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Cat Licking

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I was just wondering what reason my cat would lick me? Is it grooming, I taste good? What? I don't know, I think it is funny though.
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    whenever i stick my head near my cats they start to groom my hair and eyebrows. maybe they think i need a wash? or maybe they need to satisfy their grooming addictions?
  3. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Hunter is a strange kitty (I am sure we all think out kitty's are strange) LOL...
    He will just randomly, this usually happen in the kitchen though, Jump onto my back and then start licking my hair...strange strange...
    I think when the kitties lick us, they are giving us little kisses to let us know that they love us tooo :love_y_t_much:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Ha ha, not Pumpkin. She licks us when she wants something like breakfast or wants some attention. :m10: My toddler does the same thing. He licks my face before nap time or he licks my knuckles. I think we were watching too many Marineland commercials where the killer whale kisses the girls and he's been wet kissing me ever since. :roll:
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I heard somewhere that cats lick you to get the salt from your sweat. I don't know if that is true or not...just something I heard a long time ago.

    I used to have a cat that liked to lick. My Socks and Mittens don't lick. Socks likes to nip me, though.
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Olive used to grab my hand and lick it while rolling around in ecstasy (sunbeams + rub-downs = one happy cat). Moe doesn't lick, although she often touches her nose to my lips.
  7. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Zoe loves to lick me. The problem is that she has the roughest tongue on any cat I've ever felt. It's like taking sandpaper to the skin. So, I can only take so much until I have to push her away.

    I think she does it out of love.
  8. footsie

    footsie New Member

    When Footsie licks my hands and feet its usually a precursor to a nip, then a bite, then a full scale attack. I think he's testing the waters for if I'll put up with it. Usually its my signal to go get a toy if I want to save my extremities.

    When he licks my face it seems to be more of a kiss. Usually that goes allong with nuzzling and head butting and trying to force his head under my hand so I can pet him. This happens first thing in the morning most days and right when I get home from work at night, never any other time.
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea and sometimes when she is rubbing her cheeks against me she likes to rub her teeth, I don't know how to explain it, it is cute. She has the most lovable personailty, she always wants to be held and hugged!
  10. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I've heard the salt theory too, but I'm more inclined to think it's pack-behavior where it's common for one member of the pack to groom the others. But I also think it's a loving/caring thing as Booger will often nibble my fingers when I'm playing with her, but then she always licks them 'better' when she stops LOL

    Halaroo, Booger does the nose to my lips often! I wonder whats up with that.
  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


    mikey will lick my face...but he does it more when i have when i have sunless tanning lotion on...

    otis used to lick my face, and arms. he loved my face moistuizer and my perfume. although i know he also did it to show affection, the scent is what stimulated his licking.

    armpits too...he did the armpit thing... :shock: :-&
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    :shock: :| :-s :0017: :m39:
  14. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    so was my cat was trying to tell me take a shower? pee eeew you are dirty, I'll clean you since you can'T seem to clean yourself. Just kidding! I hope she does it bc she loves me!
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol... you guys are too funny. both of "yews" :p
  16. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    both my kittens groom me...but not my older cat...
  17. Starry

    Starry New Member

    Pudcat will lick my hands when I wake up in the morning - or sometimes to wake me up. I'm not really sure if this is because he thinks they are dirty - having not been washed for eight hours or so, or if it's because I only stand this for so long before I get up (after which follows food!) and he's just telling me he's hungry.

    Fudgie licks me after we've been playing. By which I mean, I've been trying to tickle his tummy and he's been trying to stop me - we both love doing this and to finish it, he grabs my hand between his paws and licks it. I noticed he does this with Pudcat as well - after they've been wrestling, they will both start licking each other! Perhaps Fudgie sees me as just another overgrown cat in need of some wrestling and licking :D

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