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Does anyone have a bengal cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by tmountain, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. tmountain

    tmountain New Member

    Hi to everyone Im pretty new here. I was wondering if anyone here has a bengal cat. I am thinking of getting one but need more information from someone who actually has one. thanks
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. There are a couple of people here who have Bengal cats. They come here often, so I'm sure you'll be hearing from them. :D
  3. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    ask lynnhaz!!!! shes the bengal lover....!!!!
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :shock: :shock: OH DEAR....DONT GET ME STARTED...I WONT BE ABLE TO STOP :shock: :shock:


    hi tmountain...sorry...i get a little excited when i talk about bengal cats...cant you tell?

    well...vene has one too...her name is rene. my bengal kitty is max. he is now 7mos. old and weighs 7.4lbs!!!!! (the reason i celebrate is because he didnt grow for the longest time). well...i love bengal cats. and i love max. he is very beautiful on the inside and outside. he has a personality that doesnt quit. he is an "in your face cat". in psychological terms...he has no boundaries.... :p

    lets see...maybe i can tell the story in pictures!!!

    :m10: :qm4: :m37: :m36: :m39: :m33:

    that should do it!!! in a nutshell...loads of energy...time out....calm for two seconds...time out....calm...loads of energy....time out.....

    that was his kittenhood. he is settling down. he adapted to mikey who i just got two weeks ago very very easily. they love each other...bengals get along well with other animals as a rule. he has had some ongoing health issues with diarrhea. but after four months of meds...it is much much better. (as with any purebred...you run the risk of more health problems i think)

    his personality is HUGE!!!!

    BUT!! I WILL ALSO ADD....THERE ARE MANY SHELTER KITTIES THAT HAVE NO HOMES...AND WILL BE PUT DOWN, OR KEPT IN A CAGE. THAT IS WHY I GOT MIKEY... as much as i LOVE bengals...and i really wanted another one...i needed to rescue mikey...and he is absolutely a wonderful, beautiful companion to max. max is a lucky boy...and so is mikey....he has a home now. :wink: :wink:

    here are some pics of my babies



    and mikey....
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    =P~ Lynn and I both love Bengals. They are such a unique breed. My Rene is a marbled Bengal and Pumpkin, Monty, Milo (pics in the photo contest) are domestic short hairs. Personally, I've found Rene to be quite a handful. She's not a cat. She's a little toddler. She gets into the same mischievous antics as my 20 month old toddler. She's destroyed my basement wall panels, bitten and bent my aluminum shades, ripped up my screens, knocked over her Drinkwell fountain and spilt water all over the kitchen floor 3X. She steals the baby's toys and mushrooms and tomatos. But overall, she's a joy to have around. Basically, Bengals are very high energy and maintainence but I would not trade her for anything in the world. I love her so much! :kiss_heart: :m10: She fetches like a dog. Usually my other cats stop fetching toy mice after they turned 1. Rene on the other hand keeps going and going, and going! Bengals are very athletic and love high places. A very tall cat tree is a must! It'll save your furniture in the long run.

    I agree with Lynn. If you get a Bengal, I hope you get one through cat rescues.



    Please do a lot of research before getting a Bengal. A lot of times, people will abandon them because they are very high maintenence and people don't know how to deal with them. I wish you lots of luck and fun finding your purrfect cat! :m23:

    Lynn, I LOVE your pics, descriptions, and emoticons! :love_y_t_much:
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    bellack are you out there??? click on the second link that vene posted....and then look at the second kitty at the rescue, named "tink". she looks just like smokey!!! she is a bengal mix. :eek:
  7. tmountain

    tmountain New Member

    Thanks everyone. lynnhaz your bengals are beautiful. I tried the cat rescue but one website didnt come up and the other one didnt have one near me. I live just outside of Chicago. Id rather do a rescue but would buy from a breeder. This site is great, everyone here is very friendly and I learned alot.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Please check out the above sites Tmountain. [-o<
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :y_the_best: VENE!!


    VENE IS AKL!!! VENE IS AKL!!! =P~ :m11:

    now...you ask...what in the world is AKL??? :0011:

    well...now that you ask..... :m19: ......IT'S AUSPET KITTY LIBRARIAN!!!!!


    :0019: :m26: :m27:
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    You are too funny Lynn! :m39:
  12. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

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