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Help! I need somebody... (but really, I'm serious!)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Chibimaru, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Chibimaru

    Chibimaru New Member

    Okay, I went up to an Island for the weekend and my dog, a pomeranian Shitzu i THINK got pregnate, but i'm not sure, how can u tell? :?: :? if you could IM me, that would be great:

  2. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Did you see the male and your dog hooked up? I really don't think there is any way to tell so soon but I'm not an expert on pregnate dogs. Maybe you should call your vet. How old is your dog? If she is very young pregnancy can be dangerous.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    You think your dog got pregnant? Did you know your dog was in heat? Did you see your dog mating? If she did mate the only way to know for sure if she is pregnant is to take her to the vet and have the appropriate tests done. If you knew your dog was in heat why did you not keep her properly contained so that she was not so vulnerable? How old is your dog? Is there some reason why she has not been spayed?
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Everything I wanted to say Gina...

    Theres a reason Spay and neuter is available.....use it!!!! Someday, people will get it through their heads!!!
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    don't ya feel like your beating your head against a wall ](*,) when it comes to spaying/neutering and unplanned matings/pregnancies in cats and dogs.

    Doesn't it ever occur to people that if you don't get your dog spayed and you don't pay 100% attention to it when it's in heat chances of it getting pregnant are really really high.

    Take your dog to a vet and have it checked - have the litter aborted and the dog spayed. Enough unwanted puppies and dogs in this world without adding more.

    It's not that difficult of a solution...and unwanted dog and cats pregnancies not that difficult to prevent. Be a part of the solution - not a part of the problem.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    First off i would like to agree with having her spayed.

    Now there is noway of knowing if she is indeed pregnant there is a blood test she can have done at 21days after she was mated this can give a false positive result.
    At 35days an ultra sound scan will show any developing whelps but this is noway any guarantee she will carry them too term.

    Dogs can also have what is called a phantom or false pregnancy where there brain tells her body she is pregnant when indeed she is not she can go on to show all or some signs of pregnancy again this is not good for her.

    Having her spayed will stop the risk of something like this happening again and also reduces the risk of health problems like pyometra, mammary tumours ovarian cancers and other cancers.

    If she is indeed pregnant you can still go ahead with spaying her she will thank you in the long run.

    If she is pregnant and you go ahead and allow her to have the litter then consider this.

    The risk of something going wrong is high in all animals the risks are.

    1 she may lose the litter during pregnancy and not expel the whelps which will then decompose resulting in a very sick dog which if not noticed and treated immediatly she will die.

    2 if she does carry the litter she may have complications resulting in the loss of the litter during labour or even die herself. Would you be able to tell if all afterbirths are accounted for would you know the first sign something was not right and she need to see a vet ASAP.
    The killer after whelping is Eclampsia and pyometra this results in lack of calcium and either dead feotuses or afterbirth being retained in the uterus and both are deadly.

    3 If all that goes well can you cull any pups that have cleft palate water on the brain, limbs missing or have any other deformities.

    4if mum was to die or she would not take care of the litter have you got the time to bottle feed every 2hours around the clock keep them warm aswell as help stimulate them to relieve themselves.

    5 Has mum been health checked, is she upto date on her vaccinations, is she upto date with her wormers.

    6 Do you know her full family history do you know what kind of dog the male was.


    No-one is judging you but when you have an intact female extra care should be made that she is never left unsupervised at any time while she is in heat and for a further 21days after her heat finishes.

    Dogs are pregnant for 63-67days and anything can and probably will go wrong during this time...

    I have bred dogs for years and trust me things do go wrong i am lucky as my dogs get the best of everything from food to veterinary care before during and after mating and pregnancy..


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