aspect. My BIL found the attic fan/vent thing had a space just large enough for a squirrel to get into so he had to block that up and no more squirrels.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm in the shop daily. I had Tom there. We just bought this property. About a year ago. We didn't get insurance because there's no house on it and only a shop. We would have to Homestead the shop which meant remodeling the inside "living" quarters, and that was going to cost a fortune! I know not all cats have killer instints!!! Especially my mothers cats! They'll just look at them, and then go back to sleep!

    I don't know. I hope what ever did it is dead. They ate each and every mothball in the place!!!! All the rat poison was gone, and There wasn't one mouse trap in thw whole shop. The shop is about 2500sq ft.

    My question is....where's the dead body(ies)?
    The kindo f poison is the kind that it makes them VERY thirsty and they go drink, get a drink and as soon as the water gets to it, BOOM. They're dead. So I have a bucket of water sitting on the middle of the floor. NOt one dead body. THere isn't any water around for a while. Except for the ditch and the creek and both are empty. And where are my mouse traps???
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LMAO! They STOLE the mousetraps?! I think a nuclear bomb might be the way to go after all...
  9. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    WOW. :shock: I'd suspect Sarge, but he's here! I caught him chewing on a GLASS candle holder that my youngest "angel" knocked off of a table. Nice. No ER Vet charges in my future! Are you sure you don't have Gremlins? Holy cow sams. I'm so sorry!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I don't know. THe clothes were fine. I can replace them. But my dresser. Show supplies. Saddle girth, feed and dog food, the halters. jewelry, all that is what got me. Then I found the box (a rubbermaid storage plastic box) that had all my grandmthers scarfs and quilt.....that got me.
    They even knocked down my 38"TV!!!!!! Luckily it was sitting on the ground so it didn't land on anything, and break the glass. BUt it did crack the plastic on one corner.
    I know it was probably many things. The poo was definately that of a coon or large opossum. But what chewed? Granvel thinks the possum or coon came in after the rats and or squirls destroyed everything. He said they probably grabbed the dead mice in the traps to eat them and hauled them off. Or they went for the peanut butter that was on the traps, it snaped on them, and they ran off with it on them.

    Granvel is down there moving stuff. Throwing out all the broken glass, and sorting through everthing. He found a HUGE pile of pears behind the dresser. Said there had to be about 500 pears back there. SO pack rats or squirls are definately a culpret. Now the house plans are in MUCH MUCH faster motion!!!! If only we had the money.

    It'll be a few months till we get the drilling rig going and produce a few good gas wells till we see any money.....but I can still look and plan!!!
  11. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    Sounds to me like you had a pack of starving land locked beavers in there who brought along all the mice and coons they could find to have one heck of a party! I'm so sorry, I know what it's like to have something
    ir-replaceable damaged. :(

    Check out the yellow pages in your area, they SHOULD show a reputable antique repair place that insurance SHOULD pay to have the items repaired. We have a local gentleman who repaired my husband's great grandmother's Duncan Phyfe dinind room furniture. He did a wonderful job, matching the mahogany and the finish on the claw feet for the table (he had to make 2 new "claws") as well as the china cabinet. You would never know the repair was made.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm picturing the dwarf cottage in Snow White with all the woodland creatures pitching in to help clean - only in reverse! :(
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well I think as long as we put the left side of the dresser on a wall in a corner somewhere. You'll never be able to tell. But we will have to rebuild the drawer.

    Granvel went to go get more rat poison, and some live traps. He said not to get cats or let smokey in there. It'd be our luck they eat a mouse thats eaten rat poison.

  14. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    I have personal preference to dogs over cats and I think you well find that a Jack well keep all small rodents out of your house and yard.

    2pyrs :wink:
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh I'm sure they would!!! Thats just what i need, More dogs!!!!!
  16. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Hmm What's one more dog. Do you have to much when you go out and buy a new couch and keep the old one for your pets to use or you take the room your son had before he left home and make it into a personal room for the dogs making sure to put a king size bed for them to sleep on. Hmm I think I might have to many dogs but I guess I could just add a new room onto the house, oh yea I am doing that right now. Could it be to many when you go out and have to buy two 60 lb bags of food and then at feeding time count bowels and heads and place a water bowl in each room. Bath time takes all weekend and you start Monday brushing and finish on Friday. You still have to spell words like cookie,walk, or go for a ride.


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