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I know, not related...but need help...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. I'm getting freeked out. Seems my bad luck is following me everwhere!!!
    I got outta be yesterday morning and there was blood on my pillow and all over my face. (coming from my nose) So I didn't think anything of it. I fugured Granvel might have accidentally bumped my nose in my sleep.
    So I got to work yesterday and it started bleeding for absolutely no reason. Then again it did it about 2:30 while I was typing to yall, and again on my way home.

    Now about 10 minutes ago it did it again....

    My nose doesn't hurt, I can't seem to find a visible source of where its coming from.....

    Back up ~ little history here~

    I had two sinus sergeries in the past 5 years. The firston my left sinus under my eye, then the second two years later on the left, right and double sinusitis in my fore head.....

    I had nose bleeds for about 2 days after each surgery, so that was normal....

    Some guy told me his grandma started having nosebleeds for no reason and they found out she had a brain tumor.....

    Now I'm freeked out!!!! I've had migrains severly all my life. Since I was 2. I've had somany catscans, x-rays, and mri's you'd think the radiation would have made me glow by now.....

    any ideas what could be causing it? I'm really scared now!!! Not to meantion my new blouse Granvel supprised me with that now has a trail of blood on it!!!
  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Get your butt into the Dr. now! You know, like we tell the other pet owners who are worried....(hint hint)
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, Sams, I think you need to see a doctor. No need to freak out about a brain tumor - could be just related to your previous sinus problems. Please do get it checked out and let us know!
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Sams when i was young if you looked at my nose it would bleed it was really bad to where it would come out my tear ducts in my eyes the er got so used to me they would treat me in the waiting room and they would carterize (sp) it this was terriable as a little kid they light this stick thing on fire then say hold still we are going to stick this up your nose YA RIGHT of course they blew it out first but i figured it would still hurt but it didnt. Finally my mom took me to the doctor when i didnt have a bloody nose (after about 3 years of this) and i had an exposed blood vessel in my nose one of the main ones so they carterized it and i still get them once in awhile but not to bad.

    I also passed this bad thing on to my son he used to get them all the time for no reason thank god they have different ways of cartizing now i dont think he could handle they way i had to do it. but i take him when his nose is not bleeding and they cant find anything i guess its way way up in his sinus so they cant see anything luckly i think he is out growing it. great now that i talked about it he will probely get one every time i say hey it's been awhile next couple of days here we go again lol.

    you should go to the doctor and have them look it is probley something really simple good luck and let us know
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh, I got nosebleeds all the time as a child. My dad did, too, and both my children do as well. Come to think of it, my husband did, too.

    I still get some, but not as many. However, most of the time it is caused by something like blowing your nose too hard - or in the case of children, picking their noses! Sometimes they start for seemingly no reason, but not often.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my son suffers with nosebleeds and I've had him checked a few times. We are told to bad a little bit of Vaseline up into the nostril to help soothe the mucus membranes...it does help
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I meant dab not bad (my bad)...also a saline nasal spray helps too
  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    MaryNH- My ex husband always got them too and his Dr. told him about the vaseline thing too and it worked for him.
  9. Angie

    Angie New Member

    My brother used to get nose bleeds all the time. Now he doesnt really get them that much at all. Not often at all. But I was told it was because he had tubes in his ears.
    I have no idea if that could be the cause of his nose bleeds but thats what I was told.
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    humm my son also had tubes in his ears and his tonsils and adnoids (sp) out he also has a cateract in his right eye and lazy eye he is basicly blind in his right eye but you could never tell if you watch him.
  11. Angie

    Angie New Member

    tonsils? *shivers*
    I almost died when I got my tonsils taken out :(
  12. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Don't get too freak....most of the time it's NOT anything that serious. Is it especially dry down there right now? That can do it. And allergies can be a cause too. The vasiline thing is the best thing to try first, but do see a doc if it keeps up.
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah, Its been pretty dry. Its just now starting to rain. Strange..

    I got anotherone on my way to make the company bank deposites....I'm going to try to get in first thing Saturday morning. Granvels getting pretty freeked. He calls me a Freek, I'm always hurt, in the hospital, sick....the whole 9 yards!
  14. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    Sams... does your family have a history with high blood pressure? Have that checked even if you dont have that history. The vessels in the nose are the easiest to pop. And if you have high blood pressure that is where they pop first. Just have it checked to be sure. :y_the_best:
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If I were Sams, I would have high blood pressure. Although, if I were Gina I think it would be even higher right now. :|
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    NO.....actually my blood pressure is always very low. Freeks the Drs out every time....till they look at my records.

    About the family history though....Thats a tuffy. My mom and real father were both adopted! Yeah, wierd.....but I don't know my biological family. Im the first born, so I'm the guine pig of the famiy!!!

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