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off the subject anyone have pix of hurricane charley????

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i know this is off the subject but does anyone have pix of hurricane charley aftermath???? ive visited some of the places hit and have taken pix of the beaches and my neighborhood and punta gorda but havent been anywhere else....
  2. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    I will have pics available in a couple of days. I am still without power, and will be till Monday they say. My neighborhood got hit pretty hard. It looks like a war zone.

    AND... If someone could please STOP THE RAIN, so we could get our town cleaned up, we would appreciate it! :lol:
  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ohhh i know the rain is never ending.... im sick of rain....monday night it got bad here i was driving from lehigh and had to pull over cause of the strong winds rain etc... and had a bolt of lightning come down maybe 10 yards in front of me and blew a transformorer very very scary i talked to my brother the whole drive home and kept asking if charley had come back 1 more time....we have our neighboorhood pretty cleaned up so far all the ppl came together and pitched in and helped... good luck on cleaning everything up i know how hard it is rain or shine....
  4. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ok took me ahile to upload them but this is pix of punta gorda....





    this says "charley punta gorda will survive thanks to the people"


  5. vene

    vene New Member

    OMG! I guess I have a lot to be thankful for! I'm going to give hugs and kisses to my family, furbabies included of course!
  6. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    u know its weird since this hurricane came though and ive seen most of the places it has hit i have had 3 dreams where it wakes me up at night about it and my house looking like that and losing everything....i seen pix on t.v. etc... but when i actullay went and visited thses places my heart just sank its nothing seeing it on t.v. compared to seeing it in person thats why i asked 4 ppl to post their own pix cause the pix on t.v etc.. only show certian locations not all sooo....its definatly sad thats 4 sure... and to think i posted on a yahoo message board about anyone w/ pix and u wouldnt believe the ppl that were saying rude things like ohhh florida got what they desrved etc... and that we r stupid 4 living here knowing year after year we can get hit by a hurricane...but the main thing that got me was ppl saying that most floridians r trailer trash ppl w/ no $$ and the ppl that lost their homes that lived in trailers r stupid 4 wanting another trailer when its gonna get blown away again that florida ppl r just looking 4 $$$ i dont understand how ppl can be so rude it dont matter where u live there are always natrul disasters everywhere....
  7. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    I myself live in Kissimmee Florida. We got hit VERY hard also. I could not locate my digital camera, so I used a disposable one to take pics, and have not had time to get them developed, but will get it done this weekend.

    We suffered minor damage to our home, but my family and I realize how very fortunate we are. Our neighborhood was in shambles. I just moved down here from Kansas City, Mo. a yr and a half ago. My fiance lived here and after seeing our ice storms in the winter, and the damn tornados that hit in the spring of 2003 (on of which nearly killed my sister and I) he decided to move us down here.

    Natural disasters happen no matter where you live. We had an F-5 tornado destroy the area I lived in in Kansas City. We did what is in humans nature to do... We picked up the pieces and rebuilt. We stayed strong and helped our neighbors get through it. We moved forward as a community. This is what we will do as Floridians as well.

    To those out there that have negative things to say about those that live in Florida..... I have traveled all over this country. I was born in California, and now live here. Florida in one of the most beautiful states I have ever been in. If Florida is such a bad place, then why is it that families save up for YEARS just to bring their families down here for vacations? As for people that live in trailers... Sure some live in them because it is a cheaper way of living, BUT, there are a large amount that live in them because the lifestyle is simpler.


    Wow.. look at me going on... I do apologize, but it really ticks me off to hear that people would have these types of things to say about people that are going through what we are her in Florida.

    When I moved here over a year ago, my mom cried.. she begged me not to go.... I told her that I wanted my childrent o be able to experience things growing up that I didn't get to.... She asked "Like what?"...
    Let me tell you what my two children have experienced since we moved here....
    My 8 yr old caught a bonnet head shark while fishing. He has also seen dolphins swimming in their natural habitat. He has been in a boat that was surronded by manatees. (it took 45minutes before they got bored with us and moved on, but they were awesome to watch!) they have both gotten to swim in the ocean and watch the sunset on the beach!!
    They have both seen alligators in the wild. This is just to name a few of the things they have experienced...
    AND.... Both of my kids were outside xmas morning wearing shorts and tank tops!! Thanksgiving day, we were on the coast swimming OUTSIDE!!
    I think I forgot to mention, I LOVE LIVING IN FLORIDA!!!!

    Okay.... sorry again to ramble, I just think that it is crappy that people would actuallytry kicking at us while we are down! We are a strong community and together we will get through this!!
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Yeah, I know what you mean about taking really bad raps. We get it here in Buffalo NY year after year about the cold weather, snow, blizzards... all because of the blizzard of '77 when 13 people died and the one that got away 4 times- no superbowl wins, poor Bills. :( But I still think it's one of the best places to live- skiing and boating in the great lakes just to name a couple. And don't forget the Buffalo wing contest were people from all over the world come here for fun. The other thing is the earthquake fault line in PA. We may get nailed some day too! :mrgreen:
    A lot of people are just plain mean and mouthy. It makes them feel better to put others down. This is from my own experience. Lots of my family members (not immediate family) do it. Yep, just ignore what they say and be proud of your community!
  9. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i agree... when i read those post i didnt even bother writing back to any of them.... i think i did to 1 but i wasnt being mena just told them that no matter where u live things happen.... but.... i know what u mean about be lucky and thankfull... my neighboorhood was hit by maily tornados soooo but still u can look outside by side window and see a house w/ a tree in the roof and then down the raod w./ a house w/ its roof almost gone and then mine which is missing a few shingles.... and we need a new roof bad and were supposed to get one the week the hurricane hit so they didnt do it and we didnt think our roof would hold up but it did.... but then my moms freind who lives 5 min away her house was almost destroyed... its horrible... but we r all helping each other and thats the good thing that came outta the whole deal....but its like me ive lived in florida my whole life and i do love it here i wouldnt wanna move outta the state outta ft myers to tell u the truth the area i live in isnt in the major city but not in the country either its just right and just min away from the beaches my fav. place to go.... just to sit and read my animal books...lol while my son builds sand castles etc...lol its just soo relaxing....good place to get away.... but one of my very good freinds lived in kansas city mo. almost his whole life but moved down here like 5 years ago and is always going up to visit thats one of the places i would love to go along w/ ground zero in n.y. and have had many of chances to go all over the place in a semi w/ my freind but just cant get away from my babies long enough to go now if i could load up all my animals and go hey im 4 it!!! as a mattr of fact i turned down a trip to the keys this weekend cause i didnt wanna leave my animals...lol

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